Monday, September 30, 2019
Benefits and Losses upon moving to Canada Essay
There have always been changes upon moving to another place whether it’s within the country or outside of country to abroad. When a person, after many years adjusts in a place his/she’s mind is set and comfortable with everything around him/her. Therefore, if that person moves to another place he/she will face different advantages and disadvantages. For example, I use to live in Pakistan and moving to Canada at the age of 8. I found few advantages in Canada such as the education system, and rules and regulations for all. But, disadvantages were leaving the culture, and the society. About 10 years ago, when moved to Canada, Pakistan was and still is a very slow developing country that had a medium education system even in the high end society. The system in schools in Pakistan were not based on any kind of levels such as academic, applied, and ESL compared to what it is here in Canadian high schools. Pakistani schools’ inside environment just seemed like if you are not in school rather at some tutoring center that only had rooms but no other activities or clubs going on except the sports. But Canadian school’s inside environment makes you feel like if you are actually in school the way it is decorated, different activities are going on, and every student has a locker. In Pakistan, teachers are putting too much of the load of homework and basic work on students no matter what the age, and without caring about how it will effective the student. But, I have seen in Canada that there are rules for teachers to put a certain amount of load on students. However, nowadays Pakistan has developed a better schooling system in high end society just like the British system. As you hear on the news regarding the bribery, and many more frauds happening in Pakistan that includes the government officials but solves the issues by bribing people or using power. There is just so much of the corruption in Pakistan due to the bribery. If you commit a murder and bribe the police then, you can get away easily and the police might just blame it on some poor guy who cannot even for two times a day food. There is just not bribery problem but political religion practices and the laws made. A female cannot just wear a bikini on a public beach unless that female is rich and has power. Powerful and rich people had made their own laws and if someone interrupts then, that person is punished. Some rules and laws are for everyone but are not enforced. For example, if a person is just walking on the road to his work and if police stops you for doing nothing and gives you two option that are to give some money to them or they will put the person in jail in a false case. A poor person is getting way poorer and a rich person is getting way richer. As compared to Canada, a place where everyone can practice their religion. In Canada, a person gets justice no matter who it is, rich or poor. There are different sectors made by the government for the justice of Canadian residents, for example, if you have been mistreated or stopped to practice your freedom and right then there are sectors like Charter of Rights and Freedoms, where you can claim any injustice done to you. There is no bribery or very less bribery as one out of a hundred percent bribery in Canada, therefore, the laws are fair and equal to every individual. However, Pakistan is the best place to live when comes to culture and society as the majority of people that I am more comfortable talking with are in Pakistan. Leaving the loved once around you and all that you have grown up doing will never be forgotten. I used to wake up in the morning by hearing the â€Å"ADHAAN†the holy call for prayer form the mosque on almost a daily routine and then getting ready for school, watching all kind of different people coming to your house for chit-chatting, socially gathering on a daily basis without any appointment, and playing with friends on the roof and all other stuff you are grown up in and with will not b found anywhere else. People helping each other in every little to huge problems, for example, if police came to your house and took you for just an investigation or has put a false charges on you then, the whole society or at least the people that lives by your house will just go and help you in any circumstances no matter its day/night or matter of money. Whereas in Canada, many people don’t even know their neighbours, and if in case they do still no one comes forward to help their neighbours in any circumstances. But since I have moved to Canada, I am trying to be myself but at the same time adopt the society and culture I am living in. There are always good and bad things about moving to another place, for some its good due to certain problems and for others it’s not. In this case of mine I would consider this to be as a good change as I am living in a society with the best education and everything works in an order. Everyone feels homesickness but slowly adjusts to the place they are living in. Therefore, there are always advantages and disadvantages in carious things, for example, the education, rules and regulation in Canada is an advantage for me but, the society and culture I had to leave is a disadvantage. Now that I live in Canada, I consider it as my own country.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Nida and Taber: Formal Correspondence and Dynamic Equivalence
Nida and Taber: Formal correspondence and dynamic equivalence Nida argued that there are two different types of equivalence, namely formal equivalence  which in the second edition by Nida and Taber (1982) is referred to as formal correspondence â€â€and dynamic equivalence. Formal correspondence ‘focuses attention on the message itself,in both form and content', unlike dynamic equivalence which is based upon ‘the principle of equivalent effect' (1964:159). In the second edition (1982) or their work, the two theorists provide a more detailed explanation of each type of equivalence.Formal correspondence consists of a TL item which represents the closest equivalent of a SLword or phrase. Nida and Taber make it clear that there are not always formal equivalents between language pairs. They therefore suggest that these formal equivalents should be usedwherever possible if the translation aims at achieving formal rather than dynamic equivalence. The use of formal equ ivalents might at times have serious implications in the TT since thetranslation will not be easily understood by the target audience (Fawcett, 1997).Nida andTaber themselves assert that ‘Typically, formal correspondence distorts the grammatical andstylistic patterns of the receptor language, and hence distorts the message, so as to cause thereceptor to misunderstand or to labor unduly hard' (ibid. :201). Dynamic equivalence is defined as a translation principle according to which a translator seeks to translate the meaning of the original in such a way that the TL wording will trigger the same impact on the TC audience as the original wording did upon the ST audience.Theyargue that ‘Frequently, the form of the original text is changed; but as long as the changefollows the rules of back transformation in the source language, of contextual consistency inthe transfer, and of transformation in the receptor language, the message is preserved and thetranslation is faithful' ( Nida and Taber, 1982:200). One can easily see that Nida is in favour of the application of dynamic equivalence, as a moreeffective translation procedure. This is perfectly understandable if we take into account thecontext of the situation in which Nida was dealing with the translation phenomenon, that is tosay, his translation of the Bible.Thus, the product of the translation process, that is the text inthe TL, must have the same impact on the different readers it was addressing. Only in Nidaand Taber's edition is it clearly stated that ‘dynamic equivalence in translation is far more thanmere correct communication of information' (ibid:25). Despite using a linguistic approach to translation, Nida is much more interested in themessage of the text or, in other words, in its semantic quality. He therefore strives to makesure that this message remains clear in the target text.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
How might an organization create and sustain competitive advantage Essay
How might an organization create and sustain competitive advantage through the strategic use of design thinking Your task for t - Essay Example 2). Design thinking has been shown to be the process through which individuals within organizations identify particular issues and through strategic thinking develop viable solutions, which are mainly focused on improving future results to the organization. It is therefore a process whereby the innovation starts from the goal or purpose intended to be achieved as against from the problems to be solved (Wattanasupachoke, 2012, p. 1; Kevin and Ron, 2008, p. 8-10). Through critical analysis of issues in current as well as future perspectives, design thinking explores the parameters of the issues and then resolutions are explored simultaneously. This system is therefore uniquely applied within trading organizations as against scientific methods, which are adopted for solving problems. Design thinking is therefore an emerging trend that trading organizations are adopting in order to create as well as sustain competitive advantage in business environment against other competing organizatio ns. It is a popular notion among business organizations that yesterday’s innovation can never guarantee tomorrows competence hence the need to encourage the innovation spirit (Maier and Zenovia, 2011, p. 975). Manufacturing and technical organizations are basic examples, which adopt effectively the design-thinking framework. In such an example to an organization, which bears the traits of manufacturing and technical attributes, we consider the Volkswagen automotives company. This project therefore has the main objective as being the analysis of design thinking as an effective tool to be adopted within the locomotive industry with a special attention to Volkswagen. The Volkswagen is a brand name for a group of entrepreneurs; companies whose main area of operation is within the automotive industry. They are well known for the manufacture and sale of the Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, SEAT, Bentley, Lamborghini, Bugatti, and Porsch
Friday, September 27, 2019
Methodology Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Methodology - Dissertation Example Thus, financial reports recorded in this manner make it harder to compare financial reports. This issue has been said to be solved by implementing a standard reporting system or global accounting standards (Hawkins, 2000). Standardized financial reporting has been implemented based on the assumption that it can increase the comparability of financial statements, increase the quality of financial reports, and improve corporate transparency especially in terms of incentives. It has also been determined to be created as a result of the increase in the number of multinational companies or MNCs (Nobes and Parker, 2006). Moreover, Bolt-Lee and Smith (2009) included increase in reporting consistency, better global competition, and increase in the transparency of financial reporting as the benefits of international financial reporting. Moreover, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1999 stated that the financial systems of developing crisis, especially those experiencing financial crisis , can be strengthened by enhancing the financial reporting regulations and practices. Jainkengit (2002) reported an improvement in the economy of Thailand as a result of enhanced financial reporting regulations and practices and transparency or greater disclosure on financial information. Similarly, a study by Daske, Hail, Leuz, and Verdi (2008) explored the effects and consequences of mandatory IFRS (International Financial Reporting Systems) reporting. ... The benefits include increase in stock market value, market liquidity, and lower capital costs. Lastly, the study determined that financial reporting standards are most effective under a strict and strong regulating environment. This is most evident in a study by Barrett (1996) where it was determined that financial reports among American and British companies are more comprehensive because of their disclosure requirements. However, there are factors that affect financial reporting among corporate companies. There is an immense role to be played by economic and political forces in what concerns the shaping of accounting. A study by Suttachai and Cooke (2009) enumerated several factors that affect international financial reporting. The important factors discussed are the environment and culture, wherein environment stands for the legal system, economic system, and other institutional factors. Cooke and Wallace (1990) agree by stating that the environment wherein the company is located can greatly affect financial reporting. Thus, despite the homogeneity in the standards for international financial reporting, it still varies depending on various factors, specifically and most especially in terms of its location and culture. It only imply that although they follow the same standards or format for reporting, the quality of data and the means on which they measure still varies (Suttachai and Cooke, 2009), which is ultimately the purpose of standardizing financial report systems: to decrease and eventually eliminate variation (Nobes and Parker,2006). On the other hand, Choi (2002) stated that harmonization or standardization of financial practices and reports increase the comparability and compatibility of financial reports by limiting the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Wk 7 Forum- Business Statement and Mgmt Plan Assignment
Wk 7 Forum- Business Statement and Mgmt Plan - Assignment Example The company president responsible for the day to day running of the company directs business strategy and reports directly to the board. The various vice presidents and heads of departments directly supervise business activities in the various departments and units to ensure compliance to the long-term goals and vision. The key functions of personnel management, procurement, business activities, relations to the community and entire world are charged on the heads of departments who through the directors eventually report to the board. We prefer a collaborative style of management in which everyone participates and contributes to major decisions as well as those affecting them directly. Every person has the required authority to carry out their responsibilities and perform their work effectively. This way everyone feels appreciated as part of the company; has freedom to be creative and innovative and pressure comes from competition by peers to perform
Pathophysiology of Late Onset Alzheimer's Disease Research Paper
Pathophysiology of Late Onset Alzheimer's Disease - Research Paper Example Alzheimer’s is normally classified into three different groups; Early onset, Late onset and familial. This paper analyses the dimensions of late onset Alzheimer’s. Pathophysiology of "Late Onset" Alzheimer's Disease It is estimated that more than 4.5 million people in America alone experiencing Alzheimer’s currently. Doraiswamy et al, (2009) have mentioned that Alzheimer’s can occur even at the age of forties or fifties (Doraiswamy et al, 2009, xvii). However, about 90% of the Alzheimer’s disease patients are victims of "Late Onset" Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's victims of more than 65 years of age are normally included in the category of Late Onset" Alzheimer's. Only 10% of Alzheimer's victims are below the age of 65. Normally people below the age of 65 suffers Alzheimer’s because of Down syndrome. This type of Alzheimer’s is known as Early onset Alzheimer’s. On the other hand, "Late Onset" Alzheimer's disease is caused by hereditar y and environmental factors. A third type of Alzheimer’s is known as Familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD). In the case of FAD patients, the disease is caused by family history or hereditary. ... It has the ability to recollect everything in the distant memory while facing problems in recollecting information stored in the recent memory. Bonda et al. (2010) pointed out the imbalances between mitochondrial fission and fusion of cell proliferation as the reason for Alzheimer’s. â€Å"Specifically, the dynamic balance of fission and fusion in AD is greatly shifted toward fission, and, as a result, affected neurons contain abnormal mitochondria that are unable to meet the metabolic demands of the cell†(p.181). It should be noted that fission is the process of breaking of cells whereas fusion is the process of combining cells. Both fission and fusion are necessary body mechanisms to maintain good memory. However, in the case of patients with Alzheimer’s fission mechanism occurs more while fusion mechanism occurs less. As a result of that cell proliferation procedures will be troubled and the communication though neurons become defective. It should be noted tha t neurons are responsible for sending instructions from the brain to different parts of body. This communication process may become defective because of the imbalances in fusion and fission. Risk Factors Advanced age is the primary risk factor for AD; risk doubles every 5 years after the age of 65. Additional risk factors include having a first-degree relative with AD; Down syndrome; head trauma; certain environmental exposures, including metals, infection, and toxins; decreased estrogen levels; and mutations in the APP, PSEN1, PSEN2, or APOE genes. Cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular risk factors (e.g., hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance), depression, and certain lifestyle choices (e.g.,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
[Astronomy subject] The Galaxy Zoo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
[Astronomy subject] The Galaxy Zoo - Essay Example The website has marvellous pictures of different type of galaxies, and it provides information and questionnaire related to the behaviour of galaxies, their shape and color in the space. The GalaxyZoo website provides many interesting facts about the galaxies and the Universe. The database of the website provides an insight into galaxies and its evolution. The database stores about 250,000 samples of galaxies and the members are given a set of questions which are based on pictures of these galaxies. The visitors can take part in the questionnaire, which is based on the images of the galaxies. The visitors to the website have to look at the image and answer the questions based on his/her interpretation of the image. Some of the questions which are being studied are The various researches showed the nature of galaxies such as the information related to the shapes, colours. It was assumed the color of galaxy was red and its shape was elliptical. However, it has been interpreted from the images of GalaxyZoo that one-third of galaxies are red spirals and a larger number of elliptical galaxies are blue -- which are in the process of forming new stars. Earlier it was assumed that galaxies spin in opposite directions but research on pictures found that the two galaxies which are nearby, spin in the same direction, instead of opposite directions. This can be used to interpret the spinning behavior of galaxies. The research on galaxy disks showed the galaxies have larger contraction (bulges) which are central to redder disk galaxies. The research on disk galaxies with smaller central concentration is also significant in this context. In the process of explaining the behavior of galaxies, GalaxyZoo found numerous new things in space which were called Galaxy Zoo peas. Certain blue objects were noticed in some images, which were named Voorwerp by the members of GalaxyZoo. GalaxyZoo is the website which was launched in July 2007. It was based on the data set generated from
Monday, September 23, 2019
Career Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Career Development - Essay Example n Manager (SCM) includes managing orders, overseeing production, creating a feasible production schedule, coordinating production and distribution plans and overall planning and forecasting. Duties also include transportation planning and execution paying close attention to tracking. A successful SCM continually focus’ on strategic network optimization, supplier/purchaser relations and cost reductions. SCM’s diagnose potential economic indicators; evaluate reporting documentation quality and solve problems (â€Å"Supply Chain Management†, 2005). Supply chain management encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion and all logistics management behaviors. It also includes coordination and collaboration with channel partners, which can be suppliers, intermediaries, third-party service providers or customers. In essence, supply chain management integrates supply and demand management within and across companies. Logistics management is the element of supply chain management that plans, implements and controls the efficient forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements (College of Business Administration, 2005). Many types of businesses and organizations most likely to employ supply chain managers include communication, consulting, military, manufacturing, retail, computer service, telecommunications and transportation firms, equipm ent manufacturers, print media, public warehouses and wholesale distributors (College of Business Administration, 2005). Companies such as Cisco Systems offer wall-to-wall management of chain supplies including procurement of product components, standard raw materials, customised supplies, and other goods needed to conducted business operation. This process includes selecting the supplier, submitting formal requests for goods and services
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Human behavior- ch 10 reflection Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Human behavior- ch 10 reflection - Assignment Example 299). Somehow, this particular thought or idea made me think of some possible reasons why human behavior is more of a social function rather than a psychological process. Through the use of effective communication skills, Mead explained that the active participation of each person within a social structure is merely an instrument to know more about the personal experiences and conduct of each individual (p. 301). In line with this, Mead’s theory on social psychology is heavily based on ‘social behaviorism’. It simply means that the ‘inner experiences’ of each individual significantly affects their behavior or action (p. 301). Often times, cultural practices or patterns can be observed within a given social structure. For this reason, I strongly agree and support the theory of Mead such that the way each person would interact with other human beings can affect not only their unique personal experiences in life but also how they manage to develop a set of attitude and behavior. It is not every day that all people can get a positive feeling or experience when they communicate with other people. For this reason, not everybody can develop a strong positive relationship with other people. This is true because people who have gone through harsh or negative experiences in life can unconsciously develop negative feelings such as hatred or anger. Eventually, feelings of hatred or anger can indirectly affect the way a person would behave with other people. deeply rooted in social process and structure (p. 299). As a result of day-to-day experiences in life, each person is able to feel and act in response to their personal experiences with other people. Aside from molding how a person would behave in public, the quality of social interaction an individual will have with another person or a group of people can also shape how they will perceive or view themselves as a person (p. 301). In my day-to-day living, I am exposed to a large group of
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Participatory Notes Essay Example for Free
Participatory Notes Essay Participatory Notes commonly know as P-Notes or PNs are instruments issued by registered foreign institutional investors (FII) to overseas investors, who wish to invest in the Indian stock markets without registering themselves with the market regulator, the Securities and Exchange Board of India SEBI. SEBI permitted foreign institutional investors to register and participate in the Indian stock market in 1992. Investing through P-Notes is very simple and hence very popular amongst foreign institutional investors. Contents 1 Working 2 Need 3 Participatory Notes Crisis of 2007 4 Trends in PN 5 References Working Participatory notes are instruments used for making investments in the stock markets. However, they are not used within the country. They are used outside India for making investments in shares listed in that country. That is why they are also called offshore derivative instruments. In the Indian context, foreign institutional investors (FIIs) and their sub-accounts mostly use these instruments for facilitating the participation of their overseas clients, who are not interested in participating directly in the Indian stock market. For example, Indian-based brokerages buy India-based securities and then issue participatory notes to foreign investors. Any dividends or capital gains collected from the underlying securities go back to the investors. Need Anonymity: Any entity investing in participatory notes is not required to register with SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India), whereas all FIIs have to compulsorily get registered. It enables large hedge funds to carry out their operations without disclosing their identity. Ease of Trading: Trading through participatory notes is easy because participatory notes are like contract notes transferable by endorsement and delivery. Tax Saving: Some of the entities route their investment through participatory notes to take advantage of the tax laws of certain preferred countries. Money Laundering: PNs are becoming a favourite with a host of Indian money launderers who use them to first take funds out of country through hawala and then get it back using PNs.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Synthesis of API’s and API’s based Derivative
Synthesis of API’s and API’s based Derivative Title of Proposed Project: Efficient synthesis of API’s and API’s based Derivative for their Structure Activity Relationship and Pharmacokinetics Profile Project Details Project Summary This project concern with the establishment of organic synthesis facilities in Department of Chemistry, UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI. The established facilities will be used for the training of BS/M.Sc./MS/M.Phil. And Ph.D. scholars in the field of Organic Synthesis. In this project we will focus on the establishment of synthetic organic laboratory, the synthesis of the two API’s (Secnidazole Atenolol). We are requiring the following basic facilities which we want to establish by this research project. Facilities required for: Organic Synthesis Fuming HOODs for save, non-hazardous and smooth working at the moment. Inert atmosphere working conditions since many organic reactions requires inert condition. Safety equipment’s i.e. firefighting equipment’s, washing shower in case of chemical accident and first aid facilities. (UPS) as regular power breakdown results in the unsuccessful reactions and causing faults in the electronic instruments. UV lamp as processing of many reaction monitor under UV light. Rotary evaporator Partial availability of glass wares. MAS-II Microwave workstation for repaid synthesis of APIs. Proposed Goals / Objectives Hypothesis / Basis of research The purpose of this project is to setup a laboratory which can design (Organic Synthesis) and synthesize (Organic Synthesis) the APIs for the local Pharmaceutical industry along with the establishment of the required facilities. The following APIs will be synthesized. ATENOLOL Efficient Synthesis of Atenolol. Synthesis of Atenolol based derivatives for Structure-Activity Relationship Studies (SARS) and their pharmacokinetics profile SECNIDAZOLE Efficient Synthesis of Secnidazole Synthesis of Secnidazole based derivatives for Structure-Activity Relationship Studies (SARS) and their pharmacokinetics profile Goals / Objectives Boost up economy of Pakistan Synthetic solution for local industry. Provide sufficient amount of these drugs to common people. INTRODUCTION API stands for active pharmaceutical ingredients and its covers a lot of pharmaceutically active compounds which has great importance in industry as well as to common people as the insufficiency of these drugs causes hundreds of death. Due to the importance of API we decided to work with the synthesis of API as it will create the impact of API research on national level. The synthesis of API could decrease the import bill of such active ingredient in Pakistan and also opens the opportunity of job. This project could provide a platform to save the foreign currency reserves and supply sufficient amount of drugs to common people at low cost. Ours Efforts will be enabling to purpose the more efficient synthesis of complex molecules. In this project we have design the synthesis of the following APIs ATENOLOL Efficient Synthesis of Atenolol. Synthesis of Atenolol based derivatives for Structure-Activity Relationship Studies (SARS) and their pharmacokinetics profile SECNIDAZOLE Efficient Synthesis of Secnidazole Synthesis of Secnidazole based derivatives for Structure-Activity Relationship Studies (SARS) and their pharmacokinetics profile 4a) Background of the Research Problems to be addressed Secnidazole (Part: A) Efficient Synthesis of Secnidazole Secnidazole is a molecule which belongs to the class of 5-nitroimidazole and it is considerably more effective than other imidazole drugs. It is the important API required for the local industry. However it has been used for the treatment of amoebiasis, giardiasis, urogenital trichomoniasis and nonspecific bacterial vaginosis and also a gel formulation of secnidazole was developed for the treatment of periodontitis. . All nitroimidazoles are synthetic drugs such as metronidazole. Tinidazole, dimetridazole, secnidazole and ornidazole. Among all these we selected secnidazole because of its High efficacy. Secinidazole is the mainly use for antiprotozoal activity and its single dose possess three days anti protozoal activity. Figure 1: Chemical Structure IUPAC Name:1-(2-methyl-5-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl) propan-2-ol Figure 2: Proposed Two-Step Synthesis route for Secnidazole After observing the reaction condition and UV-Vis absorption, FTIR, ESI-MS and NMR results. The purposed scheme will be optimized. Synthesis of Secnidazole based derivatives for Structure-Activity Relationship Studies (SARS) and their pharmacokinetics profile Pharmacological and pharmacokinetic properties of existing drugs can be enhanced by chemical modifications. A prodrug (drug transporter) formation is a great approach to improve and modify the physio chemical properties of the drug, boost up its concentration at the site of action, extend its period of action and decrease its toxicity. Regarding 5–7% of drugs approved worldwide are categorized as prodrug. Prodrugs are the reversible, inactive or less active derivatives of a drug. Prodrugs are hydrolyzed either by enzymatically or non-enzymatically to discharge parent drug while the co-drugs (mutual prodrug) are the special type of prodrug in which two or more pharmacologically active pro moieties exist via chemical bond to release two or more parent drugs upon the cleavage of bond by enzymatically or chemically. The variety of chemical linkages used in the formation of Prodrugs. Although the ester formation is common followed by imides, amide and carbamate derivative. Thatâ₠¬â„¢s why in this project our aim is to synthesize the prodrug for its better mode of action and their structure activity relationship and their pharmacokinetics profile. ATENOLOL (Part: B) Efficient Synthesis of Atenolol Atenolol (ATN) belongs to the class of drug called beta-blockers. Beta-blockers (beta adrenoreceptor antagonists) are basically competitive inhibitor that’s inhibits the action of stimulating hormones on beta adrenergic receptors in the nervous system. Atenolol works by competing for receptors sites on cardiac muscle. This slow down the strength of heart‘s contractions and reduce its oxygen requirements and the volume of blood it has to pump. Atenolol is one of the extensive used active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) for the treatment of Hypertension, myocardial infarction (Heart attack), Arrhythmias (rhythms disorder), Angina (chest pain) and disorder arising from decreased circulation of blood. Figure 1: Chemical Structure IUPAC Name:2-[4-[2-hydroxy-3-(propan-2-ylamino) propoxy] phenyl] acetamide Figure 2: Proposed Two-Step Synthesis route for Atenolol The stereochemistry is important for any molecules. In atenolol (S) isomer is important for its activity the opposite (R) enantiomer may be responsible for the side effects. There have been considerable efforts done in the preparation of enantiomerically pure(S) confirmation Synthesis of Atenolol based derivatives for Structure-Activity Relationship Studies (SARS) and their pharmacokinetics profile On the basis of the importance of prodrug (mention above part) our aim is to synthesize the prodrug for its better mode of action and their structure activity relationship and their pharmacokinetics profile. 4B.RESEARCH PLAN/ METHODOLOGY: SCHEDULE/PHASING Establishment of Organic Synthesis Facilities: In the starting 1st months of this project all the basic and reaction requirement apparatus and glassware will be installing. Efficient Synthesis of SECNIDAZOLE: After initialization, the starting 3 months will be utilized on the proposed and modified efficient synthesis of Secnidazole to get the maximum yield of required API at minimum cost. Synthesis of SECNIDAZOLE based derivatives for SARS: In the 5th and 6th month modification on the molecule of Secnidazole will be applied and study their pharmacokinetics profile Synthesis of ATENOLOL: In the period of 7th to 9th month of the project efficient synthesis of atenolol will be done Synthesis of ATENOLOL based derivatives for SARS: In the period of 10th to 11th month of the project timeline, derivatization of atenolol will be carried out and studied their pharmacokinetics profile Summarize results and expand to new project: At the end month of this project timeline a final project report will be submitted along with findings. Also discuss the achievements and problems faced during this project. 4c) References Secnidazole (Part: A) Larina, Lyudmila, and Valentin Lopyrev.Nitroazoles: synthesis, structure and applications. New York: Springer, 2009. Crozet, Maxime D., Cà ©line Botta, Monique Gasquet, Christophe Curti, Vincent Rà ©musat, Sà ©bastien Hutter, Olivier Chapelle, Nadine Azas, Michel De Mà ©o, and Patrice Vanelle. Lowering of 5-nitroimidazoles mutagenicity: towards optimal antiparasitic pharmacophore.European journal of medicinal chemistry44, no. 2 (2009): 653-659 Wang, She-Feng, Yong Yin, Fang Qiao, Xun Wu, Shao Sha, Li Zhang, and Hai-Liang Zhu. Synthesis, molecular docking and biological evaluation of metronidazole derivatives containing piperazine skeleton as potential antibacterial agents.Bioorganic medicinal chemistry22, no. 8 (2014): 2409-2415. Samanta, Himadri Sekhar, and Samit Kumar Ray. Controlled release of tinidazole and theophylline from chitosan based composite hydrogels.Carbohydrate polymers106 (2014): 109-120. Elias, P. 2009, 1-11. Shahid, Hafiz Abdullah, Ejaz Hussain, Sajid Jahangir, and Sammer Yousuf. 1-(2-Methyl-5-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl) propan-2-yl acetate.Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online70, no. 3 (2014): o294-o294. Atenolol (Part: B) Chaudhari, Vilas, Syed Hussain, and Milind Ubale. International Journal of Chemical Studies. Kitaori, Kazuhiro, Yoshikazu TAKEHIRA, Yoshiro FURUKAWA, Hiroshi YOSHIMOTO, and Junzo OTERA. A practical synthesis of optically active atenolol from chiral epichlorohydrin.Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin45, no. 2 (1997): 412-414. Darnle, Subhash V., Prashant N. Patil, and Manikrao M. Salunkhe. Chemoenzymatic synthesis of (R)-and (S)-atenolol and propranolol employing lipase catalyzed enantioselective esterification and hydrolysis.Synthetic communications29, no. 22 (1999): 3855-3862 IMPACT OF PROPOSED RESEARCH The impact of this project will boost up the economy of Pakistan and will decrease the import bill of Pakistan and also increases the exportation. The project also aims to train the man power and create the skillful hand that can provide the better solution to our local industry. This project also creates the networking between the local industry and researcher. This project also contributes in the providing of the medicine to common people at minimum cost. Estimated Budget For The Proposed Research Period: DESCRIPTION PER YEAR Amount (in million Rs) A. Salaries and Honorarium PI: One Month/Year of Basic Pay @ 104000 0.104 (208000) Student Ships @ 20,000.00 per month (two) 480000 0.48 (480000) Secretariat Staff Part-time Lab Attendant @ 1500 PM 18000 0.018 (18000) Subtotal: (A) 602000 0.602 (602000) B. Permanent Equipment General purpose fume hood @ Pkr 150,000/= (two) 300000 0.600 (600000) The rotary evaporator  ® r 3 focuses and accessories @ Pkr 1500000 1500000 1.500 (1500000) Jacketed reaction apparatus @ Pkr 169650/= (one) 169650 0.1695 (169650) Glassware, hotplates, stirrer, etc. 250000 0.250 (250000) Laptop (dell core 2i) 50000 0.050 (50000) General lab update i.e. Ups and power supply solutions 250000 0.250 (250000) Mas II: microwave synthesis system @ $8000/= (one) 800000 0.800 (800000) Subtotal: (B) 3319650 3.319650 (3319650) C. Expendable Supplies Chemicals and solvents 300000 0.300 (300000) General lab expenditures 100000 0.100 (100000) Spectroscopy techniques 250000 0.250 (250000) Subtotal: (C) 650000 0.65 (650000) D. Others (Literature, documentation, information, online literature search, contingencies, postage, Local Travel Miscellaneous etc). Journal Publication Fee / Online Material (up to Rs.50,000) 50000 0.050 (50000) Stationary/Contingency (10,000/- per year) 10000 0.010 (10000) Participation in local conferences, workshops and winter summer schools by PI and students 10000 0.010 (10000) Audit Fee (Max. Rs 10,000) 10000 0.010 (10000) Accountant Fee (Max. Rs. 10,000) 10000 0.010 (10000) Subtotal: (D) 90000 0.090 (90000) Grand Total (A + B + C + D): 4661650 4.661650 (4661650) JUSTIFICATION Salaries Allowances Two Studentships @ 20,000.00 per month (PM): It is very necessary that at least two full time studentships available to students so that students can perform their work with piece of mind so that they have no need to sort part time jobs to meet their day to day expense Part-time Lab Attendant @ 1500 PM: During period of project operations different kind of tasks are assigned to Lab Attendant in addition to their normal job responsibilities. Therefore it is justified to compensate their work with an honorarium. Permanent Equipment: The Rotary Evaporator and accessories (one): Many organic reactions are in liquid phase and require much more time to evaporate on room temperature that’s why to save time and fast reaction process need rotary evaporator. General Purpose Fume Hood: As many organic reaction, chemicals and solvents are hazardous to human health. For safety and precautionary step need two fuming hoods Jacketed Reaction Apparatus: It is the temperature control apparatus. As many reaction are temperature dependent and monitor through varying temperature. to make reaction efficient we need jacketed reaction apparatus Glassware, Hotplates, Stirrer, refwork etc: These are the basics requirement for organic synthesis as well as we have shortage of these basics needs that’s why we need these General lab updates i.e. UPS and Power Supply solutions: Regular breakdown of power supply has resulted in the failure of organic reactions as well as damage of electronic appliances. Therefore a need to establish backup of power supply. Expendable supplies Chemicals and solvents: These play key role in all reaction either organic or inorganic and no one can performed reaction without this so these funding are fully justified General Lab Expenditures: these are the basic need for researcher to meet day to day expenses Participation in local conferences, workshops and winter/summer schools by PI and students: These funding are required to communicate our work on national and international level. Also learn gain information from their experience
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Female Circumcision Essay -- Female Genital Mutilation
It's the year 423 BCE, and the orders have just been sent out -- Every female is to be circumcised. Rumor has it that the newest Pharaoh is not very well-endowed and wants the females in his land to be circumcised to enhance his sexual pleasure (qtd. in Gruenbaum 43). Although such an account seems amusing, female circumcision and its effects are real. It is thought that female circumcision has been around for at least twenty centuries (Gruenbaum 193). Despite its age, female circumcision is only recently being discussed and debated in the United States. In fact, the matter itself had not really been looked at nationally until 1975, "when the Australian delegation at the first U.N. conference on woman in Mexico City proposed a motion condemning it" (Greer 64). Since that time, opposition to female circumcision has been included as a part of American Human Rights Policy (Mackie 999). The U.S. agency for International Development is also assisting the "African organizations working to eradicate it" (qtd. in Mackie 999). Now the world knows about female circumcision and wants to do something about it, but change will not come suddenly due to its long tradition. Female Circumcision is the cutting or removing of female genitalia. According to, female circumcision is "the practice of circumcision of adolescent women in some cultures that generally involves the surgical removal of the clitoris or the sewing up of the vaginal opening." There are many different names for this practice. Some refer to it as "female genital mutilation," and others call it "female genital cutting." Often times, the women who practice female circumcision are extremely offended by such terms; therefore the simplest, least offensive way to refer t... ...on: Caring for patients and child protection." BMA. 2001. 3 Nov 2003. Greer, Germaine. "Why Genital Cutting Goes On." Newsweek International. (1999): 64. Gruenbaum, Ellen. The Female Circumcision Controversy. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001. Mackie, Gerry. "Ending Footbinding and Infibulation: A Convention Account." American Sociological Review. 61 (1996): 999-1017. Nour, Nawal. "Female Circumcision and Genital Mutilation: A Practical and Sensitive Approach." Contemporary OB/GYN. 45 (2001): 50-55. Pulsipher, Abigail. Interview. Personal Interview. 1 Nov 2001. Walker, Alice, Pratibha Parmar. Warrior Marks: Female Genital Mutilation and the Sexual Blinding of Woman. New York: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1993. Female Circumcision Essay -- Female Genital Mutilation It's the year 423 BCE, and the orders have just been sent out -- Every female is to be circumcised. Rumor has it that the newest Pharaoh is not very well-endowed and wants the females in his land to be circumcised to enhance his sexual pleasure (qtd. in Gruenbaum 43). Although such an account seems amusing, female circumcision and its effects are real. It is thought that female circumcision has been around for at least twenty centuries (Gruenbaum 193). Despite its age, female circumcision is only recently being discussed and debated in the United States. In fact, the matter itself had not really been looked at nationally until 1975, "when the Australian delegation at the first U.N. conference on woman in Mexico City proposed a motion condemning it" (Greer 64). Since that time, opposition to female circumcision has been included as a part of American Human Rights Policy (Mackie 999). The U.S. agency for International Development is also assisting the "African organizations working to eradicate it" (qtd. in Mackie 999). Now the world knows about female circumcision and wants to do something about it, but change will not come suddenly due to its long tradition. Female Circumcision is the cutting or removing of female genitalia. According to, female circumcision is "the practice of circumcision of adolescent women in some cultures that generally involves the surgical removal of the clitoris or the sewing up of the vaginal opening." There are many different names for this practice. Some refer to it as "female genital mutilation," and others call it "female genital cutting." Often times, the women who practice female circumcision are extremely offended by such terms; therefore the simplest, least offensive way to refer t... ...on: Caring for patients and child protection." BMA. 2001. 3 Nov 2003. Greer, Germaine. "Why Genital Cutting Goes On." Newsweek International. (1999): 64. Gruenbaum, Ellen. The Female Circumcision Controversy. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001. Mackie, Gerry. "Ending Footbinding and Infibulation: A Convention Account." American Sociological Review. 61 (1996): 999-1017. Nour, Nawal. "Female Circumcision and Genital Mutilation: A Practical and Sensitive Approach." Contemporary OB/GYN. 45 (2001): 50-55. Pulsipher, Abigail. Interview. Personal Interview. 1 Nov 2001. Walker, Alice, Pratibha Parmar. Warrior Marks: Female Genital Mutilation and the Sexual Blinding of Woman. New York: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1993.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Artificial Intelligence :: Essays Papers
Artificial Intelligence The computer revolution has influenced everyday matters from the way letters are written to the methods in which our banks, governments, and credit card agencies keep track of our finances. The development of artificial intelligence is just a small percentage of the computer revolution and how society deals with, learns, and incorporates artificial intelligence. It will only be the beginning of the huge impact and achievements of the computer revolution. A standard definition of artificial intelligence, or AI, is that computers simply mimic behaviors of humans that would be regarded as intelligent if a human being did them. However, within this definition, several issues and views still conflict because of ways of interpreting the results of AI programs by scientists and critics. The most common and natural approach to AI research is to ask of any program, what can it do? What are the actual results in comparison to human intelligence? For example, what matters about a chess-playing program is how good it is. Can it possibly beat chess grand masters? There is also a more structured approach in assessing artificial intelligence, which began opening the door of the artificial intelligence contribution into the science world. According to this theoretical approach, what matters is not the input-output relations of the computer, but also what the program can tell us about actual human cognition (Ptack, 1994). From this point of view, artificial intelligence can not only give a commercial or business world the advantage, but also a understanding and enjoyable beneficial extend to everyone who knows how to use a pocket calculator. It can outperform any living mathematician at multiplication and division, so it qualifies as intelligent under the definition of artificial intelligence. This fact does not entertain the psychological aspect of artificial intelligence, because such computers do not attempt to mimic the actual thought processes of people doing arithmetic (Crawford, 1994). On the other hand, AI programs that simulate human vision are theoretical attempts to understand the actual processes of human beings and how they view and interpret the outside world. A great deal of the debate about artificial intelligence confuses the two views, so that sometimes success in artificial intelligence's practical application is supposed to provide structured or theoretical understanding in thi s branch of science known as cognitive science. Chess-playing programs are a good example.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Poetic Analysis of Fern Hill Essay -- Poetry Essays Poem Fern Hill
Poetic Analysis "Fern Hill" Dylan Thomas's poem "Fern Hill" represents the passage of one mans life from boyhood to adulthood and the realization of his mortality. The speaker in this poem uses expressive language and imagery to depict a tale of growing up. The use of colour adds life and character to people and abstract ideas. He looks up to "Time" (313) as an authority figure who has strict control of his life, and with descriptions of biblical figures we can presume that he is a religious person who believes that God is in control of his destiny. Each of these images contributes to a picture of one man's outlook on life and death. Colour imagery is used in the beginning of the poem as the speaker describes his happiness as a child. He explains his young days as being as "happy as the grass is green" (313), or in other words, alive and healthy. He then directly refers himself to being "green and carefree" (313). As a young boy he was vibrant and full of life. Being full of life, like "green grass" (313), means that there is a natural course that life has to follow, birth to death. Anything living has a purpose in life and the speaker reflects his young days as a "Huntsman and Herdsman" (313). The poem takes a dramatic turn when he describes "fire as green as grass" (313). Fire or burning paired with grass means that something destructive has occurred in the speaker's young life that has changed or altered the course of his natural growth. He is an adult when he looks back and says "before the children green" (314). He had gained an understanding that his life is running out and says time held me "green and dying" (313). He is seeing his "green" (314) life turning brown and wilting. He i... ...ruit. Life changing events would alter a child's perspective of himself. "Fern Hill" is a poem about the realization of life and mortality that appears after an unexpected experience occurs. The speaker is moved to a greater wisdom about himself and the world around him. He realizes that the immortality he felt as a child was merely a step towards the unyielding movement of life towards death. Through the use of colour, time, and religious language readers develop an understanding for the speaker's emotions, beliefs, and passage through life. WORKS CITED Orser, Sandi. ENGL 1155 (01): Introduction to Literature: Gender and Form. MSVU. January 2005. Thomas, Dylan. "Fern Hill." The Harbrace Anthology of Literature. Ed. Jon C. Stott, Raymond E. Jones, and Rick Bower. 3rd ed. Toronto: Nelson-Thomson, 2002. 313-314
Learning Styles
The process of educating one's self can be a difficult process. That is if you don't understand your habits and the way you learn and absorb information. Luckily in these times educators are becoming more understanding to their students learning habits and are able to adapt to a students learning styles to better educate them. Some may not know in what category of learning style that they are, there are online surveys one can take to find out there learning style strengths.I myself have Just aken a survey and my results are as follows; Visual: 7 Aural: 9 Read/Write: 4 Kinesthetic: 9. Pretty much what this means is that I am good at listening and hands on learner. The survey also provided learning strategies to better help me. I scored strong on the Aural side (Auditory) strategies that were recommended are, Step 1: INTAKE: attend class discussions and tutorials, discuss topics with others and your teachers, explain new ideas to other people, use a tape recorder, pretty much any metho d that is easier for you to â€Å"intake†the information.Step 2: â€Å"SWOT†which means study without tears, convert your notes into a smaller package, as an Aural learner it would be key study with another aural learner like yourself, also have your partner listen to your understanding of the material discussed, and reading your summarized notes aloud to yourself is also key. Step 3: Output, which is how you will use this information on your tests, assignments and examinations. Imagine talking with the examiner or speaking the answers aloud and writing them down, listen to your voice nd write it down, spending your time in a quiet place is also helpful in recalling the information.I also scored strong on the kinesthetic part of the survey, which is someone who needs to experience something to learn from it, or you need to be able to relate to it, something real, or an easy way to remember it is a hands on person. Studying for every learning style uses the same three step process I discussed in paragraph Learning Styles Executive Summary Learning also known as studying usually occurs when some one can demonstrate that he/she knows something that they don’t know before and/or when they can do something they couldn't do before (skills). Learning is set of skills, and like all other skills one can improve and develop them over time. Therefore it is important spending some time reflecting on how to learn best, so that once learning can be more efficient and effective. Honey & Mumford's (1986) designed a Learning Style Questionnaire, which has four styles and these styles are Theorist, Activist, Reflector and Pragmatist. One of the four learning styles described by Honey & Mumford (1986) is what we shall consider in this paper. Reflectors Reflectors like to stand back to ponder experiences and observe them from many different perspectives. They collect data, both first hand and from others, and prefer to think about it thoroughly before coming to any conclusion. The thorough collection and analysis of data about experiences and events is what counts so they tend to postpone reaching definitive conclusions for as long as possible. Their philosophy is to be cautious. They are thoughtful people who like to consider all possible angles and implications before making a move. They prefer to take a back seat in meetings and discussions. They enjoy observing other people in action. They listen to others and get the drift of the discussion before making their own points. They tend to adopt a low profile and have a slightly distant, tolerant, unruffled air about them. When they act it is part of a wide picture which includes the past as well as the present and others' observations as well as their own. Conclusion Honey and Mumford (1992) define a reflector as one who likes to stand back and ponder experiences from many different angles. They collect data and prefer to think about it thoroughly before coming to any conclusion. They tend to be cautious and thoughtful and usually listen to discussions and get the gist of the arguments before making their own points. Once you have identified that the reflector learning style is the one that most closely suit you. You can improve your learning skills following the Honey and Mumford strategies stated in this paper References 1. De Bono, E. (1967) The Use of Lateral Thinking, Penguin Books Ltd, Harmondsworth. 2. Honey, P. and Mumford, A. (1986) The Manual of Learning Styles Peter Honey, Maidenhead, UK. 3. Honey, P. and Mumford, A. (1992) The Manual of Learning Styles, Peter Honey, Maidenhead, UK. Learning Styles The process of educating one's self can be a difficult process. That is if you don't understand your habits and the way you learn and absorb information. Luckily in these times educators are becoming more understanding to their students learning habits and are able to adapt to a students learning styles to better educate them. Some may not know in what category of learning style that they are, there are online surveys one can take to find out there learning style strengths.I myself have Just aken a survey and my results are as follows; Visual: 7 Aural: 9 Read/Write: 4 Kinesthetic: 9. Pretty much what this means is that I am good at listening and hands on learner. The survey also provided learning strategies to better help me. I scored strong on the Aural side (Auditory) strategies that were recommended are, Step 1: INTAKE: attend class discussions and tutorials, discuss topics with others and your teachers, explain new ideas to other people, use a tape recorder, pretty much any metho d that is easier for you to â€Å"intake†the information.Step 2: â€Å"SWOT†which means study without tears, convert your notes into a smaller package, as an Aural learner it would be key study with another aural learner like yourself, also have your partner listen to your understanding of the material discussed, and reading your summarized notes aloud to yourself is also key. Step 3: Output, which is how you will use this information on your tests, assignments and examinations. Imagine talking with the examiner or speaking the answers aloud and writing them down, listen to your voice nd write it down, spending your time in a quiet place is also helpful in recalling the information.I also scored strong on the kinesthetic part of the survey, which is someone who needs to experience something to learn from it, or you need to be able to relate to it, something real, or an easy way to remember it is a hands on person. Studying for every learning style uses the same three step process I discussed in paragraph
Monday, September 16, 2019
Oil quality analyses of four autochthon
Key words: Oil quality, fatty acid composition, phonetic compounds, pigment content, mountain, Akers. Abstract Akers is a mountainous region characterized by an important olive biodiversity with high oil quality but little is known about this olive germless. The aim of this work is to analyze the oil quality of the most predominant varieties ‘Chitout', ‘El horn ‘Grades' and ‘Soulless' cultivated in this region.The most of the quality indices and fatty acid composition showed significant variations among the studied olive cultivators. Olive oil content is high for the four cultivators, especially for the variety ‘Grades' with approximately 67%. The cultivators ‘El Horn' and ‘Grades' had the highest values of ILEC acid (72. 8% and 74. 8%, respectively). While the varieties ‘Osculates' present the highest content of chlorophyll and carotene compounds.The cultivar ‘Grades' was also noteworthy for its higher content of phonetic compoun ds (720 MGM keg-l). In conclusion, the oil quality of the different studied cultivators is classified as extra-virgin oils with high ILEC acids and low palmists and lenience acids. These findings were of interest to protect the specimens studied cultivators, which can be used from the agronomic point of view to substantially improve the production of olive oil in the mountain of Akers. * Corresponding Shame et al.Author: Manias Raman' Shame 0 [email protected] FRR page 124 Introduction Akers which is localized in the North West of Tunisia. Mountain people, who are among the world's poorest Several analyses were performed to characterize the and hungriest, are key to maintaining mountain different olive oils: free acidity, peroxide value, fatty ecosystems and their role in providing environmental acid composition, pigments content and phonetic services to downstream communities. Mountain compounds by HAPLY-MS.This is a preliminary study communities need to be empowered and their w ith the aim of finding any variable able to livelihoods improved, to enable them to take discriminate among the environmental extra-virgin responsibility natural olive oils and evaluate the oil quality of these resources and to fulfill their role as mountain varieties. Especially that, the olive cultivation could stewards (Walter 1986, Garcia-Uric and Lasagna- have an important role in the sustainable mountain Martinez development. 990, the preservation Blonde and of Aaron's 1999, MacDonald et al. ,2001, Roomer-Caldera and Perry 2004). Materials and methods Fruit samples In Tunisia, the mountains are characterized by an Healthy olive fruit samples of the varieties ‘Chitout', important olive biodiversity with high oil quality but ‘El Horn' ‘Israeli' and ‘Osculates' were picked at little is known about this germless (Manias et al. , industrial optimum ripening stage. The maturity 2013).This resource could be used from the index of all the olives was of 3 and wa s based on the agronomic point of view to substantially improve the degree of skin and pulp pigmentation according to the production of olive in the mountainous orchards, method developed by the Agronomic Station of Jagn pacifically, that olive is one of the few trees that can (Aced and Hermosa; 1998). This experiment was still produce fruits even on rock and unproductive conducted during the crop season of 2012-2013 in the land (Norman-Sabbatical et al. 2007). Mountainous olive orchard of Akers localized in North West Tunisia. The average annual On the other hand, virgin olive oil has a delicate and precipitation was 539 mm with the majority in unique flavor that distinguishes it from other edible October, December, and January. Average annual vegetable oils (Bosky. , 1996). Quantity and quality of temperature of the experimental orchard site is absences existing in the virgin olive oil such as fatty 13. C; the altitude is 1078 m, 35048†² N of latitude acids, phenols, chloroph yll and carotids are and 9021†² E of longitude. Affected by various factors including the type of the olive cultivar (Bacchius et al. , AAA; Certain et al. , Oil Content 2006 and Gomez-Rich. ,2008), climatic conditions For oil content determination, 40 g of olive fruits was (Agiler et al. ,2005), ripening stage (Salvadoran et dried in an oven at ICC to constant weight. The al. , 2001), irrigation management (Vivian et al. 2005) dried olives were crushed and extracted with hexane ND the extraction methods (Randall et al. ,2000). Using a Sloshes apparatus (Batch et al. , 1996). The Among these factors, cultivar is undoubtedly one of results were expressed as percentage of dry matter the most important. However, it is often ignored, either through lack of varietals information, or because the olive oil is a mixture of various varieties or even Analytical indices because emphasis has been laid only on its place of Determination of free acidity, peroxide value and origin (Lantern et al. 2002). Specific ultraviolet absorbency were carried out following the analytical methods described in the SEC The present work was carried out on the extra-virgin Regulation (1995). Olive oils of the four main olive varieties (Checkout, El Horn, Grades and Soulless) grown in the mountain of Fatty acids, peroxide value, and IV page 125 Spectrophotometer's indices (KICK, KICK) Fruits, destined and immediately frozen in liquid The quality indices of fatty acids, peroxide value, and nitrogen, were iterated in a blender.Approximately specific extinction coefficient KICK and KICK and 5 g of the powder obtained were homogeneity four AK were calculated from absorption at 232 and 270 times in 30 ml of methanol/water solution (80:20, spectrophotometer :v), containing 0. 5% sodium metabolites, and ANYWAY – 6405 IV Visible spectrophotometer, centrifuged at 5000 RPM at 3 co for 20 min. An England) according to the European Commission ethanol solution of resorcinol (0. 5 VI) was added as Regulation SEC/2565/91. Internal standard.The combined supernatant were respectively, by IV concentrated under reduced pressure and washed Determination chlorophyll carotene compounds Pigments with hexane. The remaining aqueous solution, partitioned four times with ethyl acetate in a water to were phase ratio of 1 was filtered on sodium sulfate determined by a spectrophotometer according to anhydrous) and evaporated to dryness at 30 co (Minimize-Mosque's et al. , 1991): 1 Goff olive oil was under vacuum. The dry residue was converted into dissolved in 10 ml of ISO-octane.The absorbency of trio-methyl's derivatives with a isolation mixture the solution was measured at 670 and 470 NM for made up of pyridine, hexane-idealizations and chlorophyll and carotene, respectively. Trimester-chlorinated for 1 h at room temperature. The silenced extracts were dried, Fatty Acid analyses dissolved in associate and further analyzed by GO and The fatty acid composition of oil samples was GO-MS. An HP model AAA, equipped with an on- determined as methyl esters by capillary gas column injection system, and coupled with a mass chromatography analysis after alkaline treatment. Elective detector model HP BIBB, was employed. The gas chromatograph (VARIAN CAP-3800 Gas Phonetic compounds extracted by ethyl acetate were Chromatograph) was equipped with an outsmarted identified by comparing both their retention times (CAP-8400), a capillary column HP Minnows (Agilest and mass spectra with those of authentic compounds Technologies, m x 0. 53 mm, 1 pm), a split- or reference standards. Spiritless injector and a flame unionization detector FIDE). Alkaline treatment was carried out by mixing Statistical analysis 0. Goff oil dissolved in 3 ml of n-hexane with 0. 5 ml The results reported in this study are the averages of of 0. 2 N methanol potassium hydroxide solution at least three repetitions (n = 3), unless otherwise according to the method of Erg SEC 2568/91. Stated. Chemical data we re analyses by the SLAT (version 2010. 4. 01). The significance of differences at Determination of total phenols a 5% level between averages was determined by one- Phonetic compounds were isolated by a 3-time way NOVA using Tutees and Dunce's multiple
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Symptoms of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Medical history has been filled with an array of diseases and illnesses, ranging from the common cold to deadly killers. Some are easily treatable and others can be terminal, but some of the worst are those that still remain without a cure; one such disease is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, is a degenerative disease affecting the human nervous system. It is a deadly disease that cripples and kills its victims due to a breakdown in the body's motor neurons. Motor neurons are nerve cells in the brainstem and spinal cord that control muscle contractions. In ALS, these neurons deteriorate to a point that all movement, including breathing, halts. Muscle weakness first develops in the muscles of body parts distant from the brain, such as the hands, and subsequently spreads through other muscle groups closer to the brain. Such early symptoms as this, however, can hardly be noticed. Early symptoms of ALS are very slight and often overlooked. They begin as simple things, such as tripping or dropping things. Twitching or cramping of muscles and abnormal fatigue of the arms and legs may soon follow, causing difficulty in daily activities, such as walking or dressing. In more advanced stages, however, shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing and swallowing ensue, until the body is completely taken over by the disease. Intellect, eye motion, bladder function, and sensation are the only abilities spared. Where and how this deadly disease originated is unknown, but it was first identified in 1869, by the noted French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot. ALS is not contagious, but research is still vague on the cause of the disease. Today, there are three recognized forms of ALS: genetic, sporadic, and Guamanian. The genetic form of ALS appears to be inherited or passed down within a family, and about ten percent of ALS patients have a family history of the disease. An abnormal gene has been located in about half these families, but the cause of the remaining half is still unknown. The next, most common form, is sporadic ALS. These patients have no family history of disease, and the cause of their coming down with ALS is a mystery. Finally, is Guamanian ALS, called this because a high percentage of cases occur in the Pacific Islands near Guam. One major reason ALS is such a frightening disease is because no cure has been established. Although no effective treatment has been developed, a number of drug trials have been conducted, and there are some devices designed to help ALS patients maintain independence as well as safety as the disease progresses. These devices include ankle or foot braces, cervical collars, and reclining chairs. Since there is no cure, however, the primary treatment is for management of symptoms. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is also a difficult disease to diagnose, primarily because no one test can definitely establish if the disease is present. A diagnosis includes most, if not all, of the following procedures: electrodiagnostic tests, blood and urinary study, thyroid and parathyroid hormone levels, spinal tap and imaging, and muscular or nerve biopsy. Most who develop ALS are between the ages of forty and seventy years of age, although cases have been reported of victims in their twenties and thirties. It was once thought to be a rare disease, but studies have shown that about 5,000 people in the United States are newly-diagnosed with ALS each year–about 13 new cases a day! It isn estimated that about 100,000 people who are apparently well in the country today will die with ALS. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is also popularly known as Lou Gehrig disease. Lou Gehrig was a famous baseball player in the 1930's for the New York Yankees. Once known as baseball's â€Å"Ironman†, Lou Gehrig was truly a sports legend. His promising career came to a screeching halt, however, when he was diagnosed with ALS. The disease not only took away his career in baseball, but his life; Lou Gehrig died at the young age of thirty-eight. In conclusion, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a deadly and frightening disease; its victims cannot be saved. Someday, hopefully, a cure will be developed, and the suffering this disease is causing will be stopped.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Bilingualism and Biculturalism
Bilingualism and biculturalism are intertwined terms that have influenced the social model of modern society. As everyday passes by, the world keeps getting smaller and we continue conforming to the cultural norms of the global society. While bilingualism helps us to keep our native language intact, biculturalism reminds of our true roots. In a world with diminishing cultural boundary lines, bilingualism and biculturalism are critical factors that help preserve one’s cultural identity. Bilingualism Bilingualism is basically the ability to comprehend and effectively communicate in two languages.However, various experts have their own definition of bilingualism with certain nuances. For instance, a bilingual is one who is recognized as a native speaker by natives of both languages, according to a French linguist named Thiery (Chan 2). In recent times, the ability to construct and express complete, meaningful sentences is considered adequate for one to achieve bilingualism. B. Wa ys to measure bilingualism Bilingualism can be measured by evaluating the level of mastery of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in both languages.Most bilinguals have superior command over one language compared to the other, as it is not very common for an individual to have equal mastery of both languages. Likewise, some bilinguals can understand a language better than they speak it; they are commonly referred to as receiving bilinguals. It is generally accepted among the linguist community that knowing a minimum of five thousand words in a language is necessary to carry out effective communication. C. Types of bilingualismVarious types of bilingualism have been found to exist as linguists continue to study the reasons and methods governing the existence of bilingualism. Sometimes, learning a second language might lead to the deterioration of ones native language. This negative impact over a person’s native language is called as subtractive bilingualism. Howeve r, if second language proficiency is achieved without causing any negative impact one’s mother tongue, then it is known as additive bilingualism. When an individual’s communication skills improve in general from the mastery of a second language, it is known as ascendant bilingualism.In countries where people speaking a certain language are frowned upon, there is a tendency to conceal one’s native language owing to the fear of being stigmatized. This phenomenon is known as covert bilingualism. On the other hand, some nations in the world have two official languages, as a result of having people from different cultural backgrounds speaking two different languages. Although not all people in the country speak or understand both the languages, such a country is known to exhibit societal bilingualism.Bilingualism can be classified into infant bilingualism and artificial bilingualism, based on the nature of acquiring bilingualism. Infant bilingualism is a native way o f acquiring both languages simultaneously, right from a very early age when a child begins to talk. This way of acquiring bilingualism would most probably result in one attaining almost equal proficiency in both languages. This is possible when both languages are natural part of the child’s environment. This usually happens when each parent is a native speaker of one language or if the parents are proficient in both languages.This way, the child finds both languages natural since he/she is exposed to it since birth. Artificial bilingualism is a phenomenon according to which parents consciously try to pass on a language that is not either of their mother tongues, to the children. This could be a result of societal or cultural pressure to speak the language like a native speaker. Artificial bilingualism can have a negative impact if the parents try to force a language that they are not proficient at it, since this could lead the children to form an improper language model.D. Bi culturalism Biculturalism enables an individual to possess native-like knowledge of two cultures present in his/her country. Hence, a bicultural person would have the ability to relate to members of both cultures as well as act according to the demands of both cultures. True biculturalism is said to have been achieved if a person inherently feels like a part of both cultures. E. Biculturalism in society Biculturalism usually exists in a country where two different cultures or cultural identities are allowed to freely flourish within the society.It is characterized by widespread occupation of people belonging to two diverse cultures. However, true biculturalism cannot exist in a country where one culture is suppressed or discriminated. Bicultural countries have official policies to protect the interest of both cultures. It also facilitates equitable status and rights to people belonging to both cultures without any prejudice. These countries also celebrate festivals pertaining to bot h cultures to preserve integrity of both cultures and foster the spirit of togetherness. E. 1 Biculturalism in CanadaCanada follows a policy of official bilingualism as its gives equal status to both English and French in its parliament and courts. This was done to preserve the cultural identity of French communities in Canada, as support for the French language in Canada had weakened and English had become the preferred language in business and politics, by the end of the nineteenth century. As the years passed by, Francophone communities outside of Quebec begun to realize the extinction of their culture was inevitable, unless French-based education was made a top priority.Certain political forces in Quebec had also wanted a separate state during the 1960s. Franco-Albertans living in Quebec called for bilingualism and biculturalism to ensure that Canada stayed united. This led to the proclamation of the Official Languages Act of 1969 announcing Canada as a bilingual nation (Alberta ’s Francophone Heritage 3). Today, Franco-Albertans are entitled to exclusive French-only education according to rights guaranteed by Bilingualism and Biculturalism Commission, while French is also now used in government offices and hospitals in Alberta.All these developments with respect to biculturalism have kept Canada together as one nation and led to the revival of the French culture. E. 2 Biculturalism in Australia Australia was originally inhabited only by several indigenous tribes, until the Europeans settlers started to immigrate there. These relatively new settlers started to control the ethnicity of the immigrants settling down to ensure that Australia had a cultural identity of a British Colony. Until 1973, the governments empowered by the Immigration Restriction Act followed the White Australia policy to keep a check on non-European immigration.The racial injustice perpetrated by the White Australia policy official came to end by passing of the Racial Discriminat ion Act in 1975. Australia started to rigorously follow a bicultural policy similar to Canada, opening its doors to several thousands of immigrants from all over the world. The extent of Australia’s multicultural policy can be better understood from a 2005 Department of Immigration statistic which reports that forty percent of the contributing workforce in Australia had at least one parent born outside of Australia, while twenty-five percent of them were not originally born in Australia (Wikiepedia 9).Australian values of ‘mateship’ centered on equality, loyalty and friendship, have enshrined in its biculturalism policy and given equal rights to all Australian citizens irrespective of their ethnicity. Multiculturalism was initially perceived as the acceptance of people coming from different cultural backgrounds as members of Australian society. However, the significance of biculturalism has now deepened and empowered immigrants in Australia to express their cultu ral identity, thereby enabling them to experience both Australian culture as well as their native culture. E.3 Biculturalism in the United States America, in spite of being one of most culturally diverse nations in the world and built on values of equality, does not officially have a federal multiculturalism policy. That being said, America does practices biculturalism on a social level as immigrants from various countries are freely allowed to practice their religion and exhibit their cultural identity. The Hart-Cellar Act of 1965 nullified quotas based on one’s national origin. Since then, more twenty twenty-eight million people immigrants have legally been accepted by the United States of America.Bilingualism is also prevalent is certain Southern states that are heavily populated with Spanish-speaking immigrants. F. The relationship of bilingualism to biculturalism Bilingualism and biculturalism are concepts that are very closely tied together. Bilingualism not only helps one to connect and effectively communicate with the society around him/her, but also enables a person to maintain command over his/her native language. Since language is the key to stay in touch with one’s ethic or national culture, bilingualism helps foster biculturalism as well.F. 1. Origin of bilingualism in bicultural societies Canada was one of the pioneers of the New World to officially adopt the policy of bilingualism. In 1867, British North America Act was passed to legalize to conversing in English as well as French in Canadian Parliament as well as Courts of Law, thereby paving the way for a bicultural state. As the world’s political climate began to change during the beginning of the twentieth century, the idea of cultural pluralism started to gain momentum.Biculturalism began in western world and paved the way for biculturalism to be adopted as a political policy in many other parts of the world. F. 2. Bilingual education Bilingual education is a method of teaching all subjects to students through a country’s primary language as well as the student’s native language. There are several types of approaches and programs available to carry out bilingual education. Transitional programs teach all subjects in the students’ native language and English is taught as a separate subject until bilingual students can study along with other native students in normal classrooms.Dual Language programs consist of an equal combination of students who are native English speakers as well students who have another common native language. These methods enable all students in the class to be bilingual and understand subject matter in both languages. Late-exit program is yet another method that is quite similar to transitional programs, but it also teaches all the subjects in English again to reinforce the subject content and achieve effective bilingualism. It is hard to generalize and develop a common plan to educate bilingual students. For instance, in the US, young immigrants are either more educated or less educated native-born American students since immigrants from Asian countries are relatively well-educated compared to their South American counterparts, as a result of to social and economic differences. Language maintenance and Language shift Language maintenance is an effort to preserve the linguistic ability of child in his/her native language, while not compromising on learning the popular secondary language at school. It is can result from a passion for one’s culture or a necessity to communicate with elder members in the family.Career prospects due to international acclaim or the availability of media services such as television programs or books in one’s native could also cause language maintenance. The avoidance of one’s native language is known as language shift. For instance, bilingual children may stop using their mother tongue owing to a higher degree of English exposure in sc hool. Other factors that influence language shift are fear of one’s native language negatively influencing their English language skills or learning abilities.Lack of parental encouragement to maintain one’s native language can also lead to language shift. G. Transference Transference occurs when a person’s native language negatively influences the way he/she uses another language or vice-versa. This influence can occur in the form of distinctive oral expressions i. e. accent or odd sentence compositions. It is classified into lexical, phonological, semantic, prosodic, tonemic, syntactic and pragmatic transferences.CONCLUSIONThe concepts of bilingualism and biculturalism are two critical aspects that have held together societies comprising of several cultures, languages, races and ethnic backgrounds. Since transference or the deviation from the norms of a language could lead to language shift, proper bilingual education has to be provided to ensure that one is c omfortable using both languages. Bilingualism, the preservation of one’s native language accompanied by command over a country’s primary language, is necessary to achieve biculturalism in a society as well retaining one’s true cultural identity.References A Research Guide for Students. (1998-2006). Retrieved March 20, 2008. http://www. aresearchguide. com/1steps. html Bilingualism and Biculturalism. Retrieved March 20, 2008, from Alberta’s Francophone Heritage. http://www. edukits. ca/francophone/en/secondary/infomatics_text_bilingualism. html Chan, K. (1998). Bilingualism and Biculturalism. Retrieved March 20, 2008, from Academia. http://www. geocities. com/goktimus/bilingualism. html Multiculturalism. Retrieved March 20, 2008, from Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Multiculturalism
Friday, September 13, 2019
Gambling in The Stock Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Gambling in The Stock Market - Essay Example NYSE was used as a platform to trade bonds and stocks. Following the establishment of stock and bond trading platforms, most people view it as a money tree, which creates wealth easy and quick. As a result, many people used their savings to invest in stocks and bonds. However, it is important to note that investing in stock market requires hard work and adequate research because it is unforgiving for amateurs or gamblers. Gambling in the Stock Exchange There are clear distinctions between gambling and investing in the stock exchange as indicated below. Gambling refers to putting money or other valuable assets into activities whose outcome involves chance. It can also refer to an immediate event or act, whose motive is immediate gratification. When the word gambling is mentioned, people easily identify casinos, gaming activities as well as lottery. However, they fail to identify that putting money into the stock exchange to buy stocks, bonds and other investment vehicles with no concr ete and clear goal may also qualify as gambling. Gambling in the stock exchange is not a new phenomenon among many new traders. Gambling can be addictive and destructive at the same time. Gamblers are risk seekers because they go for all or nothing. It is motivated by compulsion or entertainment. Little or no research, risk seeking, unsystematic approach, emotion like greed and fear is evident, motivated by entertainment or compulsion. Gambling is encouraged by introduction of internet enabled online trading making it cheaper and quicker to trade in the markets as well as easier and pleasant access to the market, which is provided by stock tickers and comfortable rooms. Investing in the stock exchange is characterized by long time investment horizon. It is a progressive process aimed at generating progressive net worth. With longer time, the value of stocks bought is likely to appreciate thus enabling long time investors to have higher chances of generating positive results in the m arket. Investment also involves putting money to purchase assets used to produce goods or services or spending in activities that promotes production of goods or services with an aim of making a profit. Therefore, investment involves provision of capital to companies which need to accomplish their goals. In addition, investment is about setting goals of building wealth in the future. Investors are usually risk averse as they try as much as possible to avoid risk unless they will be adequately compensated. Finally, investment is about risk aversion, systematic approach and is done after doing sufficient research. Who Gambles and Who Invests A person who invests in the long time horizon is an investor. Over time the value of the stock market is likely to increase, thus odds work in the favor of the investor. This indicates that the investor may lose money in the short term but gain in a longer time. Furthermore, in the stock market the outcome is not random. If a person takes a delibe rate step to research, and analyzes which stock to buy as well as develop a detailed plan and takes a much longer time horizon, then he or she is said to be an investor because he or she has better chances of succeeding or getting positive results. Doak (45) asserts that real investors invest after a rigorous research, they form their own opinions. Investors know and understand that well run companies will have the value of their stock rise while poorly
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Criminal law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Criminal law - Research Paper Example The field of criminal law has to be lean and presentable for the sake of shortening the road to justice. One of what now constitutes a criminal offence and ought to be repealed is public drunkenness and nuisance. The law is not quite defined and it is not strange to see most of the criminals in one way or the other to incriminated with crimes related to drunkenness. Two factors are always considered before one is construed to have committed a criminal offence. This is guilty act and guilty mind, while a guilty act is the nature and form of behaviors that individuals poses a guilty mind on the other is the situation in which an individual is self professed as facing guilt (Peter, 189). A combination of the two constitutes a criminal offence and clearly, this is lacking in the case of public drunkenness. A public drunkard has no guilty mind or guilty act. Criminalizing such kind of cases as criminal is not only overburdening the public with bureaucratic system of law enforcement but al so results into giving false impression on the accused (Peter 194). The act of criminology should be clearly defined such that other activities that may be construed as negligence, indecent public exposure or act are separated from the acts of criminals. Other acts that are equally considered criminal offence and should be reconsidered are vagrancy and contravention of the traffic rules. This is a resolution realized after the courts are found to find it so hard to attend to cases due to lack of clarity resulting from them. Spreading criminal offence to include all these has also made the dispensation of justice to be a problem. This is because of the time taken to pass judgments as well as adducing evidence for and against by the prosecutor and the defendant respectively. There are also tendency that the prosecutor do threaten the accused to compound the charges for not pleading guilty and entering into a trial with such parties in the critical conditions (Peter, 201). There will b e a perception that if such activities are not considered as criminal, there will result a situation where several of such cases arising and even overcrowding further the corridors of justice. This is not the case, the only proposal in this case is not to criminalize the situation but the charges against those who will be found guilty of the contraventions will face the equal measure of the law. The aim of the move is to help reduce the burden of the public in response to what is considered mushrooming of criminal offences that are being enacted on a daily basis in a routine manner. This has proved to be over criminalization for the public making the lives of the public difficult in complying with all the regulations that are being enacted as criminal. The public will be enabled to observe the regulation more so those that are considered criminal offences with ease instead of creating several criminal laws at every stage in life are overburdening and irritating to the people involve d. Before a law is enacted to be a criminal offence, the legislation team should be mindful about the public and should ensure that the law meets all the facets of criminology such that it becomes enforceable in the event that the same publics contravene them. Criminalizing everything anytime is not the solution to the problems, in fact
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Contract provision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Contract provision - Essay Example The above-named Client (hereinafter referred to as "Client") is engaging Span Systems as an independent contractor for the specific purpose of designing software, herein after referred to as "Software Design Project", to be published on the Client's account on an Internet Service Provider (ISP)/Web Presence Provider (WPP) computer, herein, or provided on disc at the Client's option. The Client hereby authorizes Span Systems to access this account, and authorizes the Hosting Service to provide Span Systems and its designer, Fawaz, with "full access" to the Client's account, and any other programs needed for this project that are included as part of the Client's service agreement/level.Compatibility - Designing a program to fully work in multiple browsers (and browser versions) can require considerable, extra effort. It could also involve creating multiple versions of code/pages. Span Systems represents and warrants that the web site we design for you will work in:While Span Systems wi ll make reasonable efforts to design a fully-functional program, our warranty does not cover programs other than those mentioned above or requested special effects that we have advised you against.4.a This contract shall cover the expectation of the completion of terms on a ninety day basis. This contract does not guarantee that the contract will be completed, but rather that the terms will be revisited and renewed upon consent of all parties.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
The role and importance of communication to organisational Essay
The role and importance of communication to organisational effectiveness - Essay Example 78-79). The managers make the production process by organizing and communicating to the employees on the area in which person is supposed to be. In regard to this, effectiveness in the production process is improved when the employees are informed on why they have been selected to perform particular tasks and not others. This creates harmony within the organization since they do not view job allocations as a form of oppression but as a way of developing their skills (Leopold et al 2005 p.56). Since organizations constantly change in order to match the varying consumer needs, communication becomes a necessity especially where goods and services are to be produced according to the customer’s specifications. Information flow along the management hierarchy needs to be effective in order for the workers to understand what and for whom to produce. For example, customers may order a specific amount of a particular quantity of product. Since they can not access the employees directly, they have to contact the management who are expected to satisfy their demands. If effective communication is not made to every one concerned in production, employees may end up not producing according to specifications given to the managers (Geoffrey 2004 pp. 34-36). Information regarding a change in production needs to be communicated through the available methods such as group discussions, team work and such so that the employees can discuss and exchange ideas in regard to the changes. Wit hout effective communication, an organization can not accomplish its goals. Communication with in an organization promotes transparency in the organization. It happens that when the employees do not get adequate information from their seniors, it is most likely that they may end up making the wrong decisions or conclusions in critical issues. For example, it is important for the employees to understand the criteria through which the management confers
Monday, September 9, 2019
Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentoring Activities --Savannah, GA Essay
Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentoring Activities --Savannah, GA - Essay Example The organization is undoubtedly one of the best charitable organizations in the area. The chapter is highly effective considering most of the activities the organization offers here. Its impact is widely felt through the contribution it has made to the children of this area. Firstly, volunteers are deployed through a highly rigorous process. This is done by thoroughly screening everyone coming in to offer services. This is done through interviews as well as background investigations. This way the organization is able to provide top-notch level of services to the children. In addition, most of the reports from the officials indicate that there is a notable positive effect among youth (Stone, 2009). Looking at the programs offered by the organization, I would more likely classify them as prevention measures than diversion. This is so because, the services provided by the volunteers are focused in making the young people gain good values that are generally acceptable in the society. The y are keen in coaching the youth on how to keep away from harmful behavior such as using illegal drugs and criminal activities. Although there are other programs that aims at helping this generation of kids become more diverse as far as their careers is concerned, the main goal is to bring up children of high morals (Jano, 2008). Another reported outcome of the program is bringing up self-confident young people who can easily mingle with other people. BBBS Chapter Programs / Competition The local chapter offers a variety of programs that have become so successful in achieving positive results. The mentoring programs are set up based on the needs of the children. The mentors in different programs come from all walks of life and the organization matches these experts with the requirements of the young people seeking guidance. One of the most common programs is the academic mentoring. Here, an experienced college professor participates in mentoring a student through a particular projec t. Secondly, there is the career mentoring that aims at guiding youth through career choices and along the path of career chosen. Lastly, there is the personal development mentoring that provides counseling to young people when they are experiencing personal crisis (To’angutu, 2005). This also helps children with less privileged lives. The activities of the programs mostly leave other social service organization with less to offer, due to their wide support in terms of funds and staff, the BBBS has the competitive edge. The organization has reduced expenses since they do not incur staff expenses; they also have so many experts at their disposal who mostly volunteer their services to the program (Stone, 2009). The other organizations should try to specialize with offering social services that are not covered by BBBS. This will decrease the level of competitions that would otherwise arise from offering the same services as BBBS. BBBS versus Juvenile Justice System BBBS goals di ffer from those of the juvenile justice system. The latter is determined in rehabilitation of children accused of committing criminal offences. This is very different from the goals and the role of BBBS, which is guidance and counseling. The juvenile justice system only focuses with helping the children who are on the wrong whilst the BBBS focus on every child. Another difference is that the Juvenile justice system has the interest of the community at large where they aim at
Sunday, September 8, 2019
The Critiquing Process in Developing Reliable and Valid Body of Essay
The Critiquing Process in Developing Reliable and Valid Body of Knowledge - Essay Example According to their first hypothesis, the coaches of different genders (male or female) would react upon the RLSS differently in leadership behaviors. On the other hand, the second hypothesis refers to the occurrence of differences on the RLSS among different coaching levels that include college, high-school and junior-high. Summary The data forming the sample was non-random, which comprise of 162 coaches being selected on the volunteer basis. There were 118 (73%) male coaches and 44 (27%) female coaches with in the sample. In relation to the level of coaching, the sample included 25 (15%) junior-high coaches, 99 (61%) high-school coaches and 38 (24%) college-level coaches. Although this makes a good sample however the issue is in the distribution of the sample, particularly, the sample number for the junior-high-level coaches is relatively low. Instead, a larger sample constituting all categories of coaches would have been helpful in the analysis of the data, especially in the case o f the potential interaction of gender with the level of coaching. The tool employed was the Revised Leadership for Sport Scale that was created by Zhang, Jensen and Mann (1997). The RLSS can be used to evaluate the 6 leadership behaviors that include training and instructional behavior, autocratic behavior, democratic behavior, social support behavior, situational consideration behavior and positive feedback behavior. Sixty statements were used in the scale, being preceded by the phrase, ‘In coaching, I’. Each one of these 60 statements were accompanied by a Likert scale that is: 1 for ‘never’, 2 for ‘seldom’, 3 for ‘occasionally’, 4 for ‘often’, and 5 for ‘always’. This constructed a data set of ordinal level of measurement. Scales were monitored according to various environmental settings such as the gymnasiums, the fields of practice, the classrooms and the offices. The internal consistency was estimate d for each type of leadership behavior, which corresponds to 84 % for training and instructional behavior, 70 % for autocratic behavior, 66 % for democratic behavior, 52 % for social support behavior, 69 % for situational consideration behavior and 78 % for positive feedback behavior. Nevertheless, there was no information provided in relation to the validity of RLSS. Evaluation & Review In order to analyze the data, a MANOVA was employed for the
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