
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Recreation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Recreation - Es give vo chalk ExampleThese be throw in in the area where battalion are many, meaning many customers there is. In this period of time muckle are precise busy, on their jobs, commonly for their living. They detectm to be people who should have their spare time to enjoy and gravel their selves relax. And as a product and agenda of the g everyplacenment they will surely provide and built such(prenominal) places for peoples recreation. They said it is to show that our government has done well for the common good of the people. But how can we say that this is an indicator of mount What are these recreations and how do they add to the development Will they lust foreverAn theoretical account for leisure as a catalyst for development is the situation in Belfast. It is a city changed with over 1billion of private investment in revolutionary residential, commercial and leisure facilities. Mostly of this investment has taken place along the waterfront, transforming100 a cres of former industrial land. 1 of public investment has levered 5 of private investment. 10,000 new jobs have been offered and 500 homes were built - with city living becoming attractive once again. There are so many places to go and earn enjoyments. A lot of places around this world provides recreations. Each state of matter are making or trying to create something that will give pleasures to the people. They tend to attract everybody to a certain place to have fun and enjoy and give pleasures to their selves. But behind this, there comes gold matters. You need to pay for a pleasure. Business sectors have planned this. As they study the needs of the people they have come up with the building of volunteer(a) areas that are in demand by employees and of public life childrens which always wanted to enjoy and familys having fun. The government of course will have their part behind these recreational activities, money which are from the taxes. They are of course somehow are suppo rting this. It helps as to provide enjoyment and leisure as for the common good of the people.Two of the jewels in this revival cr admit are the 32m Waterfront Hall, Belfasts give winning 2500 seat concert and convention centre, and the 91m Odyssey Complex, including a 10,000 seat indoor arena with permanent ice floor, 12 screens Warner Village Multiplex, 400 seats Sheridan Imax and W5 Science Centre. Both these facilities, while victorious in their own right, have also played a crucial role in unlocking further investment and regeneration.Among the of import leisure is tourism. According to Lipman (2003), tourism is a catalyst for the development of an area. It is the central pillar of a planetary services company. With the present problem of poverty in certain places, there have been actions made for these places to progress in due time. The international company is now taking course to eliminate this problem by 2015 through integrated international, regional, national develop ment programs, largely in the frame campaign of UN and Bretton Woods Institution. They currently work on the development for the needs like food, home, health, and education. Because of these needs they are tied up to debts and loans but they for see tourism as an answer that will solve this poverty.According to National Account Analysis due to tourism it has directly raise 8-12% raise of GDP, employment, investment, and trade for most countries. They provide work for the people therefore decrease the problem of unemployment and increasing the income of the people in the area.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 20

Management - Essay ExampleThe said grammatical construction may be considered as bureaucratic or post-bureaucratic depending upon the performance. Bureaucratic is considered when there is a value for merits, pecking order and definite separation of responsibilities and roles. On the other hand, a post-bureaucratic organization may have the hierarchy scarcely there is a sense of equality in voicing out opinions and ideas through dialogues. Post-bureaucratic to a fault favors consensus which heart and soul the decision would depend upon the majority of votes or prevailing idea (DuBrin, 2012 263). Despite of the majority wins mentality, hierarchy til now exists in post-bureaucratic organizations. Kraft was sort of a centralized rigid organization way back in advance its acquisition of Cadbury. After one and a half year of acquiring Cadbury, the company decided to secernate the organization into two namely the snack food business and grocery business (Geller, 2011). In addition, i t in like manner made efforts to decentralize its structure by allowing more staffs to participate in decision-making and improving the company as a whole. The decision-making involving the product development and manufacturing would be the ones transferred to the lower levels of the organizational hierarchy. In addition, the structure might control like a matrix because the information technology, human resources and logistics teams would be shared across the organization (Ferrari, 2010).organisational structure is not the only concern in the paper as the ethical issues are also important in the productivity and performance of a company. It is already an accepted fact that making faultings is essential but can be reduced by careful preparations, best practices and sound decisions. Each mistake can be detrimental to the overall state of the company so the rightness or incorrectness of an action or practice is being looked at by the professionals and even by the public. After al l, a business depends upon the profit that will be gained from

Sunday, April 28, 2019

International business Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

International business - Personal disceptation ExampleI see that through the course I can gain sufficient cognition to be able to handle such issues and other related problems associated with international business.My previous educational accent has also motivated me to establish for this course. I am currently a BA student in this institution, which is relevant to my course because it entails business issues. So far, I have learned a lot nigh business administration and management, and I would like to widen this knowledge further to the international level. My choice to apply for the course in this aim is because as a student here I have cognize the institution to be an excellent place. The culture of the school and its diversity are great opportunities to reckon, and they blend with my philosophy. The school values development of leaders and creation of knowledge in business issues, and that is exactly what I believe in. Business rocks the world this institution creates know ledge in business and I choose to be here. I am hoping to get a positive feedback from you soon. Thank you for your

Saturday, April 27, 2019

International Marketing Communications Plan 03062 Essay

International Marketing Communications Plan 03062 - Essay manikintage comes from its emphasis on social responsibility, ethical trade and delivering value to customers who believe in the same value as The personify stigmatize. The marting plan proposes to use these values as a pillar to version the marketing strategy which would be directed towards the younger segment that is prone to adopting new trends early.The Body memory board International was set up by Dame Anita Roddick and sells skin and beauty products. The cross off combines activism and marketing to shape up men and women to focus on social and environmental issues. The brand operates in 60 markets worldwide and has much than 2500 stores that work on a franchise based model. They also have the new Hemp Body Care line and The Body Shop at Home line as well. (The Body Shop, 2015)The brand believes in fair trade and has set up its own fair trade program called friendship Fair Trade. This program involves 30 supplier s in 20 countries and provides 25,000 people worldwide with income to build their future. The Body Shop also sources its raw materials from their suppliers (The Body Shop, 2015).Since 1994, The Body Shop has helped raise funds and awareness for domestic violence. Since 2004, everyplace 4 million pounds has been donated to partners who prevent, support and protect women and children from domestic abuse (The Body Shop, 2015).Protecting the planet is an historic value for the Body Shop. They take full responsibility of their carbon footprint and aim to minimize their mend on the planet. This includes plants to reduce energy consumption and waste generation and change attitudes around the world just about ecofriendly products (The Body Shop, 2015).The Body Shop does not face competition from well-known brand names corresponding Mac, Sephora or Chanel because its product offerings and target market is different. In China, the competition comes from brands that originate from Japan o r Korea standardized Missha or the Face Shop. These brands have already established a presence in the Chinese market and

Friday, April 26, 2019

Holmgren Engineering Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Holmgren Engineering - issue Study ExampleThe company manufactures water storage products with pressure heating systems. The product range of the firms comprises of tailfin models that has low variation in design such as the storage capacity and dimensions. The company employs a veritable process of batching production orders in a layout that is jumbled and disarranged.The production engineering head has do a purpose to the top management to change the process into a one-piece stop approach, redesign the facilities layout into a U-shaped assembly line, and transform the orientation into a make-to-order process.The benefits of the proposed changes go out make the company achieve its ending of cost advantage, process simplification and inventory management. Also, the implementation of the changes will free up space in the shop floor which would create an opportunity for the company to extend the product line or open the capacity of the production.Holmgren Engineering is a manu facturing company with core competencies in developing, manufacturing, and selling of water storage systems that overwhelm main pressure heating system. The products are marketed and sold under Hetvatten Plus trademark. The product range includes cinque models with different storage capacities, dimensions and dwelling type usage.Holmgren Engineering has evolved from a humble heating engineering firm, started by its founder Benny Holmgren, into a full service manufacturing company under the umbrella of Karlsson Invest conglomerate. The incumbent CEO is John Svensson. Peter Wiklund is the production engineering head who make proposals and recommendations for changes in the current trading operations process.This report will initially examine the current operations process used by Holmgren Engineering. The pick up features of the current process will be discussed and evaluated according to their advantages and disadvantages. It will then examine the key changes of the proposal mad e by Wiklund. His proposal is the re-engineering of the process which would create a U-shaped production layout employing a one-piece flow orientation. Introduction of make-to-order approach was recommended by Wiklund alongside the new process. The costs on new investments and benefits that the company will gain from the proposal will be analysed.Several factors are identified that would be carefully managed in order to successfully implement the changes and will be discussed in the latter part of the report. Conclusions and recommendations in the give-up the ghost part will summarise the report in a nutshell. Discussion/Analysis of Case Questions1. visualise the current operations process used by Holmgren Engineering. Explain the key features of this way of making products.The current process of producing boilers in Holmgren Engineering is called batch process. Batching is the approach of producing goods in groups or lots of similar products made on the same equipment. Batching m ethod is efficient for medium volume products with medium variability. The method utilises specialised equipment and skilled people. Holmgren Engineerings products, which have small deviation in designs of five models and medium amount of demand, more fit the requirements of the batching process. The operations process involves four principal sub-assemblies of copper body, top tank, galvanised casing and the electrical unit. These sub-assemblies are produced in confused tasks, systems and equipments.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Benchmarking and policy and regulations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Benchmarking and policy and regulations - Essay pillow slipThis percentage is increasing day by day with the increase in wellness care costs.The American nation is acutely aware of the fact that the health care system of their country is not workings out for everyone. The increasing costs and an increasing percentage of uninsurable people contribute to the rising bother in the health care system. The attention of policy makers is often directed towards these issues which they try to solve by addressing specific problems rather than looking at the whole health care system. These short-term solutions help in solving these problems for a limited period of time. Nonetheless, the problem as a whole still frame (Bureau of labor education, 2001).There are many causes of health insurance problems in linked States. Due to the gamy cost of insurance, many people (mostly unemployed and poor) tend to perch without insurance. Businesses do not offer tout ensemble their employees health insurance, hence more than half of the employees remain uninsured. Moreover, there are some people who wishing to get insurance, but the insurance companies go through them unfit for health insurance. Lastly, there are people who consider themselves healthy and do not want to seek insurance and pay high amounts of money to these health insurance companies (Bureau of labor education, 2001). As per the statistics 46.3 million people are currently uninsured in United States, however according to Families USA (2009), the number is even higher if we add the number of people who remain uninsured at least during for a little time. In 2007-2008 almost 86.7 million people were uninsured at some time.Almost 5 million people have the finances to get health insurance, however are not able to due to pre existing conditions. Texas has the highest number of uninsured people as compared to all other states of America. During 2004-2006 almost 24.1% of Texas population was uninsured (US Census Bure au, 2009). The percentage of under-insured

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Values and Democracy (Politics) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

determine and Democracy (Politics) - Essay ExampleEven though regular elections are, according to Beetham (1992), a continuous clear up on the elected to take constant notice of public opinion (ibid, p. 47), the dictate that politicians take merriment from is the fact that citizens have very little influence on political decisions made in their behalf. The impression argument of this strain is that in order to justify the diversity of environmental values and the dedication of citizens, the impact of decision making should be to improve and endorse democratic participation. In order to do this, this essay will compare and contrast the relationship of environmental values and democracy in four countries, namely, The fall in States, Great Britain, Russia, and China the former both countries being highly democratic while the latter two being less democratic. As reported by the Brundtland Commission, an environmental set should state that all man beings have the fundamental rig ht to an environment adequate for their health and well being (Smith 2003, 104). ... 216). Democracy should be concerned with the composition of the constitution, since the effect of rights is experienced all over the legal, political, and moral areas. Several theories have been utilize for establishing environmental values (Carrow et al. 1998). Eckersley (1996) sums up the environmental challenge to democratic ideas of rights by saying that the democratic definition of the moral interest of protection and independence from control needs consideration of the physical situations of its use. As argued by Eckersley (1996), we must accord the same moral priority to the material conditions (including bodily and ecological conditions) that enable that liberty to be exercised (ibid, p. 223). Environmental values, however, conflicts with the democracy. Yet, the statements above show that ecological values and particular democratic rights are in fact connected. As stated by Saward (1996), Rather than being something outside the purview of democratic theory, hollow out environmental concerns are part of it (ibid, p. 88). The following section will show the connection (or conflict) between environmental values and democracy in four countries, the US, the UK, China, and Russia. Environmental Values and Democracy If one looks at the political guidelines for the environment of the US and the UK, which are highly democratic societies, a particular problem appears as the clearest tout of the political practices, which is shown in their regulations. The problem has its source in knowledge of democracy that respects the involvement of citizens in decision making process to be a must. As shown by this idea, citizens should be given the right to express his/her opinion of and interest

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Organizational Behavior and the Individual Personal Statement

organisational Behavior and the Individual - own(prenominal) Statement ExampleAn individual who has the physical and mental abilities and who is fully aware of these abilties can determine his readiness to do an organizational task. For example, one who excels in good reasoning and memory, and analytical and verbal comprehension may efficiently attend to a work requiring or relating to these abilities, given the task and recognition. Furthermore, one who has a choke self-perception of his job or role also tends to have clear expectations and goals, and come up with sound decisions.Organizational leaders must assess and understand the individual behaviors of its people while each individual makes an try to adapt to some situational factors in an organization which include the working environment, company policies and honest codes and managerial orientation. The estimable codes of a company support or inhibit the way the individual characteristics impact employee morale and org anizational performance. According to Feigenbaum (2011), the code of ethics serves as an expectation and guideline for employee conduct and is one tool for achieving standards of ethical behavior in an

Monday, April 22, 2019

September 11, 2001, was a day this country will never forget Essay

phratry 11, 2001, was a day this country will never forget - Essay ExampleSuddenly, my grandpa emerged from the mechanical drawing room and cried out, Hey, come inside and see whats happening on the TV An aircraft has collided with one of the oppose Towers in New York Hearing this, we went running to the drawing room to see the television. And that is how I witnessed the September 11 fervors. At first, we thought that it was an accident. But as soon as a nonher jet airliner collided with the South Tower, we mum that our country had been attacked. The September 11 attacks had profound nimble effects like peevishness, fear, and astonishment, which loomed over each and any citizen of the United States. The wave of anger and urge to serve Soon afterward the hijacked airplanes collided with the Twin towers, the structure began to collapse. I saw the horrible footage of the towers going down in smoke through the live telecast by CNN on the television. I was just trying to underst and that what could have happened to the innocent people who were trapped inside. The immediate effect on me was anger. I was angry to see so many of my own people macrocosm killed in that atrocious way. I decided at once that I would take part in the rescue and relief operation. Later, I participated in the blood donation camps. Moreover, I made monetary contributions to the families of the victims of the attack through the organizations like Coalition of 9/11 Families. The fear about air travel Also, in that location was a short lived feeling of fear in me after I witnessed the September 11 attacks. Although this was not a sign of having strong character, I was frightened as I thought about hijackers. At the night, I had a nightmare that I was trapped in an airplane, which had been hijacked by terrorists. Since we frequently take flights to go to different cities and places, the specter of hijacking was really appalling. In the weeks following the September 11 attacks, I was ba ll over as I came to know that an ATC Zero condition had been established right after the terrorist attacks. Immediately after those attacks, all the airspace of North America had been closed and thousands of air passengers had been stranded in the different airports. I had never heard of such things happening before. Astonishment due to government response Besides anger and fear, another effect of the September 11 attacks on me was astonishment. I was bewildered to know that how the Bush memorial tablet had initially responded to the event. In March 2002, an article written by Francie Grace had been published via the CBS News website. In the article, Grace wrote, President Bush had established a shadow government, moving dozens of higher-ranking civilian managers to secret underground locations outside Washington to ensure that the federal government could survive a devastating terrorist attack on the nations capital. President Bush had taken this flavor in September, 2001 just after the terrorist attacks took place. However, the nation, including the powerful US Congress, came to know about it only after a period of almost half a year I was filled with astonishment as I reflected on the practice of secrecy by the government. It was so strange indeed that such a snug and agile machinery had actually failed to prevent the September 11 attacks. Conclusion In conclusion, I would like to conjure up that the September 11 attacks on the Twin Towers and Pentagon changed the lives of each and every American. The effects of the attacks manifested as feelings of anger, fear, and

Pick a controversial topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

fragmentize a controversial topic - Essay ExampleHowever many of these criminals are violent and give birth committed depraved murders without regard to their victims and their families. In these instances the death penalty may be an appropriate punishment. match to the Amnesty International website The death penalty is the ultimate denial of human rights. It is the premeditated and cold-blooded putting to death of a human being by the state. (Abolish the Death Penalty) The site claims that in 2011 at that place was an international movement toward abolishing the death penalty completely. It also has indicated aside from the United States only 20 regularly imposed the death penalty in murder cases. There are several terms found on the site which describe their efforts to ban the death penalty. For example in the article Iran must halt executions amid fears of peeled wave of death penalties it stated that Amnesty International asked Iranian authorities to put a immobilise to up coming executions because many other Iranian prisoners may be at risk for execution pertaining to do drugs crimes without a fair trial. Amnesty International is calling for a stop to these executions until allegations of torture and other prohibited practices perpetrated by Iranian authorities can be investigated.In a 2007 Washington Post article author Martin OMalley discusses his reasons for believing that the death penalty should be abolished in his home state of Maryland. He indicates that it is not the most effective punishment for murder and does not necessarily discourage other pot from committing murders. He cites the example of a case of a Maryland man who randomly shot and killed leash teens. This person expressed no remorse and stated that he would do it again if he could. (OMalley) He was eventually executed. However O Malley questioned whether or not the execution was appropriate retribution for the murders since the killer welcomed execution. O Malley also cites an example of another man who was

Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant and Roman Fever by Edith Wharton Essay

The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant and Roman Fever by Edith Wharton - seek ExampleThis essay explores the splendor of endings in devil stories The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant, and Roman Fever by Edith Wharton. Ending have been used to facilitate an unannounced change of plot /achieve plot lead towards the end in the two stories. The type of ending used here is called twist ending. There is an unexpected change of outcome towards the end of the story and this brings up an unexpected conclusion to the story. For example, the two women start talk about the mix of love relationships they had before they just got married. Mrs. Ansley had been in love with the husband of Mrs. Slade before he married her. The two woman had been living as friends since childhood and were now chatting as friends as well. reasonable towards the end of the story, they intermit the grudges they have had against individually other all this years and the tricks they had played on each other. For grey-ha ired woman, and both being widows, this is not the kind of thing any atomic number 53 would expect them to hold much importance to youthful love battles (Wharton 1). Looking at the story the necklace, the author has also successfully managed to use a twist ending. Loisel and her had bought a new necklace for Mrs. Forester to replace the lost necklace and had kept this as a cloak-and-dagger between themselves for 10 good years. They had been paying dearly for it and no one would expect that Loisel would want to reveal it least it brings up an enemity between them. Surprisingly, Loisel decided to tell Mrs. Forester the truth. To her amazement, she was not angered, instead, Mrs. Forester showed love to her old friend and even confessed that her original necklace was not real diamond nut fake, costing scarcely five-spot hundred francs (Maupassant 1). The importance of the use of twist ending in the two stories allows the readers of the two stories to re-evaluate the narratives and th eir characters as well. For example, one would have thought Mrs. Forester as a harsher strict women because of the fear in Loisel and her husband. However, a set aside of this was revealed when she takes Loisel in two hands and tells her the truth behind her old necklaces. The type of ending is also in-chief(postnominal) in allowing the readers to make discoveries in the two stories for example, only through the exist portion of the story do the readers come to know the things that contri scarceed to the somehow cold type of friendship and hidden grudges between Mrs. Ansley and Mrs. Slade. It reveals the romantic challenger in their youth that made Mrs Slade to harbour feelings of hatred and jealousy against Mrs Ansley. By the words of Mrs. Ansley, I had Barbara, it reveals Barbara was an bastard child she had with Delphin, Mrs. Slades husband. At the same time, it helps to reveal the truth behind the rich-looking nature of Mrs Forester. She was not that rich but she gained stat us by going for substitutes and no one knew of this. Endings have also been used in the two stories to surprise their audiences. This type of ending is called surprise ending. The use of surprise ending as revealed in the last lines by Mrs. Ansley in the story the Roman fever. No reader would imagine the daughters of the two women were not only friends. They were sisters. Mrs. Ansley surprises her friend and the audience of the story by speaking in a way that revealed that Mrs. Slades political program to disappoint her friend and make her separate from her fiancee had turned out to be her luck. The

Saturday, April 20, 2019

The effect of nitric oxide and cGMP on follecogenises Essay

The effect of nitric oxide and cGMP on follecogenises - Essay Exampleto fe manly disorders, 20% of male origin, 27% resulting from abnormalities in both man and woman, while 15% of the cases could not be attributed to either furnish (de Kretser, 1997). According to Evers (2002), five types of disorders leading to infertility have been recognised. They are summarised in Table 1.Ovulation disturbances are a common cause of subfertility in women (Snick et al., 1997). Ovulation problems due to disturbances in reproductive hormones present themselves as irregular or absent menstrual periods viz., oligomenorrhoea or amenorrhoea (Hamilton-Fairley and Taylor, 2003). Hormonal balance governing the ovarian cycle is a critical factor in egg-producing(prenominal) fertility. Several factors including stressful lifestyles, extremes in body weight, diet, certain hormonal diseases (e.g., pituitary gland tumours) and endocrine disrupting chemicals, such as PCBs and some pesticides can impact a woma ns hormonal balance and, thereby, the ovulatory pattern (Farr et al., 2004). Age is another important factor that influences female fertility (Maheshwari et al., 2008) which starts to decline nigh the mean sequence of 37.5 years (Hourvitz, 2009). Fecundity of a woman declines with age because of the loss of follicles from the ovary. Advancing age could lead to infertility in a woman on account of poor oocyte quality related to a higher number of chromosomal aberrations and cytoplasmic malformations in the oocytes (Laufer et al., 2004). Furthermore, advancing maternal age could adversely influence the capacity of the oocyte to sustain early conceptus development vis-a-vis biochemical and molecular processes promoting fertilisation, embryo formation and successful development to term (Gilchrist et al., 2008)Male infertility resulting in the reduced ability of the female partner to become pregnant is usually on account of low sperm counts, obstructive azoospermia or primary spermato genic failure including reduced motility and/or abnormal morphology of sperm (Snick et al., 1997)

Friday, April 19, 2019

The Impact of the War on Drugs on Puerto Ricans Essay

The Impact of the War on Drugs on Puerto Ri preempts - Essay ExampleThe majority of Puerto Rican immigrants live in New York City, a circumstance that can be traced to post-World War II economic development programs, which ensured Puerto anti-racketeering laws economic and political dependence on the U.S. It has and continues to have a compound status with the fall in States. Crime in the Latino community, and specifically in Puerto Rico, has created a bequest of poverty, unemployment, and escape of education for the population, accelerated by drug prohibition. In 1994, the murder rate in Puerto Rico was the highest in the western hemisphere, with 73 percent classified by the police as drug related.The phrase states the tendency among Latinos to follow overall trends throughout the U.S. with alcohol and cigarettes consumed far more than all illegal drugs combined. Nevertheless, the intervention of Latinos is unequal with a greater number of arrests in Latino neighborhoods. The hi gh number of young passel incarcerated has a negative effect on the lives of families and neighborhoods. In addition, the war on drugs focuses on Latino gangs in New York City and Puerto Rico, with the Kings and Queens and the Netas of particular interest to law enforcement. The article further states that the war on drugs has acted as a catalyst to the AIDS epidemic. AIDS is the leading cause of death among young crowing Latinos in the coupled States and more than half are injection-related. In addition, people who live both on the island of Puerto Rico and in the United States have a much higher incidence of injection-related AIDS than do other Latino groups living in the United States.The relationship of the United States to Latin America and the Caribbean has been characterized as neocolonialism and is often considered a humanitarian gesture. However, rather than help them gain self-sufficiency, it becomes a means by which the United States government has exerted economic and political control. This is a long-term situation. By the 1960s, a period of great experiment with drugs, the war on drugs shifted from federal to state and local bodies. However, when the Knapp Commission of 1968 convened and police corruption made headlines across the nation, the police took a hands-off policy and looked to the cartel lords. This policy allowed drug distribution organizations to build empires in neighborhoods no longer the focus of police. In Puerto Rico, the war on drugs followed in U.S. footsteps due to its continuing colonial status.SummaryBarrios and Curtis (1998) make it very clear that only with legalization of all personality-enhancing drugs, along with alcohol and cigarettes, can a solution to the drug problem be found. By focusing on Puerto Rican immigrants in the United States, specifically in New York City, as well as those on the island of Puerto Rico, and continuing with a end study of a specific family, showing the way in which desperate needs brin g rough desperate means, these two authors show how the present system of laws against drugs accelerate rather than resolve the problem. In describing the Santuree family, the authors offered a microcosm of the drug problem within the experiences of one dysfunctional family, which shows clearly how the problems were escalated by poverty, unemployment, lack of medical care, lack of suitable housing, and ultimately following the apparent economic promise of drug dealing and the resulting

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Visual Arts and Film Studies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Visual Arts and Film Studies - Assignment suitI smiled at the answers I got and matt-up equivalent nodding because, indeed, I bump into those things in myself as well. I will try to relay to you what they told me so far. Positivity. I was told that this is definitely one of my strongest characteristic. All triad of my friends agreed that they feel lighter when they are around me. I was told that there were several times when they felt down due to a bad thing, and I would point out the good side of it and declare them feel better. I pick out that most of the times, I see the brighter side of a dark situation. Individualization. My friends told me that I am one of those who hate stereotypes. They reminded me of the times when they would make generalized comments about a person found on fashion taste or circle of friends, and I would stand up for that person and put forward that no one knows anything until we get to know that person well. I had been stereotyped a lot so probably thats why I hate to see it happening to anyone. Includer. I know that I make water always been warm to everyone. My friends told me that I am always the one to invite a person to total a conversation, or an activity, etc. It makes me feel awkward to see anyone being left on the sides. I know that everyone has a potential and it makes me feel good to be the one to actu altogethery cause a person to show his or her skills in a group because of my welcoming attitude. Activator. My friends made me laugh on this one, because they told me they sometimes feel destiny having a hard time keeping up with my activities. I dont like dull moments and I always feel like there is still something better to do than beneficial idle away. Developer. Friends say that if they ever need encouragement, they will just come looking for me. It is as if I know how they will best be able to flaunt their skills because of the ideas I give them. I like it a lot when people discover something in themselves, and I like it better when I know I am a part of that progress. 2. I feel that positivity is the overall cause of all the other dominant themes of talent in me. I feel positive in me, for me, and for others, that I want everybody to act and feel the same. 3. I believe that being an activator develops most of the talents. This is because I always search for something hot to do and learn. I always tap into the unknown, which I think is a good thing in loosening our imaginative freedom. I dont want to get stuck in something that is redundant, so I tend to be fearless in exploring and learning new things. 4. The surprising thing is how my friends see these dominant characteristics so well, and how they suffice so positively to these. I never want to imagine that people see me as overwhelming, so it is nice to know that they enjoy my personality. 5. The talent that I want to develop more is individualization because I know that every person has their own qualities worth knowing about, and I would really like to be able to be one of those who makes a difference, and tap into those hidden talents that most other people admit to ignore and be prejudice about. However, I know that I need to work on my vocal interaction with people because despite these positive qualities, I know that there are still others who see me as just the quiet typical art student. II. Networking Event I went to a networking event, which is a top of a short film en backupd Wallenda. It is produced by RareForm pictures --- an independent film production company founded in 2009. The screening was held in Gnomon, last December 3, at around 700 p.m. The film is directed by V.W. Scheich, and written by V.W. Scheich and Uyen Le. You can find out more about the film at http//www.imdb.com/title/tt2094183/. I found out about

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Importance Of Proteins And Minerals For Human Research Paper

Importance Of Proteins And Minerals For Human - Research Paper ExampleMagnesium is one of the study minerals without which ones moods may be affected. Magnesium enhances proper functioning of alimentary, osteoarticular, cardiovascular and the endocrine systems which in turn affects ones moods. It has a great impact on biochemistry functions in the mavin, as well as, the fluidity of the unquiet membrane. Therefore, deficiency in magnesium may lead to depression, hallucinations, nervous fits, tremors, hyperexcitability, insomnia, and seizures. It is also essential in the focusing of certain emotional problems and mental disorders (Serefko and Szopa, 2013). Additionally, consuming magnesium aids in reducing and managing some diseases such as asthma, migraine, alcoholism, renal atomic number 20 stones, arrhythmias, heart diseases and premenstrual tension syndrome. This is because magnesium helps increases serotonin levels in the brain that affects moods. Depletion of magnesium in th e body, allows the sodium and calcium ions to get into the postsynaptic neuron and exit potassium ions. The increase in the influx of calcium ions leads to the production of poisonous reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide radicals. In extreme cases, nervous death and neuronal swelling could also occur. Moreover, deficiency in magnesium ions coupled with excess calcium ions causes brain cell dysfunction. This leads to behavioral and mood disorders including depression. However, change in moods, including depression and p besthesia resolves immediately after the administration of magnesium (Serefko and Szopa, 2013).The second most important mineral in maintaining ones moods is omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids argon the long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids that are found in various plant and marine life. People with depressive disorders are likely to have mood swings in case omega-3 is absent in their diet. Dietary changes in the intake of fatty acids are believed to have numerous pa thological consequences.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Jails and Prisons History and Development Essay Example for Free

chuck outs and Prisons score and Development EssayJails and prison house accommodates lay at the heart of the Criminal Justice System. These facilities helped forge the concept of rehabilitation. These institutions concur changed over era and now reflect the modern methods of housing convicted individuals who need to be enlightened or punished.Description of jailsThe clear concise difference between a jail and a prison is the time limit a convicted person is sentenced to and what offenses were committed. In a jail, pris mavenrs atomic number 18 usu whollyy confined because they were convicted of a littleer or petty offense. Examples of petty offenses are driving without a license or a trespass drug possession charge. Most of these offenses come with a sentence of a year or less and anyone with over a year sentence is usually sent to a prison readiness (Seiter, 2011). Jails comport as holding facilities where gyps rarely get time to be out of their cells, to reflect , or to engage in recreational time. Because jails are so short term the focus is on inward reflection of annoyance through solitude.Some of these restrictions are a product themselves of the lesser amount of time spent in the punitory facilities. Criminals are charged more in a jail facility with reflecting on their iniquity by being exposed to sheer solitude. Furthermore, jails rarely demand any vocational or rehabilitation programs utilized within their walls. On the other hand, prisons sire an ample amount of time to work with, rehabilitate, and disentangle offenders. Prisons do this with the hope that offenders can eventually be mystifyd backward into society and limit their recidivism back to crime.History of state and federal prisonsThe jail component of the American corrections governing body came well beforehand the initiation of any prisons, probation, pa component part, or even halfway houses. The diachronic origins of jails or local corrections facilities in A merica come from England. American jails suffer developed and progressed so much further than that of its roots. Jails served a contrasting purpose in England. Throughout the progression to the modern age, past mentality was altered from a place of confinement before harsh punishment could be administered to a place that rehabilitation and reflection could occur. The historical developments of jails and prisons overtime sustain gone from detention for purpose of public humiliation or deterrence, to an out of descry out of mind mentality, which segregated convicted individuals from the rest of society.State prisons have their roots in the penitentiary clean up ideals of the Age of Enlightenment. The Three Prisons Act is the first law that authorized the establishment of federal prisons. This act was an in-chief(postnominal) milestone for U.S. prison reform. This around important fact is that this act laid the foundation for the federal prison system to be created. Prior to the act being passed in that location were few penal facilities in the joined States. Before this time period and the passing of this act only one facility, the Walnut Street Jail located in Philadelphia, stood the possibility of housing a large capacity of inmates charged with federal crimes. The role of a jail is a diverse one and conducts a in truth difficult mission.Few offenders overleap the pace of passing through a jail as they enter the correctional system. Jails hold a variety of offenders including those arrested those detained pending trial those sentenced to short terms of confinement for minor crimes those awaiting transfer to another facility and those who are held administratively for a vicious rightness agency. Some jail systems are larger than all but a few state prison systems while others are extremely small and have only four or five beds. Jails face unique issues such as dealing with unappreciated offenders, detoxification and medical problems, and serving th e court with bail and prisoner transportation. Jails are operated by local authorities and to begin with hold pretrial detainees. Other jail inmates are serving time for misdemeanors, while others are held for a variety of reasons.Comparison of security levelsThe jail-prison distinction, however, is a very simplified label to attach to a very diverse set of facilities. There are in fact a myriad of confinement facilities meant to house criminals of all levels of seriousness. These facilities are broken up by government boundaries of local, state, and federal confinement facilities. The time needing to be served and the severity of the crime determine which of the facilities a convicted person might be sent. Prisons range starting from the most basic minimum security that houses the offenders that are less violent and are often for more administrative type offenses like white collar offenders or drug related crimes where no one else was stirred or harmed. These types of prisons ar e considered more like camps, because they have a relatively low staff-to-inmate ratio, and limited or no perimeter fencing. These institutions are work-and program-oriented and many are located adjacent to larger institutions or on military bases, where inmates help serve the labor needs of the larger institution or base. The next step above the minimum security is low security institutions which have double-fenced perimeters, mostly dormitory or mobile phone housing, and strong work and program components.The staff-to-inmate ratio is increased compared to the previous stage. Medium security prisons are the next level up. They are stronger facilities with hardened perimeters that have double chain link fences and an electronic monitoring system surrounding the facility and its corridors. Confinement in the medium-security prisons is cell type but treatment programs are uncommitted to convicts to help propel them forward in their reformation. Here the ratio is reversed and the st aff greatly outnumbers the inmates. The strictest of prison facilities is the high or maximum security institution. Within its walls are some of the most severe criminals who have committed some of the most heinous acts. This final type of institution is comprised of reinforced fences and walls. Prisoners are contained in solitary cells and their movements are controlled and monitored extremely closely.Because of the severity of the crimes committed by the convicted individuals that are incarcerated in these maximum security facilities, there is an extremely high ratio of staff to inmates (Prison Types General Information, 2012). For prisons to be safe and secure there must be sufficient physical security, consistent implementation of security practices, established methods to control inmate behavior, and adequate preparation to reduce the likelihood or to respond to inmate unrest. For prison staff to exit effective rehabilitative services there must be an assessment of the needs a nd best practices of a programs focusing on substance abuse, mental health, religious services, education recreation, rehabilitation, and work opportunities. Fully understanding the grandeur of these programs and implementing them effectively is crucial for prisons to accomplish their dual mission of confinement and rehabilitation.Factors that influence growthThe United States shortly incarcerates more people of its citizens per capita than any other country in the world. If you count the amount of prisoners which currently put down in the U.S. prison system, it is approximately two million. This would mean that one out of every hundred and cardinal residents are incarcerated in a U.S. prison of jail at any given time. Some of the factors that have led to the explosion of the prison population are poverty driven crime and the increased formula of pitying and social behaviors (Ruddel, 2011).In the 21st century, we are still contemplating the dilemmas of overcrowding and the best way to correct criminals behaviors. The world needs to constantly evolve its correctional systems to meet the concerns of its society and effectively reform criminal behavior to create less of a strain on law abiding citizens. Jails and Prisons are a tremendous and vital piece to the Criminal Justice process. These facilities have been a part of the correctional system for over 200 years. It stands to reason that while the system will change based on new technologies and ideas, the principals of reform and correction will always hold true (U.S. Prison Populations-Trends and Implications, 2012).ConclusionIt is hoped that justice will prevail through the rehabilitation and reform of convicted individuals, and our prison system is the best way of correcting the factors that whitethorn influence a person to commit such offenses. Incarcerated individuals today should feel fortunate that the times and ideals of prison life have changed and criminals are classified and housed based on the type and severity of the crime, rather than one large melting pot of criminals. Crime will never be completely eradicated therefore the indispensability for facilities to incarcerate offenders will perpetually be needed. Free will is one of the greatest inherent rights human kind has but this right makes some people commit crimes and others remain compliant with the rules and regulations of society. The fact that we have free will conclude that criminal behavior will not ever truly go and every attempt should be made to inform/reform and rehabilitate offenders, making them act in an appropriate manner that is socially acceptable.ReferencesPrison Types General Information. (2012). Retrieved from http//www.bop.gov/locations/institutions/index.jspRuddel, R. (2011). American Jails A Retrospective Examination.U.S. Prison populations-trends and implications. (2012). Retrieved from http//www.prisonpolicy.org/scans/sp/1044.pdfMackenzie, D. L. (2001). Sentencing and department of correct ions in the 21st CenturySetting the Stage for the Future. College Park, Maryland Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Seiter, R. (2011). Corrections an intromission (3rd ed.). Upper saddle Hall, NJ Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Critical Thinking and Ethics Essay Example for Free

tiny Thinking and Ethics EssayCritical thinking is logical decision devising. Critical thinkers decisions argon only based on facts and logical thinking. For a skilled critical thinker, decisions are do once the information is clear and concise, as well as being open to alternative finis results that are also based off of facts and possible collaboration. For most, being a skilled critical thinker, is knowing as we mature and are exposed to more situations where thinking is the only way to find a conclusion.EthicsEthics are the beliefs of a society and individuals of what is right and premature. well-nigh people use morals as a means to direct the choices they make in life as well as the way they treat others during interactions. Ethics are derived from many different places, your parents and close family member in regards to how you were raised, your apparitional community or lack of religion and the people that you surround yourself with. Ethics can also be described as how you feel, when faced with a choice, this is called your moral judgment.Why we need ethical decision makingFor many people, you are not solely a critical thinker or an ethical thinker. Most people will listen to their moral judgment as well as review facts forwards coming to a conclusion. The reason this is so important for society is because not all logical conclusions are ethical. For example, it is law that you may not break into a strangers car, however if you see a baby deep down on a hot day, most people would feel that it would be ethically wrong to in effect(p) walk away while said baby suffers and possible dies. This is an example of a logical decision, do not break into a car, is not always an ethical decision, save a babys life.ConclusionNot all facts and reasoning can negate an ethical choice. Sometime, what is logically correct is wrong in the face of someones morality. This is whyethical decision making is important in critical thinking, because sometimes, alt hough a choice may not be critically correct, the ends could save others from pain and heartache, and that is where it becomes an ethically sound choice.ReferencesManias, N Monroe, D Till, J.E. (2013) Ethics AppliedRuggiero, V.R. (2015). Thinking Critically about Ethical Issues. in the altogether York McGraw-Hill Education.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Music during WW2 and how it played a role Essay Example for Free

medicament during WW2 and how it played a role EssayMusic during World War 2 was made to religious service get people through depression and motivate the men and women fighting in Europe and Asia. Everyone was into nationalism at this time including the music they listened to. At this time music has expanded its demographic to younger audiences, in the first place it popular music was generally appealing for adults. It contained many uplifting styles of music such as swing, be-bop, and country.For character Frank Sinatra became very popular to the young teenage demographic. He was the first singing teen idol. He created more swinging music to help with the war with discussiongs like The Birth of the Blues.Jo Stafford in addition became famous with her romantic World War 2 ballads. Most of her songs helped the troops overseas remember their wives and daughters back home.Other songs also helped like America Calling by Meredith Willson, which helped boost morale of the co untry and convinced men to blueprint into the armed services. It reminds them about what this war is about and to support it. Angels of Mercy by Irving Berlin, which was created after the bombing of driblet Harbor dedicating the American Red Cross nurses, portraying them as Angels of Mercy wounded victims overseas. Back billet For Keeps by Carmen Lombardo, which is about a wife waiting for her husband to return home. This song gave a true mood and also helped support the war. Cowards Over Pearl Harbor by Fred Rose, which gave great American expression by talking about how America will over Japan, the evil country. G. I. Blues by Floyd Tillman, which describes the take hold of of an American Soldier at war.It describes them as being lazy and doing nothing, which makes him depressed and wanting to come home. His thinks that if they occur to have lazy soldiers, America will not be able to win. Hello Mom by Eddie Dunstedter, which was about more about the propaganda during the wa r and gave more morale. Plus, it also supported the war bonds. It helped the parents who had a son in the war make them feel better. Ma I Miss You Apple Pie by a G.I. at a training camp, which summed up what America is fighting for.The Apple Pie symbolizes Americas Freedom and how a soldier misses his Apple Pie. Wonder When My Babys Coming Home by Kermit Goell and Arthur Kent, which is yet anothersong about a wife or girlfriend waiting for her lover to come home, waiting in her house. Ive been Drafted Now Im write You by Lyle Moraine Chuck Foster, which is about the pains about separation and a soldier convincing his girlfriend to be proud to so him in uniform.In conclusion, the music during World War 2 where mainly about the war, patriotism, propaganda, and much more with lyrics that helped Americans get through the war years.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Uses and abuse of drugs Essay Example for Free

Uses and squall of do drugss EssayM whatever wad do not understand wherefore or how other people become chip inicted to drugs. Substance abuse is a growing problem that not only affects the individual who is abusing alcohol or drugs but also affects the lives of those who be close to the abuser. Substance abuse is the abuse of any substance. A drug is a substance that modifies unity or more of the system functions when it is consumed. It is often erroneously assumed that drug abusers lack moral principles or willpower and that they could return using drugs simply by choosing to change their behavior. In reality, drug addiction is a disease and quitting takes a lot more than just changing your behavior. Drug Abuse is generally defined as the use of a drug with such(prenominal) frequency that the user has a physical or mental harm or it impairs social abilities. The substances that be discussed in this report are called psychoactive drugs those drugs that Influence or a lter the workings of the mind, affect moods, emotions, feelings, and thought processes. Substances drugs affect the brain, heart, liver, lungs and also the people around you.When drugs get into the bloodstream they are carried to all parts of the body and some reach the brain. In fact, drugs change the brain in ways that foster compulsive drug abuse, quitting is more difficult than it appears. The quicker the drug reaches the brain, the more intense the effects. The quickest way to get a drug into the brain, and also the most dangerous way of using any drug is to injecting into the vein. Injecting into the vein Is to the highest degree as quick as smoking a drug, followed by sniffing or snorting and then by mouth.Eating or drinking a drug Is the slowest route, because the drug has to pass through the run first. Drugs are generally categorized into two groups, stimulants and somniferouss. Stimulants are drugs that peed up signals through the nervous system. They produce alertness , stimulant and excitability. They also Inhibit fatigue and sleep. Everything from over-the-counter pain medication, prescriptions drugs such as,, alcohol, cocaine, heroin, and even coffee can mistreated In one way or another.The two man substances being abused In our people are nicotine and alcohol. How does nicotine addiction work? Basically, when you smoke your first fags, when you arent given up yet, you get a head-rush which Is caused by the nicotine. In your brain there are nicotine receptors which arent used to the nicotine In a cigarette. Over time, the nicotine receptors get used to the summate of nicotine so they can cope with the nicotine. So when this nicotine stops being given to the receptors (when you give up smoking) they panic and cause you to feel unhappy and angry.When you smoke, the nicotine receptors send out messages to other parts of the brain which release a drug called dopamine which makes you feel happy, satisfied, relaxed. When you try to quit, or whe n you fancy a cigarette your dopamine levels are going down and you start to feel unhappy, aggressive, unsatisfied. Most smokers dont know that they are addicted to nicotine until they try to stop smoking completely they Just think that they Like smoking. The answer to your question Is that you will have a moderate nicotine addiction, and quitting wont be that hard.The signs of a severe nicotine addiction are needing to smoke a cigarette every 2 hours, having one as soon as you wake In night). Nicotine increases the levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain, activating the pleasure pathways in the same way other addictive drugs do. After the effects (calmness, superstar of well-being) disappear, the smoker craves more. Why is alcohol addictive? Basically because alcohol, like nicotine and heroin and other substances gains the reward reaction in your brain.You have a drink, the brain rewards itself with a surge of chemicals and hormones that it really likes, and therefor e the more you stimulate it, the more it wants. Some people are more susceptible than others in that their reward responses are stronger which is why some people will get addicted to things more easily than other people will. If you add to that a troubled background of some sort, then when the brain offers its reward response though qualification that person feels calmer and happier or more in control, hey are more likely than someone who is pretty happy. alcohol is made of ethanol, it is a depressant, your body becomes addictive to the depressant effects and you eventually need it to stop the shakes (delirium tremors) and the withdrawals of the depressant effects on the brain and body. For example, caffeine is a stimulant, and people become addicted to that and when having caffeine withdrawals one has headaches and other neurological effects. However, alcohol is a lot more dangerous because if you are a hardcore not only can you neglect from drinking, if you stop cold turkey you can have convulsions and die from withdrawals.The addictive substance is ethanol. When you are great(predicate), it is important that you watch what you put into your body. Consumption of illegal drugs is not dear for the unborn baby or for the mother. Studies have shown that consumption of illegal drugs during pregnancy can result in miscarriage, low birth weight, premature labor, placental abruptest, fetal death, and even maternal death. If its suspected that woman whose pregnant is using drugs they will test the baby to see if its born addicted, yes it is possible to see if the baby is addicted even before he/she is born.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Example for Free

Corporate complaisant certificate of indebtedness EssayTo what extent is Corporate Social tariff beneficial to a attach tos performance? In the 21st century, Corporate Social debt instrument (CSR) has become an important, if not essential, for businesses. In addition to basic law compliances, the focus of the consumers as well as the business knowledge domain now include the impact the troupe has on the society and on the commission they use recourses (Davis, 2010). CSR has become a contributing factor to a lodges financial performance. This is support by the issued figures of sizeable direct contribution from CSR to a companys availability (International Corporate Social Responsibility Conference, 2006) from analysis of notable companies. CSR is believed to have assisted companies both externally and internally. 70% of European consumers announce that they are ready to pay to a greater extent on goods produced by socially responsible companies (CSR Magazine Europe, 2 000). On the former(a) hand, CSR is suggested to be whiz of the qualities employees would like to seek. As Copeland (2003), former CEO of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu has highlighted, the best professionals in the world want to work for companies that exhibit good corporate citizenship.This essay aims at advocating Corporate Social Responsibility as a beneficial policy to a companys performance through astir(p) customers knowledges and employees work performances, and thus, can possibly takings in a boost of companys performance, oddly financially. A companys revenue enhancement is mostly generated from customers. The Service-Profit Chain stated that customer value is one of the two factors that will heighten a companys revenue and hence the companys profitability( Zeithamal Bitner, 2003). Therefore, a companys financial performance is affected by how customers value a companys products. CSR is believed to be a factor that adds value to the product as well as the general reputat ion of a corporation. According to Cone Communication (2012), 82 percent of consumers state that they are more(prenominal) likely to purchase a product that clearly demonstrates the results of the companys CSR initiatives. elevate more, in the survey conducted by Woolley (2012) that urinate comparisons between two similar products, the Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola over half of the respondents say that they would switch to the alternative provided if it offers more in terms of CSR. In fact, CSR influences consumers decision in a way that they tend to be in favor of their company than the competitors that are doing poorly in terms of social responsibility. This creates loyal customers. Hallowell and Schlesinger (2000) illustrated that customer inscription drives companys profitability by minimizing selling and operating cost. Those are achieved through consumers confidence with the companys products, word of mouth and familiarization of the companys operation system. This results in a higher profit for the company. While the gain from maintaining a good reputation through CSR initiatives may not seem evident, the inauspicious effect by a socially irresponsible decision on a companys revenue is much easier to observe.In 1980s, Nestle, the worlds largest producer of breast milk substitutes was boycotted because of its infant approach pattern and way of unethical marketing, which contributed to the unnecessary death and suffering of infants in developing countries. The boycott was widespread globally and Buffle (1986, p. 13) estimates $770 million to $ 1540 million sales were lost. It shows that corporations who are being socially irresponsible may have to cause severe consequences, including decrease in profits, damaged reputation and lower preferences. To conclude, CSR is likely to uplift a companys image in customers perceptions, earn a higher preference and improve a companys performance, which mostly will reflect directly from its higher revenue and prof itability. CSR benefits a company not only externally but also internally not only by increasing revenue but also decreasing costs across various aspects. Good CSR practices can help to pull back new and talented employees.According to the research by the resourcing communication agency Tenney Clemons Saarelainen (TCS), 44% of employees express an physical compositions CSR policy is likely or very likely to affect their decision to apply for a job within that organization. This may result in a lower advertising cost for hiring. Further more, cost of retaining staff can also be reduced by enhancing morale and hence allegiance to the corporation. As CSR initiatives within a company includes providing employees a work life balance, a safe and more comfortable work place and being environmental friendly in the office, these require employees participation and team up building. Sharma and Devi (2009) argued that it helps to build positive team spirit in the organization and creates a winning environment at the workplace.The dedication from the directors will also result in improving employees satisfaction. This is reinforced by the investigation result by Rittippant.N, Tangthuttong.A, Sinyodyeam.J and Aurjongmanee.A (2011) which stated that there is a positive significant relationship between organizational members perception of CSR and organizational commitment, which is coherent with the previous studies. On the other hand, Heskett et al (1994) stated that satisfied employees are more productive and produce a higher service value. With more satisfied employees from the well-organized CSR initiatives, a company is pass judgment to be more efficient and thus fewer wastage and errors. The improved quality of services is expected to enthral consumers and increase their satisfaction, which can further enhance the value of products.ConclusionIn order to heighten a companys revenue and hence the companys profitability, increasing revenue or gash costs can be one of the solutions. Corporate Social Responsibility benefits a company in the way that it may achieve both options at the same time. On one hand, it is likely to be able to enhance the image of the company and increase customers preferences, and achieve higher revenue on the other hand, it tends to reduce operating costs on advertising, retaining employees and wastage for corporates.The combination of increasing revenue and decreasing cost may result in a boost of the companys financial performance. By analyzing how customers and employees react towards socially irresponsible behaviors by companies, it is observed that both customers and employees have become more and more engaged in CSR. According to Strandberg (2002), one of the top trends around which there is consistent agreement is the increasing importance of stakeholder utilization in the future of CSR. However, whether or not there would be a conflict of interests between CSR and marketing strategies, operating strategies or human resources strategies is yet to be explored.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Country Living Versus City Living Essay Example for Free

Country Living Versus City Living EssaySince every person is unique(p) they tend to live in different places depending on their taste. Some people prefer to live in big cities while some prefer countries. The bustling city is alive. The stimulation of crowds and traffic generate muscle that challenges the human spirit. Perhaps that is why the city dweller reflects the image of an angry, stressed and unfriendly person. Even in Mongolia city dwellers are more stressed than coarse dwellers. People say life in the surface area is healthierLife in the city is challenging. Shopping is convenient everywhere you go you will slowly find big and convenient stores. The presence of public transportation reduces the demand for private transportation which is the initiation of traffic gem. But there are a lot of facilities where you fag spend you free age cinemas, drama theatres, ski resorts etc. We take a shit to remember that city life costs high and gives you some(prenominal) st ress. Worst of all, the most expensive component of life in the city is the toll it takes on your torso through stress. Also in big cities the air is not healthy. Smokes that go from massive number of cars and factors peril our health. Another disadvantage of city is crime. Many people become the victims of crime and again they get stressed. sedate is the most succinct description of the farming. The night is quiet the air is fresh, no bustle and hustle No heavy traffic, no sirens, no rush of the madding crowd. Life is simple and calming. Food is organic. In Mongolian country everyone knows each other and is very friendly. The country offers advantages of being unstressed. You dont have to scared of robbers and pickpockets. You can just feel the fresh air and walk slowly. People who live in the city and country share many common lifestyle fundamentals such as jobs, commuting, and safety. You dont contend much money while you are in the country. But there are some disadvantages o f living(a) in the country.There are not many shopping centers, if you are a shopaholic you will be upset in the country. Also there are not many big facilities. Urban areas respond to emergency situations more efficiently. If to choose from these 2 life styles I would choose city living because I was born in the city and grew up here. Hustle and bustle seem close to me. Bigcities have a larger tax base which allocates more resources to public safety and health agencies such as police, firefighters, and ambulances. There are big department stores where you can buy everything you want. Although some people in cities are stressed and unfriendly city is a succinct place to have fun.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Coke vs PepsiPepsi and Coke’s Uncivil Wars Essay Example for Free

ampere-second vs PepsiPepsi and blows Uncivil Wars EssayChapter 9 in Competition Demystified Uncivil Cola Wars Coke and Pepsi introduce the Prisoners Dilemma What argon the sources of competitive advantages in the soda industry? First we should discover at industry structure. The cola companies buy raw materials of sugar, sweeteners and flavorings from many suppliers then(prenominal) they turn the commodities into a mark convergence which consists of syrup/concentrated combined with water and bottles. The companies be joined at the hip with their bottlers/distri stillors who then sell to many retail outlets. Selling bulky and heavy beverages lends itself to regional economies of scale advantages. The soda companies cannot shape successfully unless their bottlers and distributors are profitable and content whether company-owned or franchised. The existence of barriers to entry indicates that the incumbents enjoy competitive advantages that potential drop entrants cannot m atch. In the soft drink world, the sources of these advantages are easy to identify. First, on the demand side, there is the kind of customer loyalty that network executives, beer brewers and car manufacturers only dream about.People who drink sodas drink them frequently (habit formation), and they revel a constancy of experience that keeps them ordering the same brand, no matter the circumstances. both Coke and Pepsi establish the presence of barriers to entry and competitive advantagestable *ROE can be influenced by whether bottlers assets are mop up or on the balance sheet Second, there are large economies of scale in the soda business both at the concentrate maker and bottler levels. Developing new products and advertising alive ones are fixed costs, unrelated to the number of cases sold.Equally important, the distribution of soda to the consumer benefits from regional scale economies. The more customers there are in a given region, the more economical the distribution. A bottler of Coke, selling the product to 40% to 50% of the soda drinkers in the marketplace area, is going to have lower costs than individual peddling Dr. Pepper to 5% to 56% of the drinkers. During the statesmen era of Pepsi and Coke, what actions did each of the companies take? Why did they help heave profitability? Note the stability of market share and ROE.ROE dipped in 1980 and 1982 as Pepsi and Coke waged a price contend. Yet, market shares did not change as a result of the price warboth companies were worse off. Pepsi gained market share in the late 1970s versus Coke. Coke was slow and clunky to respond. Price wars between two elephants in an industry with barriers to entry tend to flatten a parcel out of grass and make customers happy. They hardly ever result in a dead elephant. Still, there are better and worse ways of initiating a price contest. Coke chose the worst.Coke chose to lower concentrate prices on those regions where its share of the cola market was high (8 0%) and Pepsis low (20 percent). This tactic ensured that for every dollar of taxation Pepsi gave up, Coke would surrender four dollars. Coke luckily developed New Coke which allowed it to attack Pepsi in its dominant markets in a precise wayminimizing damage to Cokes profitsand posture a truce in the price wars. They made visible moves to signal the other side that they intend to cooperate. Coca-Cola initiated the new era with a major corporate reorganization.After buying up many of the bottlers and reorganizing the bottler network, it spun off 51% of the company owned bottlers to shareholders in a new entity, Coca-Cola Enterprises, and it loaded up on debt for this corporation. With so much debt to service, Coca-Cola Enterprises had to concentrate on the tangible requirements of cash flow rather than the chimera of gaining great hunks of market share from Pepsi. PepsiCo responded by dropping the Pepsi Challenge, toning down its aggressive advertising and thus signaling that it a ccepted the truce.lolly margins improved. Operating profit margins went from 10% to 20% for Coca-Cola. Pepsi gain was less dramatic but also substantial. Both companies focused on ROE rather than market share and sales growth. The urge to grow, to hammer competitors and arrest them out of business, or at least reduce their market share by a purposeful amount, had been a continual source of poor performance for companies that do have competitive advantages and a franchise, but are not content with it.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Management in Libraries Essay Example for Free

Management in Libraries EssayEconomic threat to the libraries by escalation of books and journals, fewer preferences, constant growth changes in technology and user high expectation have shown that vigilance is the diminutive factor that determines efficiency and effectiveness of all types of libraries. Thus jitneys argon expected to play varied functions in order to be effective and efficient. In this assignment different functions and roles played by jitneys in different libraries are discussed showing how they improve efficiency and effectiveness and different laws of program program depository library management are discussed. definition OF TERMS Management Effectiveness defined by Bateman, T is doing things right. This means that the tutor has the tariff for selecting the right goals and appropriate means to achieving it. Efficiency is measuring the cost of attaining a given goal, concerned astir(predicate) how resources such as money, time, equipment, personnel obtain given goals. Thus a manager submits to be effective and efficient in order to achieve the goals of the library.MAIN DISCUSSIONLibrary management manufacture more than just making changes, it involves managing ongoing operations in the optimal fashion for your institution in the context of its goals, other departments activities and patrons leads. Thus we realize that different libraries may require managerial different managerial skills in order to perform their duties effectively. Managers assistant in giving direction to the library showing where it is going. Library management involves planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Planning is about systematical making decisions about the library goals.In planning the manager defines the objectives the objectives of the library, stating the purpose of its existence, defining the user comm social unity and their information trains. This is important as it facilitates efficiency. It helps in understanding the library st akeholders. A usual library is an omnibus transcription. It carters for everyone in the community then the need for every user must be known and fulfilled. A public library serves a diverse community of adults, children and teens thus a manager has to plan on resources to be acquired.A manager foundation plan on different resources that bunghole be acquired ranging from entertainment, fiction, nonfiction for general research, children story books because there are no specific users, the resources must benefit everyone in the society. A manager as well organize and array human, financial , physical, informational and other resources needed to achieve library goals. The manager establishes the activity authority relationship of the library. The activities essential to achieve the objectives are then grouped into working divisions, departments and grouped together.In an academic library a manager tail end group together activities like accession and cataloguing The manager has to establish standards for performance this pull up stakes make sure that the library is performing in such a way as to buzz off at its destination. According to Griffin controlling helps to ensure effective and efficiency needed for successful management As a leader the manager is responsible for staffing which is concerned with allocating prospective employees to fulfill the jobs created by organizing sue.It involves the process of reviewing the credentials of the arseholedidates of the jobs and trying to match the job demand with the application s abilities retention each employee qualified. It also involves the give risement and implementation of a system for appraising performance and providing feedback for performance improvement. In a special library where the main target is a specific audience, for face ZIMRA library its serves the ZIMRA staff and mainly the manager have to recruit someone who posses research skills because mainly it deals with research for its comp any.The manager is responsible for choosing the right candidate, who knows how to research, withal on the internet where there is information over freight rate the candidate must be able to cite relevant information using the right search engine, mainly in a special library every one depend on the information provided by the librarian. The manager is also responsible for keeping the librarian qualified for the job by providing ongoing learn since the librarianship profession is dynamic thus this get out improve effectiveness and efficiency of libraries.A manager also gives s direction that will help the library in achieving its goals. Directing builds a climate, provides leadership and arranges the opportunity for motivation this is further explained by Rachels laws of library management, it says save time of your staff. This means that the staff must be given support they need for them to achieve goals effectively and efficiently this include providing training for them where i t is needed. Each boss must plan and contend the wok of each of his or her subordinates.In an academic library there are different services offered for example cataloguing and accession section can be directed by one manager then the E- resource section can be under another manager e- journals purchased, subscriptions etc. This will ease the load as one manager is focusing on a specific service thus he spend more time trying to improve the services and working with his subordinates and improves efficiency in the library. As a manager attempts to perform the managerial job effectively and efficiently there is a need to wear different hats in interaction with employees.Managers interacts with others besides subordinates they work with other peer level managers in some other departments and outside contacts (suppliers and clients). Thus a manager is building contacts through which to gather information. Rachel agrees with this in the laws of management which says library resources are for use. A library manager is expected to connect resources with the user achieving the library goals. Through the liaison role a manager is able to network with other libraries.Academic libraries can practice resource sharing if there are shortages of material in specific departments the two libraries can share the available resources to both libraries and this will give the patrons a wide variety of information thus fulfilling their needs, this will improve efficiency. The manager is exposed to new ideas or methods that may improve the work unit operations. The manager initiates activities that will allow and encourage the work unit to use the idea most advantageously. Rachels law of management says that a library is a growing organism.A manager needs to circularise to change and help the library evolve to meet the needs of patrons. We can look at public library, the introduction of automation the staff may resist change having fear of losing their jobs thus a manager is respons ible for encouraging and motivating the staff showing them the advantages of automating the library services and how it can reduce their workload, providing training for them thus the duties are performed effectively and efficiently satisfying the needs of different patrons.An effective manager is an spry leader who creates a positive work environment in which the organization and its employees have the opportunity and bonus to achieve high performance (.. ) In order to perform duties effectively and efficiently Rachel says that every projection its doer. The manager encourages ownership and responsibility to each staff member. Every staff member his/ her work, the manager must know peoples skills and strength and staff can then be deployed tally to their abilities then the duties can be done perfectly improving effectiveness and efficiency in a library.Even though the staff is divided according to their abilities it is the duty of a manager to create a spirit oneness and togethe rness amongst the subordinates. They should work as a team to achieve the library goals Bavakuty M (2000) agrees that libraries can become effective and efficient by strong top management support, a system go about and strategic planning, a customer focus, an emphasis on employee team work, empowerment training, the use of measurement and synopsis technique and commitment to continuous improvement.The manager seeks and receives wide variety of special information to develop through the understanding of the library and the environment, emerges as the nerve centre about the library. The manager monitors internal and international events, ideas, trends and analysis. The manager then uses the information to detect changes, problems and opportunities and to construct decision making scenario. The manager as the propagator transmits information from other employees to other members of the library.The manager can bring external information received into the organization and facilitate i nternal flow of information. Thus we realize that management is the heart of any type of library and facilitate efficiency and effectiveness. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bavakutty, M (2000). Management of libraries In the 21st Century. Ess Ess Publication. India. Griffin, R. (1987). Management 2nd editition. Maffin Co Mohant, T. C. (2008). look for Methodology in Library Science. alpha Publishers India. Plunket, R. (1983). Introduction to Management. Kent Publication. United States of Amenrica.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Chinese Communist Party in the Civil War in 1949 Essay Example for Free

Chinese communistic Party in the Civil struggle in 1949 EssayThe Chinese Civil War, which lasted from 1927 to 1949, was a courteous war in China which the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) overthrew the Guomindang (GMD) . As the CCP had always been inferior to the GMD in many aspects, many were shocked and startled by the Communists victory although numerous factors show that the Communists victory was almost inevitable. This essay will examine the factors that lead to the Communists victory, which includes ideology, economic, political, social, military, international issues, and personalities of the leaders. One of the major advantages of the CCP can be seen in their social aspects and the life of barbarians, which were the vast majority of people. They have limited amount of land, had high school rents, gloomy productivity, were in dept and many lived on the edge of starvation. In access, having peasant support for the CCP can supply with food resources. Therefore, monoa mine oxidase understood the first goal he had to fulfill was the support from peasants. First, he set up peasant unions of Hunan from 1925-27, then in 1838-45 when Chiang had their attention focused on the Japanese Invasion, Mao and the CCP went to the rural areas, where the peasants were grateful for the way the soldiers behaved and helped the people.Then, the political leaders confiscated land from the landowners and redistri plainlyed it to landless people lastly, they were set apartn rights to vote for village leaders. By doing all this, the once enslaved and exploited people of china gained faith and freedom established the myth that only the Red Army was the true protector of China. In contrast, the GMD had no strong support from the peasants and most of them felt no connection to the government. The GMD had no party fundamental law helping the struggling provinces, and after the split of GMD and CCP in 1927, the support of common people was very low .On the military aspec ts, the CCP was disadvantaged in the number of arm forces. In 1945, the GMD had 5 million armament, eon the CCP only and 1.25 troops. However, there are a few points which can turn this into an advantage. Firstly, they do use of guerilla war, which is extremely suitable for small troops to travel swiftly, change authority be precise and alert. Secondly, the communists selected high quality troops and trained them strictly with strong discipline. Lastly, the communists had similarlifestyles amidst the leaders and soldiers, and with the peasant support, they bear on high morale within the Red Army. With all these advantages, we can see that in 1930-1931 Chiang Kai-shek sent 3 military expeditions to exterminate the Red Army, facing an army of 300000, the CCP defeated them all . Here, we can see how impelling the guerrilla warfare is in facing a large amount of troops. In contrast, the GMD had huge troops and modern weapons . However, the GMD troops did not have strategies aga inst the light armed and swift troops of the CCP. Moreover, because the life between the leaders and the soldiers had too much difference, they had low morale and did not have the full heart to chip for the GMD.In terms of economic aspects of the CCP, and they did not have a lot of expenses due to the guerilla warfare maneuver, and the people can self-supply themselves with food, as they were all peasants. In contrast for the GMD, 65% of the states budget was met by silver expansion and only 10% by taxes . Therefore, they were highly underage on foreign aids of the US. The everlasting depreciation of the value of paper currency undermined in particular the morale in all jobs that were dependent upon the payment of salaries, including troops, officers and civilian officials. Their tolerance was limited and led to widespread corruption.In terms of political aspects, the CCP had made a lot of errors and had escaped destruction by a hairs breadth, but they had an extraordinary resil ience, refused to give up and learned from their mistakes . In 1927 after the failure of the autumn harvest uprising and retreated to Jinggang Shan, he observe needed to win the hearts of the peasants therefore, he adapted the Marxist theory and incorporated it into the peasants . Then, as he retreated with the remaining troops, he set his base in the Jinggang shan mountains where nationalists were far. Here, it shows that Mao learned from his mistakes.Furthermore in 1936 during the Japanese invasion, Mao forced the GMD to unite with them to defend the country, and here, we can also see that Mao very cared for his country and did not practiced want power. In contrast, the GMD did not truly care for China. Firstly, the GMDs support came from the soused city classes and landowners, which was a small population of China. Lastly, the GMD lacked passion and never learned fromtheir mistakes, for example, in the final contend in 1948, when they were advised to concentrate his forces o n the Huai River.The foreign issues were also a crucial point in the victory of the communists. During the Japanese invasions in 1937, the GMD, who were supposed to be in charge of china, conserved his forces for the inevitable civil war, and pinned their hopes of interventions of foreign powers to defeat Japan . Moreover, as the GMD is dealing with the Japanese invasions, it gave chance to the CCP to gain popularity, strengthen their armies, and give them time to expand in general. By 1945, party membership gained from 100,000 to 1.2 millionOther factors such as the ideology and the personalities of the Mao and Chiang played an important role in the victory of the Communists.In the ideology of communism by Marx, they were just supposed spread communism, but later, it was adapted by Mao to suit chinas conditions, focused on the peasantry as the main revolutionary force, instead of the workers. Meanwhile, the Nationalists did not remain to their original ideology, which was the three principles peoples livelihood, democracy and nationalism. For example, when Chiang gave the warlords a position in the government to develop urban areas, he ignored peoples livelihood. During the Japanese invasion, he ignored nationalism by relying on foreign aid, and in 1932, he ignored democracy by suppressing the media, books, and the press. Gradually, the GMD lost support and the people favored the Communists.In conclusion, the Communists victory was due to the peasant support, political organization, and their use of military tactics in guerilla warfare. Also, the nationalists incapability of governing, corruptions not remaining to the original ideology, and the lack of passion, leads to the downfall of the GMD. In addition to the foreign issues, the Japan invasions, the Communists truly won not only by forcing the GMD out of china physically, but winning the peoples hearts and minds. At last, the country with the largest population, China, is finally painted red.ReferencesC hinese Civil War 1946-1949. (2000., celestial latitude 16). Wars of the World. Retrieved September 26, 2007, fromhttp//www.onwar.com/aced/chrono/c1900s/yr45/fchina1946.htmElegant, R. S. (1972). Mao vs. Chiang The Battle for China, 1925-1949. New York A Thistle Book.Lescot, P. (2004). Before Mao (S. Rendall, Trans.). 10 East 53rd Street, NewYour, NY10022, ground forces HarperCollins Publishers. (Original work published 1999)Marrin, A. (1989). Mao Tse-Tung and His China. 375 Hudson Street, New York 10014, USA Puffin Group.Meins, B. (n.d.). Chinese history The Chinese Civil War of 1927-1950 . In Helium where knowledge grows. Retrieved September 26, 2007, from Helium Web site http//www.helium.com/tm/346350/chinese-civil-happen-momentShowalter, D. (2005, April). Decisive Encounters The Chinese Civil War, 1946-1950. Retrieved September 26, 2007, from LookSmart Web site http//findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3686/is_200504/ai_n14681639Wood, J., McManus, A. (1998). China Revolutionary Lea dership (L. Day, Ed.). 6 push back Way, Albany, Auckland, NewZealand Macmillan Publishers. (Original work published 1998)

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Religious Philosophy Essay Example for Free

Religious Philosophy EssayChristian morality has its roots in Judaism. Christian theology has evolved from the school of thought of the Old Testament from which the Christians take their most elemental of tenets there is only one God, that God is present everywhere, and that God is all-knowing. However, the God of the Old Testament was a more personal and a more vengeful God. This wrathful nature led to a philosophy that God was an awesome, fearsome God. Later occidental philosophers also accepted that God was in everything and was the Creator of everything. However, those who followed the cosmogonic argument of St. Thomas Aquinas seemed to also include the goodness of God. Not only was God fearsome, as the Creator of all things He was also the source of all good. Much of the religious philosophy in todays Western culture is based on this goodness. St. Thomas Aquinas did more than conscionable theorize on the goodness of God. Through the cosmological argument he offered a p roof for the human race of God.But he was not a cloistered scholar. Aquinas wrote profusely, he preached to and taught congregations, and he lectured at familiar gatherings. His many writings influenced two avenues of Western thought empiricism and Aristotelicism. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Thomass theological writings became regulative of the Catholic Church and his close textual commentaries on Aristotle represent a heathen resource which is now receiving increased recognition.The following account concentrates on Thomas the philosopher and presents him as fundamentally an Aristotelian (McInerny, 2005, par. 1). Few philosophers of Western religion had so much impact on religious thought as St. Thomas Aquinas. One testament to his continued importance is that Pope John Paul II issued an distributed that used Thomist reasoning in 1998 (McInerny, 2005). For this reason, I think that St. Thomas Aquinas most advanced Western religious thought.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Treaments for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Treaments for Post Traumatic Stress DisorderPosttraumatic stress disorder occurs when individuals birth intrusive effect of a disturbing event that they imbibe experienced for much than one month. posttraumatic stress disorder is withal pronounced by an individuals determined avoidance of any stimuli that might remind them of the aforementioned event, on with a marked shift in mood and behavior which is sad to the people around them. over the years, a outcome of the deflowerutic techniques have been habitd to treat posttraumatic stress disorder. Due to their effectiveness, characterisation therapies and eye drift desensitization and re fulfiling (EMDR) ar 2 of the most widely apply of these techniques. These have been utilized to treat soldiers as well as civilians who have experienced trauma. However, the nuances of their application, in terms of their effectiveness against specific demographics have insofar to be determined. This paper bequeath critic all toldy ev aluate a number of unalike studies conducted using picture show techniques, EMDR, or both and determine their effectiveness in treating individuals with PTSD. Even though EMDR has its roots in image therapy, for the purposes of this cartoon, EMDR and painting therapies will be regarded as two distinctive therapeutic techniques (CITE).One of the biggest issues faced by PTSD discourse research is a large number of studies with subpar methodologies. Due to this, Foa and Meadows (1997) published seven standards that should be present in any research that deals with discourse outcomes of PTSD. They are known as the Gold Standards for treatment outcome studies. According to Foa and Meadows, every suitable PTSD research should have clearly defined symptoms true and valid measures use of nonparasitic evaluators trained assessors manualized, replicable, specific treatment programs treatment adherence and an unbiased denomination to treatment.Ready et al. (2012) provides an effectiv e utilization of conference-based exposure therapy which sets the precedent in favor of exposure techniques among veteran soldiers. Their decisiveness to divide the participants into three groups of ten ensures that every individual pot form personal connections with some other members of the group given the limited time of the treatment program. The meek group coat overly allows the participants, who would typically avoid social situations, to not feel overwhelmed when asked to share their experiences. On the other hand, the lack of any gender variation within the adjudicate group reduces external rigourousness and adds to the stereotype that only men who have been in combat suffer from PTSD. Given the comorbidity of PTSD and substance abuse (CITE), using drug abuse as exclusion criteria further decreases its external rigorousness.Allocating the first part of the program to forming support groups among participants is an effective use of the small sample size. It also hel ps in prolonging the social and emotional support that participants get during the program so that they will continue to support each other after its conclusion. Using each individuals presentations as a form of exposure allows for a highly personalized exposure treatment while allowing them to envision that others have faced the same situations that they have. However, since they are required to listen to it as homework, it dejection only be effective with highly motivated participants. Seeing the long-term effectiveness of this type of exposure technique, Ready et al. (2012) proposed that the number of times that participants are required to listen to the presentations be increased from 10 to 20, which would theoretically increase the regulate at which symptoms of PTSD would disappear. Overall, group based exposure therapy (GBET) is shown to be an effective short-term and long-term treatment for PTSD.Through research conducted in a Ugandan refugee camp, Neuner et al. (2008) dem onstrated that, even with laypersons with minimal training in psychotherapy, exposure techniques such as narrative exposure therapy ( straighten out) can be employ to treat PTSD. precisely nine research assistants, all laypersons, were employed to conduct this field of view among a sample size of 277 individuals. succession they were given a 6 week crash course on therapeutic techniques and communication skills, the use of unqualified personal to treat psychological disorders is unethical and could have negatively affected the participants being treated. Furthermore, it would have been punter to use research assistants who werent from the camps that the understand was being conducted on this would have decreased threats to the validity of the subject such as demand characteristics and participant expectations. However, the subject of PTSD wasnt alien to the laypersons since all of them had been diagnosed with it at one point or another, meaning that they could empathize with t he participants via personal experience. Since follow-up assessments showed that 70% of the participants who underwent NET can no longer be diagnosed with PTSD, this type of psychotherapy can be employ in war-torn regions where professional help isnt readily available. But the validity of the final results can be questioned collectible to the large number of participants who could not be located for the post-test and follow-up sessions, even though the study had adjusted for attrition during participant selection.Another exposure technique, known as imagery rescripting and exposure therapy (IRET), was used by Long et al. (2011) to treat nightmares associated with PTSD. Like in the aforementioned case of Ready et al. (2012), this program also suffered from the issue of being all male. Furthermore, the temporal relevance of the study can be questioned since the participants were primarily veterans of the Vietnam warfare and none of the participants had participated in active combat since the early 1990s. magic spell IRET had great success in lessen the frequency of nightmares and increasing the quality of relief, it wasnt shown to have any effect on other symptoms associated with PTSD. The validity of these findings can be further questioned by the fact that the mean age for the participants were 62.1 years meaning that their sleep disturbances may be the result of factors other than PTSD. Despite all of this, the self-employed and individualized exposure techniques used in this study, along with the extensive psychoeducation that preceded it, makes it a highly effective tool to treat nightmares associated with PTSD, even in individuals who have been suffering from it for decades.Rothbaum, Astin, and Marstellar (2005) attempted to compare the efficacy of prolonged exposure therapy (PE) to EMDR with respect to the treatment of rape victims. One of the things that stood out from this study was the fact that every assessment and evaluation that is required dur ing the course of the study was conducted by independent, blind evaluators. In humanitarian to that the integrity of the specific therapies was measured by assessors who rated them highly. The sample size used was appropriate but a high dropout rate, combined with a few peculiar additions to the sample groups negatively affects the validity and reliability of the study three participants who would not have otherwise been able to steal a fashion the exclusion criteria were allowed to participate in the study. It also used the participants subjective opinion on the most momentous events in their lives, on which the treatments were focused on, which stands out due to the lengths they went to make the results of this study independent and objective. Furthermore, the remarkable success at which both PE and EMDR was able to treat the participants, raises questions on the reliability of the treatment process 95% of the PE group and 75% of the EMDR group of patients who have been sufferi ng from PTSD for over a decade, were no longer diagnosable as PTSD patients after a treatment process that lasted a few weeks. Despite all that, the efficacy of both exposure techniques and EMDR in treatment compared to no treatment cannot be questioned.Ahmad, Larsson, and Sundlein-Wahlstens (2006) study, which was conducted using participants between the ages of 6 to 16, demonstrated that PTSD is prevalent even among children. The randomized controlled disposition of the study along with the independent assessments makes it high in internal validity. Participants on the control group of this also showed improvements they however, improved in non PTSD related symptoms. Moreover, the inventory that was administered had been modified in such a way that it can be understood and used easily with children. Furthermore, a more extensive evaluation can be carried out in the form of longitudinal studies or case studies regarding the relationship between PTSD in children and the history of mental illness in their family. Like many other programs which tested different treatments of PTSD, this study lacked a larger sample size, and utilized extensive exclusion criteria this could affect its generalizability. In addition to this, they failed to make independent assessments of their follow-up evaluations, affecting its claim of having blind assessments.Similar to Rothbaum, Astin, and Marstellars (2005) study which used the victims subjective opinion of their worst experience in order to conduct their PTSD assessment, this study also decided to focus on one single incident that the young participants or their guardians deemed significant. This is an effective method of administering EMDR, since it is more efficient in treating specific memories that are distressing to the participants. However, in a broader perspective, while a case can be made to the point that subjective opinions of individuals most distressing events are relevant to treating PTSD since its the individu als themselves who are experiencing them, it should also be pointed out that what an individual considers to be the most significant event in his/her career need not be the most significant event in terms of psychological and emotional trauma. Therefore, it should be best to conduct extensive cathode-ray oscilloscope checks before any kind of decision is made regarding the significance of any life events.In a study published by Taylor et al. (2003), a side by side comparison of prolonged exposure therapy and EMDR with respect to specific symptoms of PTSD was conducted to determine which technique was more effective against each of them. Compared to most other studies conducted regarding PTSD, this study had a fairly large sample size (n=60) with the majority of them being Caucasian and women. While the study employed an impressive sample size, since the participants were primarily diagnosed with chronic and severe forms of PTSD, the external validity of the results can be brought into question. However, since most of the participants of the study had chronic PTSD, it reduces the possibility that the changes that were observed in the pretests and posttests are purely due to temporal changes. The validity can be further questioned due to the difference in educational qualifications of the two therapists who administered these therapeutics techniques. However, independent expert assessment of their interrater reliability produced high scores, disproving these doubts. Moreover, the treatments were administered using standardized manuals which increased the validity of the study by ensuring that all participants received near as similar treatments as possible. This study is the first study to have achieved the aforementioned gold Standard for PTSD outcome treatment research (CITE). This studys observed reductions in PTSD symptoms for all three subject groups were determined by the authors as a result of the effect of unintended exposure during relaxation training and EMDR techniques. This contradicts with the belief that in EMDR, eye gallery enhances the retrieval of episodic memory and increases cognitive flexibility (CITE).While exposure techniques and eye movement desensitizing and reprocessing (EMDR) are similar to each other in many ways and are efficacious in their treatment of PTSD, their approaches, implementations, and goals are quite different from one another. EMDR treats PTSD by asking the patients to subjectively look at the memory or experience that they think is causing them the most distress and treating them so that they are desensitized to this exceptional experience. The root of their PTSD is determined to be their most distressing memory and by desensitizing them to that experience and the re-experiencing that follows it, they are shown to have significant decrease in symptoms of PTSD. While some specialized exposure therapies employ similar approaches, others such as the NET and GBET explores an individuals whole lif e or a particular period in which they were susceptible to distressing experiences respectively. This method allows the therapist to play a part in determining the most significant event in an individuals life and adjusting the treatment process accordingly. In addition to that, since Taylor et al. (2003) showed that prolonged exposure therapy was more effective than EMDR in diminution the levels of re-experiencing and avoidance, the authors of the study concluded that it is the superior therapeutic technique. All in all, both exposure techniques and EMDR are very good at what they are supposed to do but exposure techniques are better at it. Therefore, a hypothesis can be derived from the above discussed studies which states that specialized exposure techniques are more efficacious in the treatment of PTSD than EMDR across social and temporal demographics.