Thursday, December 27, 2018
'Bitter Melon Nutrition Facts Essay\r'
' mordacious melon vine is the new pod vegetable, popular in galore(postnominal) Asian countries. This widely grown as edible pod is, in fact, among the nigh bitter of all culinary vegetables. nipping melon is a temperate /tropical vegetable probably originated in selenium Asia. Like other members of the Cucurbitaceae family, this whole kit and boodle is a fast-growing, trailing or come up vine with thin stems and tendrils and requires trellis to support the climbing vine. The pods atomic number 18 characterized by smooth linear ridges and uneven pebbly surface. Depending upon the cultivar type, immature pods atomic number 18 light to dark green and acquire oblong or oval shapes with a pointed tip at the blossom end. Internally, the class is white with rough edged seeds, slimly similar to ridge calabash tree seeds. As the fruits begin to mature, they gradually turn chicken or orange.\r\nHealth benefits of Bitter gourd * The vegetable is very low in calories, providing just 17 calories per 100g. Nevertheless, its pods are generous in phytonutrients like dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants. * Bitter melon notably contains phyto-nutrient, polypeptide-P; a comprise insulin known to lower blood pillage levels. In addition, it composes hypoglycemic agent called charantin. Charantin increases glucose wasting disease and glycogen synthesis in the cells of liver, muscle-builder and adipose tissue. in concert, these compounds are thought to be responsible for reduction of blood dinero levels in the treatment of type-2 diabetes.\r\n* Fresh pods are an small cite of folates, contain around 72 µg/100g (Provides 18% of RDA). vitamin Bc helps reduce the incidence of neural pipage defects in the newborns when taken by mothers during first pregnancy. * Fresh bitter melon is an excellent reference work of vitamin-C (100 g of raw pod provides 84 mg or to the highest degree 140% of RDI). Vitamin-C, one of the powerful inwrought ant ioxidants, helps the body scavenge deleterious save radicals one of the reasons for cancer development.\r\n* It is an excellent source of health benefiting flavonoids much(prenominal) as ß-carotene, α-carotene, lutein, and zea-xanthin. It in addition contains a good amount of vitamin A. Together; these compounds help act as preventive scavengers against oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) that walkover a role in aging, cancers and variant disease processes. * Bitter melon stimulates mild digestion and peristalsis of food through the gut until it is excreted from the body. Thus, helps in relieving indigestion and constipation problems. * In addition, the vegetable is an also good source of niacin (vitamin B-3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5), pyridoxine (vitamin B-6) and minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium, manganese and magnesium. * Early research laboratory tests suggest that compounds in bitter melon might be effective for treating human immunodeficiency virus infection.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
'Handle Information in Health and Social Care Setting Essay\r'
'1.1 The legislation that relates to transcription storage and sharing of breeding know as care plans is the Data resistance Act 1998. There are 8 principles to be followed when gathering data 1) bear on fairly and rule-governedly 2) processed exclusively for 1 or more lawful purpose 3) adequate and relevant 4) blameless and up to date 5) kept for no longer than necessary 6) processed in line with the right of the individual 7) secured against breathing bug out or damage 8) not transferred to countries out of EEA. 1.2 It is important to have secure systems for record and storing nurture to prevent personal entropy from being misused. Any information that has been collect is confidential but written show may be required by other(a) professionals on occasions. Also if cutting staff members arrive they can pick out the care plans to gain both the information needed.\r\n2.1 I would follow my company’s policies and procedures for guidance and advice about handling information but would as well speak to my directors or Human resources office. Information can also be gained from government websites for advice or other professionals. 2.2 If there are concerns over the recording storing or sharing of information i would document and report my concerns and secure in all the information immediately.\r\n3.1 concur ways of workings relates to the company’s and government policies in relation to Care Plans. All documents should be evaluated and reviewed regularly, updated as required, completed and legible so others are able to decipher them. 3.2 Agreed ways of working when\r\na) Recording information; would be to follow the company’s and government policies to ensure all information gathered is accurate, legible, complete and confidential. b) Storing information; all information that is gathered should be stored in locked filing cabinets that are only brotherly to the persons requiring access to information.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'This, perhaps, is the most and scarcely logical reasoning behind the invariable Of the cig bette patience. However as the intersection develops and to a greater extent in administration is exposed to the public, calls to devastation the public distribution of cig arettes substantiate with child(p) louder and spread into the world of politics more and more prominently (Strobe). In bon ton to help improve the wellness of peck and to abide by moral standards, cigarettes should be legalized. When cigarettes were first introduced, they became extremely popular, primarily collect to the addictive traits of the chemicals in the smoke.However, his had been a cadence before just research revealed an dumbfounding number of other harmful chemicals indoors each cigarette, including comp wholenessnts found in two- durationr poison and ho usage cleaning agents. Furthermore, non many had know of the humans of auction pitch and nicotine, which cigarettes are cognize to create and behave a lot of, respectively. Tar figure of speech up is now commonly known to be a leading grammatical case of health problems in cigarette handlingrs, and nicotine is known as the addictive, artery-sealing leading component in cigarettes. Even further than the harm universe done to smokers, imprimatur-hand smoke is also an absurdly active health problem.The effects of second hand smoke are exemplified by the fact that the damage done by this bloodline IS done to non- smokers, punishing those who chose non to exercising cigarettes. Banning cigarette use will undoubtedly outgrowth the general health of the American people, even if the originator smokers believe they are suffering. Another lay to be observed in the existence of cigarettes as a commercial-grade increase is the moral aspect of it. Tobacco companies are completely aware of all the health assays imposed on smokers, yet they me entrust see their customers as income.Tobacco companies intentionally use extr emely toxic chemicals simply to increase the addictive qualities of their product, completely disregarding the prize of human life for the value of their sparing sustainability. Advertising by baccy plant companies are also morally wrong, as of late it has been observed that certain advertisements are meant to point younger radicals. This is meant as a selling strategy, as getting younger customers â€Å" dependent†means a longer invariable stream of income from a large group of individuals. This is yet another example of the heinousness displayed y tobacco companies.While their industry is not the only example of a disregard for human health for economics, it is definitely one of the more prominent in todays society. To have one step in a dictatorially charged direction to address the â€Å"risk anything for the economy†attitude, cigarettes should be legalized. The one positive that may have resulted in the formation of cigarettes is that the economy do es, in some portion, rely on these large industries for a source of international wealth. However, the economy should not interpret a front seat oer the well-being of the populations.Also, the existence of these massive commercial industries are restricting the legalization fulfill of far more practiced alternatives, much(prenominal) as cannabis, or marijuana. Because of the fear of losing revenue, tobacco companies have attempted for some time to prevent the legalization of marijuana, which is known to have several positive effects and very few negatives. The existence of tobacco corporations in effect prevents further processes to allow use of this beneficial plant, in addition to lowering the monetary value to arrest those that possess marijuana.Therefore, the one positive created by the existence of the tobacco industry has created even more negatives. Due to the consuming health detriments and lack of morality, cigarette use should indeed be banned. The existence of the t obacco industry has created a multitude of problems, including the conclusion of doors leading to brighter alternatives. This opinion is also paste among the popular opinions of those in control of the media, further supporting the case that cigarettes are seemingly poison, both literal and figurative.\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'Negligence Essay Essay\r'
'Mark sued a jargon for injuries. He was not salaried anxiety as he entered the avow because he was looking at his phone. And he fell suffering $10,000 in injuries. precedent to the f only, the janitor had buffed the floor. The janitor had an IQ of 70. Normally, the janitor was closely supervised. However, today his double-decker was extremely tired, and the manager didn’t give away that the janitor had carelessly used way similarly much floor wax that was extremely slippery. Is the bank likely for the janitor’s sloppiness (be sure to go through all the elements. Additionally, note that downstairs the doctrine of respondeat top-hole the bank WILL be liable for any potential negligence of the janitor employee)? What defenses provide the bank assert? Assume that the jurisdiction does not avow assumption of fortune or contributory negligence. The jurisdiction does recognize the defense of comparative negligence. In enounce to title a negligence film a so mebody must scratch line show that the defendant had to have acted a certain way toward the plaintiff. Second that the defendant failed to act in a sane manner.\r\nFinally, the plaintiff must show they suffered tangible damages or freeing out-of-pocket to the unreasonable doings. Negligence is a behavior or conduct creates an unreasonable misfortune or harm to others. The bank leave behind be prudent for the janitor’s negligence. The janitor is considered an employee of the bank. Therefore, under the doctrine of repondeat superior the bank is responsible for the negligent actions of the janitor. Repondeant Superior, states that the employee is liable for the actions of an employee when the actions take moorage within the scope of employment. This gives a person injured in a perplex of business a better chance of recovering damages, In this causal agent the employer is considered the pencil lead and the employee the agent.\r\nUnder respondent superior the psyc he has control over the agents’ behavior and must take right for the agents’ actions. In this case the bank must take responsibility of the janitor. The bank could debate that Mark contributed to the smoo hence for not paying attention to his purlieu by paying more attention to his prison cell phone than to where he was walking. They could argue that if he had not been on his cell phone he would noticed the showy slippery floors. This is called Contributory Negligence, but the courts do not recognize this defense. Mark could then go for his damages or loss under Comparative Negligence. Meaning he could do one of the two things: 1.) he could have all his damages amount and then reduced by what would be his negligence in the matter or 2.) The courts could say he can’t recover anything if they find that he was upright as negligence as the bank or janitor.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Challenges of Higher Education Essay\r'
'The world of naughtyer teaching method is removed removed from life in proud schooltime. Whereas in elementary and secondary discipline, individuals atomic number 18 being taught the foundations, college life is ultimately nearly training for a life-long profession or c atomic number 18er. Higher education is a crew of fundamental concepts asked across professions and their possible use for specific careers. In college, individuals invite their niche, that hotshot and only(a) true passion that result define and give meaning to our lives.\r\nOf both the survivals we conduct in life, one of the most important and most unenviable is the alternative of what word form to take in college. This choice to a greater extent or less determines the logical argument of our adult lives and whether we become successful or not. For some, the choice comes easy because they already discern what they want to be. There are opposites on the other hand who open washed-out some years in college, unsteady from one course to another, trying to breakthrough what fits them the most.\r\nIn any case, regardless of what course one takes in college, one should have a sound grounding in general education because this depart commence along as the foundations for the acquisition of more specialized, employment-based finding. (Gless, 1992) at once a choice of course and school has been made, the main challenge now is how to get through the rigors of higher education as well as the addressing the necessary activities of perfunctory living. Indeed for incoming college freshmen, it is an entirely advanced world, profuse with challenges.\r\nAfter having spent 18 years in the care and certificate of our parents, its time to leave the nest and learn to fend for ourselves. Chores rat be particularly annoying because they have to be consume endlessly. The challenge is how to budget not hardly money but other resources much(prenominal) as food and clothing. Af ter having depended on our parents to do things for us, it butt end be difficult adjustment to have to constantly trouble about washing clothes and modify the room. However, such tasks need to be through with(p) and they are actually part of the more important lessons that we must learn. Socialization if one of most crucial aspects of college life.\r\nIt is important to be able to get along with roommates and classmates because they exit form the sanction structure that one needs in order to make it through the daily grinds of college. Sometimes it coffin nail get difficult, juggling school responsibilities with other concerns, but if you have good friends to support you, then the burden is somewhat lessened. For college freshmen it can be difficult at counterbalance to forge new friendships after high school, but once we make the endeavour to reach out, then we will determine that college is better when spent with people you can trust and people you love and respect.\r\nI n college it is important to have social skills because more than what we learn inside the classroom, it is the office to make genuine connections that determines the quality of life that we will have. All the academic demands of higher education such as assignment, projects, reports, and activities can in truth be overwhelming. The best way to cover with this is through time management. We must learn to prioritize and set a muniment that we will adhere to when typed with some(prenominal) duties at the same time.\r\nThe not-so-urgent things can be set aside to be accompanied to on less-stressful days. In the end, higher education is more than the things that we learn inside the classroom. Our characters are shaped by how we react to the challenges that we face both inside and outside the classroom. The ability to become self-determined and independent; that is what higher acquire is all about.\r\nReferences:\r\nGless, Darryl J. The Politics of Liberal upbringing Duke Univer sity Press. 1992.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Active and Passive Indexing\r'
'The rootage major power fund began in 1971, with $6 unitary million million funded by Samsonite, the luggage-maker. Since then, there crap been some arguments of whether an vigorous advocator fund or a resistless superpower fund forwarders better long-term results for investors. big business valet silver be already the fastest ripening sector of the mutual fund business. From 1986 to 1996, the amount of bills invested in powerfulness cash grew from $556 million to $65 Billion. And if anything, sepa lay investors have been slow to embrace still management. Institutional investors invest a far large percentage of their assets unresistingly.\r\nMany individual investors be just now uneducated and unaw are of the arguments and experimental record supporting(a) passive voice management. Institutional investors and academics have known for old age (many for decades) that passive investiture is extremely difficult to outmanoeuvre and that the majority of wid e awake investors leave fail in their attempt to outperform the market. Active forceers assert they post outperform the marketplace. Passive (index) portfolios state they tush reverberate the carrying out of the indices. Both have their good duration and their bad times.\r\nActive indexers raise cash in times of increased run a risk and instability trance passive indexers remain fully invested. This can be quite painful during times of large declines in the market. Passive portfolios mirror the gains of the indices during roaring jack markets and lastly outperform the majority of officious money directors who moldiness remain change and who sometimes take on additional risks in an attempt to produce the performance and safety that they have promised their clients. The evidence has piled up during todays bull market that the average dollar managed by energetic managers does not keep up with the market index.\r\nFin whollyy, list is a way to avoid being blind-sided in certain areas of the marketplace. Active management themes can soft find themselves on the wrong side of an investment. there is a perception among investors that a strategy intentional to match stock market returns is less unsettled than a comparable actively managed portfolio. Since the index barbel invests in a manner that is most intimate with the markets natural liquidity, it produces the least disturbance. The passive investor also has diversified his risk. Specific negative things can happen to individual companies or groups.\r\nAs a passive investor, one is not exposed to any of these things. However, it does not cockeyed you have a risk-free investment. The downside to passive index investors is that they â€Å"fuel the fire†of a market that appreciates salutary beyond its true value. powerfulness mutual currency must put new money to run low… they can not hold cash… and their investors all buy the exact same stocks. When stocks go down, index finances, being fully invested, go forth receive the net effect of the decline. Combined with this loss is the accompaniment that they will also have to sell shares to cover shareholder redemptions.\r\nThese cash in hand will line hit harder than many active portfolios with a cash jolt. Most active managers of investment portfolios raise cash as they compass higher valuations, excessive instability, and extreme risks, therefore; bring down the display to loss during declining markets. Another downside to passive index is the impact they have on market instability. This gives the affected role active money manager a congenial opportunity to take advantage of stock plectrum at very attractive prices and, to some extent, time the market in making their decisions of when to buy and when to sell.\r\nIndex investing is a tricky business that can roil markets. Actively indexed funds have kaput(p) upward over the last decade. This has occurred despite the fact that investors h ave poured huge amounts of money into active funds over this period. The cost of investing in index funds have trended downward as they have become more popular with investors. The costs of active index funds just might fall down in the future, thereby narrowing the cost fault with passive index funds.\r\nBut all evidence to date has instaln just the opposite trend †the costs of active funds continue to go up and the costs of index funds continue to go down. Actively indexed funds typically generate relatively large amounts of levyes while passive index funds generate relatively small amounts. Some of the resulting spread in performance caused by tax incomees would seemingly be narrowed if the federal government were to lower tax rates. Congress did this at the end of July 1997 when it reduced the supreme long term capital gains tax rate from 28% on investments held more than one twelvemonth to 20% on investments held 18 months or longer.\r\nThe tax bill provides that in the grade 2001 this rate will be reduced to 18% for investments held five geezerhood or longer. Finally, active money managers serve the particular(prenominal) needs of their clients. They manage portfolios based exactly on the investors objectives and tolerance for risk. They make decisions based on a stated time frame and they are sufficient of changing the goals and direction of a portfolio on a moments notice. They are the investors personal link to the market and the shielder of their capital. The value of these services is immeasurable to most investors.\r\n 1 thing that really does not influence the investor as much as it should is the lack of appreciation with love to the tax consequences of passive index management. The capital gains, created during the year by a fully active index manager, is reported to the IRS, and the investor ends up being taxed. For a taxed investor, the buy-and-hold is a winning strategy. Turnover is the enemy of the investor who pays taxes. C onversely, most investors would be more than happy to pay taxes on the returns produced by active money managers during periods of declining markets.\r\nNot many investors choose losses to earning some gains and interest, even with the tax man waiting. The effect of so many investors buying index funds is that they tend to guard the money market. An investor could actually, in a cost-effective manner, buy and sell the market. The asset funding of active managers, unite with the efficiency of the passive manager, allows one to implement strategies that provide an optimal mixing of securities to match a particular scenario, objective, or risk aversion.\r\nFrom time to time, it is possible that the major assets can get out of balance. Investors can run up prices where the righteousness market is overvalued. When this reaches a untrustworthy level, more self-corrective measures are needed. This is where the expertise of the active manager becomes useful. As an investor, you are always trading off what Jeremy Bentham, the British economist, referred to as the â€Å"pain-pleasure calculus. †Good returns produce pleasure. Bad returns produce pain. An active money manager is always balancing off the pleasure vs. e potential pain.\r\nThe active manager tends to determine what that balance is and if it finds that the market is deployed otherwise, it works in balancing the portfolio. Tactical asset funding combined with a passively managed portfolio has been called the â€Å"holy grail†of investing by Jonathan Burton, of Dow Jones Asset Management magazine. During declining markets, index funds take the full force of the markets loss. Managers of these funds are forced to sell stocks in order to date the demand for redemptions as their investors got out of the market.\r\nDuring markets of very lowly movement, investors quickly drain of insufficient or no returns on their investment. Finally, a philosophy of capital saving causes the active manager to raise cash, providing a cushion for portfolios during times of extreme risk. Active or passive? Both have their advantages and their risks, but the two are found to be the best long-term plans for two performance and safety. Index (passive) funds are apparent to beat active funds, yet the Morningstar data show that 92% of all the money is U. S. stock funds is in active funds.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Chapter 2 – research methodology Essay\r'
' commence and Objectives. The aim of the look is to undertake an analysis of the Chinese banking industry systems, processes and products through a representative theme of imprecate of China and HSBC, London. Objectives. The research objectives are as follows :- 1. Assess the over altogether state of the Chinese banking systems, processes and products. 2. prise implementation of systems, practices and processes of the modern banking industry. 3. Evaluate areas for further harvesting and development by Chinese banks. This chapter aims to illustrate the methodology of the research.\r\nIt describes; common research philosophies, research approaches and the research strategy. veal (2000) has described research as â€Å"systematic and mensurable inquiry and search for the truth†or an probe into a assailable to discover facts. What is seek? look for is a well defined area of lease of a particular problem or field of study in its totality or in circumstantial to a p articular area of concern. (Veal, 2000). Research should involve the following characteristics, which leave be kept in mind by the writer while evaluating the subject (Morgan, 2000):- (a) Systematic assembling of data. (b) Analytical interpretation of data.\r\n(c) ontogeny a surmisal and conclusion. The Research Philosophy new-fashioned research has three models; these are positivism, realism and interpretivism. (Cantrell, D. C. (n. d. )). positivism Positivism entails a scientific stance for research and interpretation of data. Thus only those phenomenon which are evident and measurable are regarded as knowledge. Positivists maintain an mugwump and objective stance. (Cantrell, D. C. (n. d. )). Phenomenology (Interpretivism) This is opposite of the positivistic approach and is cognise as interpretivism or phenomenology. (Cantrell, D. C. (n. d. )).\r\nThough positivistic and interpretivism persona are two extremes, most researchers use elements of two practices, which is im plied in realism. This approach is considered the most appropriate for the estimate as the writer will be carrying by a comparative analysis of the Chinese and the British Banking system with a case study of the Bank of China vis a vis HSBC, London. Since banking systems are not unless financial and economic systems but involve societal issues in the context of a broader socio-political environment, a down-to-earth approach to research is considered the most suitable.\r\nResearch cash advance There are two strands, which can be adopted, deductive and inducive. The deductive approach is used when a hypothesis is developed and the research design has to ravel that hypothesis. The deductive approach is amplified by means of a diagram at get word 1 (Trochim, 2000). †Figure 1 On the other hand the inductive approach is related to qualitative data, as a sample used in a case study as contrasting to the large quantum of data which is used in the deductive approach. A theory i s said to be developed from data collection in this approach.\r\nA diagram showing the inductive approach is at Figure 2 to a lower place (Trochim, 2000):-Figure 2 The dynamic nature of the research will entail application of both approaches by the author as in practice almost all the research projects have elements of both the approaches in overhear of the importance of including both qualitative and quantitative findings.\r\nResearch Data In general data contains knowledge collected and recorded in note books, questionnaires, audiotapes, videotapes, models, photographs, films and streak responses. (Veal, 2000). Research data in this case will be the response of selected customers and managers of Bank of China and HSBC, London. found on a questionnaire.\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Discuss Changing Family Structures in the Uk and Give Examples of Sociological Theories That Provide Explanations as to Why and How Families Have Changed.\r'
'Discuss ever-changing family anatomical structures in the UK and give examples of sociological theories that provide explanations as to why and how families preserve compoundd. This stress will contend the various family structures in fiat. It will give suppositious explanation as to why and how families bring forth changed. The essay will also bring statistical, historical and semipolitical evidence to back up the reason for these changes. During the pre-industrial society the ‘ elongate family’ was the most common family structure.This family structure involves ternary generations including the pargonnts, children and either the grand arouses (vertical- broaden) or uncles and aunts (horizontally-extended). The extended family structure was demand for this society as families were a ‘unit of exertion’ so they needed as m all pruneers as they could get. Michael Anderson (1971) argued that in ‘critical disembodied spirit situationsâ€⠄¢ thither was a dependence on the extended family for help and support. thus Parsons (1949) said large families were economically beneficial, so the extended family was the most suited structure.However, during in the industrial rotation family life changed. It was no longer seen as a ‘unit of production’ but now a ‘unit of consumption’. The ‘ thermo thermonuclear family’ emerged and became the main family structure. However, the extended family whitethorn come popular again as in our current society deal atomic number 18 living longer and state funding on residential oversee has decreased so this has shifted the care and responsibility onto the family. besides, at that place has been an increase in Multi-generational families. ‘The anterior age of child-bearing reducing the age gap amongst generations’ (Fulcher and Scott, 2011: 446)The ‘nuclear family’ consisted of two generations, the m opposite, father an d their children. Parsons (1949) argued that industrialisation resulted in a shift from the extended family to the nuclear family, as its char solveeristics are more than typical for a capitalistic society. Parsons (1956) believed that you must move where there is work and that you should however take your immediate family with you not every genius. This is why nuclear families were more beneficial as it was easier to move for work with just your immediate amily. With the industrial revolution and the growth of capitalism, production was no longer carried out by family members, but by workers. Public policies were put in place during 1940-1970 such as the welfare state, which was intentional to support family roles (breadwinner and caring mother). Since then there has been meaningful changes in public policies such as the dissever reform act (1967), the abortion act (1967), the passable pay act (1970), the sex discrimination act (1975) and maternity leave was introduced.This gave women more freedom and more opportunities especially within employment and lifestyle choices. This leave alone to social change; postponement of conjugation and childbearing, the make sense of divorces in England and Wales increase from 6,000 in 1938 to more than 48,000 in 1968, and in 1960 the fertility rate was 2. 72%, displace to 1. 93% in 1998. Due to these rapid increases in divorce cohabitation has become more preferable for rivals as there are no legal ties, the rival can see how it goes before making any major(ip) decisions such as trades union.Also couples may follow later as weddings are expensive and they outwear’t have the money to afford one due to the recession, however living with each other saves money. This was the democratic and educational revolution and the era of the nuclear family. However, with refreshed policies in place and such major social change, from the 1970s onwards it became the ‘post-industrial society’ and the tog up of post-modernism. This society brought new family structures, and units that were previously perceived as unacceptable became acceptable.Since the divorce reform act (1967) divorces have rapidly increased resulting in many re-marriages, introducing the reconstituted family unit. This family includes children that exit with one biological parent and a step-parent. These families may also include step/half brothers and sisters. split has also meant there are many more unity-parent families. This is a family structure where only one parent takes care of the children. This can be due to origin exterior of marriage, divorce and death or enslavement of a partner.Murray (1990) would argue that the rise in single parent families is due to the underclass and fatherless families. Boys without fathers are inadequately socialised and don’t have a male role model. When they have their admit children they wont have an understanding of a ‘ dad’ role, so this may resu lt in them beingness absent in the child’s life and separation from the wife/partner. Marx (1848) would argue that the breakdown of marriage is due to the conflict that the capitalist society is creating and this is bear upon relationships.Feminist, Delphy (1977) argues that the exploitation of women’s labour is rooted in ‘the national mode of production’ within the household, not in the capitalist mode of production. ‘Men hold a superior position within the domestic mode of production and exploit women through marriage’ (Fulcher and Scott, 2011: 435). This exploitation could create conflict and domestic emphasis may occur resulting in separation/divorce. Lastly, rough individuals blame single-parent families on the permissiveness of the sexual revolution.Jeffrey Weeks (1989) believes that post-war changes in capitalism has led to a new pleasure-seeking spot in females, which resulted in sexual behaviour as a source of pleasure rather a means of producing children. This can relate to why there are so many single-parent families headed by women from births outside marriage. Finally the most recent type of family structure is ‘same sex families’. This involves a homosexual couple (gay or lesbian) that take care of children. This is the newest family unit as the civil confederation law was only passed in 2004.Since then 45,000 have been formed up until 2010. transvestic couples have been apparent for a long while however only recently have the attitudes towards them become more acceptable resulting in the civil partnership law. Beck (1992) says this is because of individualisation; people are designing their lives ground on their own choice not expectations. Also, people have very different attitudes now to previously in history, so homosexuality is more widely accepted. In conclusion, family structures are constantly changing and there is never only one type.Family structures tend to posterior arou nd suiting the type of society there in. Policies can increase or decrease plastered family structures. For example the divorce reform act (1967) increased single parent and reconstituted families and decreased the nuclear family. Also new family structures, same sex families have been introduced because of policies and change in attitudes. There may be new family structures in the future as society progresses. References- Fulcher, J. and Scott, J. (2011) Sociology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Cell Phone Use While Driving Essay\r'
'Cell speech sounds and unprompted ar worry oil and water, they don’t mix surface together. Not only is using your carrel name while brainish dangerous, in some states it’s against the law (Which States puddle Cell Phone, Texting While drive Bans, 2011). It is smart to fair let that text or call wait until you displace pull safely off the road and answer it, or charge wait until you have reached your destination to return the call. I don’t believe cell phones atomic number 18 the most dangerous distraction during private road, but it travel at the top of the list. You support feel the consequences of driving while using your cell phone mentally, somaticly, and financially.\r\n whimsical while talking on the phone elicit affect your mental state. When engaged in a conversation on your cell while driving, your chemical reaction eras become slower. â€Å"The act of holding a conversation hinders the driver’s visual affect skills†(C ell phones ca-ca mental distraction, not physical hindrance, 2009, p.6). Your sagaciousness is elsewhere when it’s not focused on the road. To avoid causing harm to yourself or individual else, it is best to put the cell phone conquer and focus on the road.\r\nAdditionally, driving and texting affect a person physically. The number one culprit of physical distractions is texting. If asked most mobile phone users believe driving while texting should be barned, but do it anyway. â€Å"49% of driver’s with cell phones estimateween 20-29 age of age admit they text while driving†(Drivers Pan Texting cigarette the Wheel, But Do It Anyway, 2009). That just shows that people have no regards to themselves, others, or the law. hardly a quick glance to read or respond to a text is not worth(predicate) risking your life.\r\nFinally, the last repercussion of using your cell phone while driving is the financial toll it can take on you and your family. The laws have been changed to inflict fines and penalization on people who break this law. In Utah, you can be fined up to $1000 and spend time in jail for texting while driving (Toledo to ban texting while driving; mandate to go into case Jan. 1, 2009). That is just legal fines; this doesn’t include how more your insurance premium may go up for causing an accident. You may also be trustworthy for hospital bills if you cause injury to another motorist. Again, not worth it just to respond to a unanalyzable text.\r\nIn closing, I whole heartedly believe that cell phone use while driving is in close comparison to drinking and driving. People are distracted everyday while driving, but I think cell phones pose a larger threat as it makes you take your eyes entirely off the road and you become unaware of what’s going on in front of, behind, and just about you. Consequences could be fatal if you aren’t careful. I bet your family and friends would quite get a message or ca ll from you while you are safe and alive, rather than a call from the police notifying them of an accident you caused out-of-pocket to using your cell phone while driving.\r\nReferences\r\nWhich States Have Cell Phone, Texting While Driving Bans? (2011, December 14). PC Magazine Online. Retrieved from vitamin A;v=2.1& deoxyadenosine monophosphate;u=oran95108& adenine;it=r& angstrom unit;p=ITOF&sw=w Cell phones create mental distraction, not physical hindrance. (2009, Spring). Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association, 12(1), 6. Retrieved from Drivers Pan Texting Behind The Wheel, But Do It Anyway; A visual modality of 5,000 mobile phone users found about 60% of younger drivers admitted to texting while behind the wheels of their vehicles. (2009, May 20).InformationWeek. Retrieved from / Toledo to ban texting while driving; ordinance to go into effect Jan. 1. (2009, November 25). Blade [Toledo, OH]. Retrieved from\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Development Economics Final Exam\r'
'Thus follows a theory of work from the middle age, wherein production is understand as an increase of matter, which is only achievable by dint of agriculture and the delivery of raw materials. debark as a kindred factor is rooted on the following concepts: Land as having a abruptly elastic supply thus get to is eternally readily available and does not decrease Land is not productive on Its own so land must be recitationd as a means of production; and the only vogue to increase land Is through agriculture or raw material resources much(prenominal) as mining.The cogitate that the assumption of land as a homogeneous factor of production Is no longer tenable is that, in recent years, land has been given a wider definition, thus t is not only throttle to atomic number 18as which are white plagueful for agriculture or mining, plainly also above and beyond the actual land that can be seen such as forests, bodies of water, mineral resources, recreational areas. Land is giv en multiple demands which are not limited to agriculture and mining alone. Today, in contrast to classical economicals, land is accustomd for building, as capital for production of goods and services, for recreational purposes, etc.Attached to the idea of multiplicity is the concept of value. Such an understanding allows one to corrobo arrange that besides land being native, it is also location-specific and dependable. grade Is classified Into: Non-use value refers to the benefit humanity receives from the go along existence of environmental pluss and does not need to be experienced. This Is further classified Into either (1 ) selection value, wherein the asset can be taken advantage of at a futurity time or (2) quasi- option value, wherein asset can be kept for future use, thereby making the valuation difficult to estimate.On the different hand, the use-value is also classified into non- extractive or extractive. (1) Non-extractive covers the services that an environment al set countenances without the need to extract goods or harvest-feast anything from them. Monetary gain is not immediate and requires planning, explore and creativity to translate this value into something profitable as a livelihood, which is often realized in the long-run. (2) Extractive use or consumption use value refers to the use of goods that can be extracted directly from locality. This Is the most putting surface type of business valuation.Excessive extraction such as In milling and forestry, however, can deplete the asset. Compared to non-extractive use, fiscal gains of extractive use are quick and certain. Non-extractive can be further delved Into (1) recreational, which refers to the leisure services which the sites directly provide such as snorkeling, skiing, experience of natural sites such as the case with parks, zoos, mountains, etc. In conclusion, land, as a factor of production is important in the process of economic development since the process involves the change magnitude utilisation of natural resources.A modern sector follows a circular flow of production, which involves a greater passion in the use of natural resources. Thus, a hotshot increase in production could mean a significant increase in the use of natural resources. The challenge therefore is to have sustainable utilization of dependable resources. A solution is to minimize use of dependable resources. Another is to market certain resources in order to protect them. In any case, such action must be taken in order to ensure proper utilization of land. . What is the low proportionality trap? To what extent is race a problem insofar as long-term economic development is concerned? The low level equilibrium trap is based on Richard Nelsons theory, which explains the relationship amid population growth and income growth. As income per pita dust below critical level, then a population growth rate that exceeds that certain income growth rate will always bring the economy cover to a low level equilibrium trap. . What is provincial rationality? How can one Justify subsistence production as rational economic behavior 4.\r\n'
Thursday, December 13, 2018
'A Reflective Observation on Global Warming\r'
'Elizabeth Kolbert’s chapter 2 entitled â€Å"A Warmer jactitate†in her book â€Å"Field Notes From A catastrophe†is basically approximately the find of global heat and the developments in its cognizance. It also shows relevant data about certain factors that affect global warming.John Tyndall’s discovery of the ratio spectrophotometer in 1859 was the advent of the awareness in global warming.The function of the said device is to pit pursueance and transmittance of their light beam exhibited by the gases. Results of the tests showed that the gases commonly entrap in the air such as normality and oxygen did not absorb nor transmit whatsoever radiation. However, other gases such as carbon dioxide and weewee absorbed viewable and infrared radiation radiation (p.36).With these results, Tyndall stumbled upon a baffling and shocking truth that lead military campaign a worldwide sensation and concern in the following generations. Tyndall conclu ded that these gases contribute largely to the way the existence radiates and absorbs radiation from the sun. He thought of the line as a barrier that regulates the derive of radiation that enters the ground which affects its overall temperature. This notion was later cognise as the â€Å"natural babys room effect†(p.36).The sun, earth and many hot bodies emit radiation and the amount of radiation is now proportional to its temperature. This is further explained by the Stefan-Boltzmann Law which sates that the temperature raised to the fourth power is directly proportional to the radiationemitted by the body. The role of the greenhouse gases is to absorb selectively the radiation from the sun and allow visible radiation to penetrate the melodic phrase. The earth’s infrared radiation, on the other hand, is absorbed by the greenhouse gases and is emitted partially into space and partially back to earth.This phenomenon regulates the temperature on the surface of the earth. After Tyndall crystalliseed away from an overdose of a sleeping drug, Arrhenius continued what Tyndall left unfinished. Arrhenius studied the effectuate of altering carbon dioxide levels in the air and he found out that rising carbon dioxide levels allow for enlarge the earth’s temperature, hence, he coined the show â€Å"to stand firm under a warmer thresh about†to the next generations (p.42)Interest in the climate change mellowed down after the death of Arrhenius. However, in the mid(prenominal) 1950’s, there was a rebirth in the awareness of global warming and this was due to Charles David Keeling, a chemist. The results of his research in the atmospheric carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere or the â€Å"Keeling Curve†showed that the carbon dioxide level join ons as time increases.The results were devastating as years pass by. The Keeling curve also showed that the carbon dioxide level in 2005 was 375 parts per million and wi th this terrifying rate, it exit increase to 500 parts per million by the spunk of the century which will greatly affect the temperature of the earth and will make us feel the encompassing effects of global warming (p.44)Global warming threatens us to extinction. This is caused mainly by industrialization and we must stop, or if not, control the facelift of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere to save the future generations. Global warming will cause the polar and ice glaciers to melt that execute to a rise in sea level. This rise will flood coastal regions and other work masses. There is also an expected change of pelting patterns across the globe that will greatlyaffect food crops and will be a major setback in food production in many nations. With the increase in temperature, plants and animals will be forced to live in cooler areas and those who are unable to fit will be doomed of extinction. (Global Warming, Encarta)\r\n'
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
'Angels Demons Chapter 109-112\r'
'109\r\nMeanwhile, in St. Peters Square, the smother of Swiss carrys hollo orders and fanned kayoedward, trying to push the presss back to a safer distance. It was no use. The crowd was excessively dense and incurmed off the beaten track(predicate) more than interested in the Vaticans impending crack of doom than in their own safety. The towering media screens in the square up were like a shot transmitting a live count spile of the antimatter case shot †a direct feed from the Swiss Guard security monitor †compliments of the camerlegno. Unfortunately, the image of the tin can counting down was doing nonhing to repel the crowds. The wad in the square apparently flavoured at the fine droplet of liquid suspended in the canister and dogged it was not as menacing as they had thought. They could to a fault see the countdown clock now †a little under forty-five minutes until detonation. Plenty of while to stay and study.\r\n nary(prenominal)etheless, the Swiss Guards unanimously agreed that the camerlegnos dependent decision to address the humanness with the truth and wherefore provide the media with actual visuals of Illuminati treachery had been a delve maneuver. The Illuminati had no query expect the Vatican to be their plebeian reticent selves in the face of adversity. Not tonight. Camerlegno Carlo Ventresca had proven himself a commanding foe.\r\nInside the Sistine Chapel, Cardinal Mortati was acquiring restless. It was past 11:15 P.M. Many of the cardinals were go on to pray, hardly opposites had clustered around the exit, clearly change open by the hour. Some of the cardinals began throb on the approach with their fists.\r\nOutside the introduction Lieutenant Chartrand take ind the pounding and didnt know what to do. He checked his watch. It was time. Captain Rocher had addicted strict orders that the cardinals were not to be let let out until he gave the word. The pounding on the door management became more intense, and Chartrand felt dying(p). He wondered if the original had simply forgotten. The captain had been acting very erratic since his mysterious teleph unmatchable set call.\r\nChartrand pul guide out his walkie-talkie. â€Å"Captain? Chartrand here. It is past time. Should I open the Sistine?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"That door stays shut. I counter I already gave you that order.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Yes, sir, I just †â€Å"\r\nâ€Å"Our guest is arriving shortly. work a few men upstairs, and guard the door of the Popes office. The camerlegno is not to go anywhere.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Im sorry, sir?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"What is it that you dont understand, Lieutenant?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Nothing, sir. I am on my way.â€Â\r\nUpstairs in the Office of the Pope, the camerlegno stared in quiet meditation at the fire. Give me strength, God. capture us a miracle. He poked at the coals, wonder if he would survive the night.\r\n110\r\nEleven-twenty-three P.M.\r\nVittoria s excessivelyd tre mbling on the balcony of Castle St. Angelo, staring out across Rome, her eye moist with tears. She wanted badly to embrace Robert Langdon, exclusively she could not. Her corpse felt anesthetized. Readjusting. Taking stock. The man who had killed her be descendter lay far below, dead, and she had al close been a dupe as well.\r\nWhen Langdons orderer touched her shoulder, the infusion of rapture seemed to magically shatter the ice. Her physical structure shuddered back to life. The fog lifted, and she morose. Robert looked interchangeable hell †wet and matted †he had obviously been through purgatory to come rescue her.\r\nâ€Å" give thanks you…†she verbalise.\r\nLangdon gave an exhausted smile and reminded her that it was she who deserved thanks †her force to practically dislocate her shoulders had just make unnecessaryd them both. Vittoria wiped her eyes. She could shake stood in that location forever with him, plainly the reprieve was s hort-lived.\r\nâ€Å"We neediness to hold up out of here,†Langdon say.\r\nVittorias mind was elsewhere. She was staring out toward the Vatican. The terra firmas smallest country looked unsettlingly close, glowing blanched under a barrage of media lights. To her shock, oftentimes of St. Peters Square was dumb jammed with deal! The Swiss Guard had apparently been able to clear only roughly a vitamin C and fifty feet back †the area directly in front of the basilica †less than peerless-third of the square. The tucker of congestion encompassing the square was compacted now, those at the safer distances insistence for a closer look, trapping the others inside. They are too close! Vittoria thought. Much too close!\r\nâ€Å"Im spill back in,†Langdon utter flatly.\r\nVittoria turned, incredulous. â€Å"Into the Vatican?â€Â\r\nLangdon t archaic her about the Samaritan, and how it was a ploy. The Illuminati leader, a man named Janus, was actually approach shot himself to brand the camerlegno. A final Illuminati act of domination.\r\nâ€Å"Nobody in Vatican city knows,†Langdon said. â€Å"I give way no way to get across them, and this guy is arriving any minute. I stimulate to deter the guards in the first place they let him in.â€Â\r\nâ€Å" only when youll neer get through the crowd!â€Â\r\nLangdons voice was confident. â€Å" theres a way. self-reliance me.â€Â\r\nVittoria sensed once again that the historian k new(a) something she did not. â€Å"Im coming.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"No. Why risk both †â€Å"\r\nâ€Å"I redeem to find a way to get those pile out of there! Theyre in incredible dange †â€Å"\r\n nevertheless hence, the balcony they were standing on began to shake. A deafening gnarl shook the in all castle. so a white light from the direction of St. Peters blinded them. Vittoria had only unmatched thought. Oh my God! The antimatter annihilated early!\r\n only if or else of an explosion, a huge cheer went up from the crowd. Vittoria squinted into the light. It was a barrage of media lights from the square, now trained, it seemed, on them! Every bingle was turned their way, roaring and pointing. The rumble grew louder. The air in the square seemed all of a sudden joyous.\r\nLangdon looked baffled. â€Å"What the devil †â€Å"\r\nThe sky everyplacehead roared.\r\nEmerging from bottom the tower, without warning, came the papal eggbeater. It thundered fifty feet above them, on a beeline for Vatican City. As it passed everywherehead, radiant in the media lights, the castle trembled. The lights followed the helicopter as it passed by, and Langdon and Vittoria were suddenly again in the dark.\r\nVittoria had the uneasy feeling they were too late as they watched the big machine slow to a prey off over St. Peters Square. Kicking up a cloud of dust, the helicopter dropped onto the open portion of the square between the crowd and the basilica, touching down at the bottom of the basilicas staircase.\r\nâ€Å" dress down about an entrance,†Vittoria said. Against the white marble, she could see a slender speck of a per password emerge from the Vatican and head for the hills toward the chopper. She would never ingest recognized the body-build nevertheless for the bright red beret on his head. â€Å"Red rug greeting. Thats Rocher.â€Â\r\nLangdon pounded his fist on the banister. â€Å"Somebodys got to warn them!†He turned to go.\r\nVittoria caught his arm. â€Å"Wait!†She had just seen something else, something her eyes ref employ to believe. Fingers trembling, she pointed toward the chopper. hitherto from this distance, there was no mistaking. Descending the gangplank was some other figure… a figure who moved so uniquely that it could only be one man. Although the figure was seated, he accelerated across the open square with casual control and startling speed.\r\nA king on an electr ic throne.\r\nIt was exclusiveimilian Kohler.\r\n111\r\nKohler was sickened by the opulence of the Hallway of the Belvedere. The halcyon leaf in the crown alone plausibly could have funded a years worth of cancer research. Rocher led Kohler up a handicapped ramp on a circuitous route into the Apostolic Palace.\r\nâ€Å"No elevator?†Kohler demanded.\r\nâ€Å"No military force.†Rocher motioned to the candles burning around them in the darkened building. â€Å"Part of our search tactic.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Tactics which no doubt failed.â€Â\r\nRocher nodded.\r\nKohler stony-broke into another coughing flout and knew it might be one of his last. It was not an entirely unwelcome thought.\r\nWhen they reached the top floor and started down the dorm toward the Popes office, four Swiss Guards ran toward them, facial expression for troubled. â€Å"Captain, what are you doing up here? I thought this man had discipline that †â€Å"\r\nâ€Å"He depart only speak to the camerlegno.â€Â\r\nThe guards recoiled, looking suspicious.\r\nâ€Å"Tell the camerlegno,†Rocher said forcefully, â€Å"that the director of CERN, sludgeimilian Kohler, is here to see him. Immediately.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Yes, sir!†One of the guards ran off in the direction of the camerlegnos office. The others stood their ground. They examine Rocher, looking uneasy. â€Å"Just one moment, captain. We will bode your guest.â€Â\r\nKohler, however, did not stop. He turned sharply and maneuvered his hot seat around the sentinels.\r\nThe guards spun and broke into a jog beside him. â€Å"Fermati! Sir! give notice!â€Â\r\nKohler felt repugnance for them. Not even the close elite security force in the world was immune to the pity everyone felt for cripples. Had Kohler been a rock-loving man, the guards would have tackled him. Cripples are powerless, Kohler thought. Or so the world believes.\r\nKohler knew he had very little time to retch throu gh what he had come for. He too knew he might die here tonight. He was strike how little he cared. Death was a worth he was ready to pay. He had endured too much in his life to have his work destroy by someone resembling Camerlegno Ventresca.\r\nâ€Å"Signore!†the guards shouted, running in the lead and contriveing a line across the hallway. â€Å"You must stop!†One of them pulled a sidearm and aimed it at Kohler.\r\nKohler stopped.\r\nRocher stepped in, looking contrite. â€Å"Mr. Kohler, please. It will only be a moment. No one enters the Office of the Pope unannounced.â€Â\r\nKohler could see in Rochers eyes that he had no choice but to wait. Fine, Kohler thought. We wait.\r\nThe guards, cruelly it seemed, had stopped Kohler next to a rough gilded mirror. The sight of his own twisted form repulsed Kohler. The superannuated rage brimmed yet again to the surface. It sceptred him. He was among the enemy now. These were the pack who had robbed him of hi s dignity. These were the people. Because of them he had never felt the touch of a woman… had never stood tall to accept an award. What truth do these people possess? What proof, damn it! A book of ancient fables? Promises of miracles to come? Science creates miracles every day!\r\nKohler stared a moment into his own stony eyes. Tonight I may die at the hands of religion, he thought. moreover it will not be the prototypic time.\r\nFor a moment, he was eleven years old again, lying in his bed in his parents capital of Kentucky mansion. The sheets beneath him were Europes finest linen, but they were soaked with sweat. Young guck felt like he was on fire, the annoyance wracking his body unimaginable. Kneeling beside his bed, where they had been for two days, were his scram and father. They were praying.\r\nIn the shadows stood three of Frankfurts best posits.\r\nâ€Å"I urge you to consider!†one of the doctors said. â€Å"Look at the boy! His fever is increasing. He is in noble pain. And danger!â€Â\r\nBut goop knew his mothers reply before she even said it. â€Å"Gott wird ihn beschuetzen.â€Â\r\nYes, max thought. God will nurture me. The condemnation in his mothers voice gave him strength. God will protect me.\r\nAn hour later, slime felt like his upstanding body was being crushed beneath a car. He could not even breathe to cry.\r\nâ€Å"Your boy is in great suffering,†another doctor said. â€Å"let me at least ease his pain. I have in my bag a simple injectant of †â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Ruhe, bitte!†mucks father silenced the doctor without ever gap his eyes. He simply kept praying.\r\nâ€Å"Father, please!†soap wanted to debauchery. â€Å"Let them stop the pain!†But his words were lost in a spasm of coughing.\r\nAn hour later, the pain had worsened.\r\nâ€Å"Your son could become paralyzed,†one of the doctors scolded. â€Å"Or even die! We have medicines that will befriend!â₠¬Â\r\nFrau and Herr Kohler would not allow it. They did not believe in medicine. Who were they to interfere with Gods master plan? They prayed harder. afterward all, God had blessed them with this boy, why would God take the child away? His mother whispered to Max to be strong. She explained that God was testing him… like the give-and-take story of Abraham… a test of his faith.\r\nMax try to have faith, but the pain was excruciating.\r\nâ€Å"I cannot watch this!†one of the doctors finally said, running from the room.\r\nBy dawn, Max was moreover conscious. Every muscle in his body spasmed in agony. Where is Jesus? he wondered. Doesnt he cacoethes me? Max felt the life slipping from his body.\r\nHis mother had fallen asleep at the bedside, her hands still clasped over him. Maxs father stood across the room at the window staring out at the dawn. He seemed to be in a trance. Max could hear the low mumble of his ceaseless prayers for mercy.\r\nIt was then that Max sensed the figure hovering over him. An angel? Max could barely see. His eyes were swollen shut. The figure whispered in his ear, but it was not the voice of an angel. Max recognized it as one of the doctors… the one who had sit down in the corner for two days, never leaving, beggary Maxs parents to let him administer some new medicate from England.\r\nâ€Å"I will never forgive myself,†the doctor whispered, â€Å"if I do not do this.†Then the doctor gently took Maxs frail arm. â€Å"I deal I had done it sooner.â€Â\r\nMax felt a tiny prick in his arm †barely discernible through the pain.\r\nThen the doctor quiet packed his things. Before he unexpended, he put a hand on Maxs forehead. â€Å"This will save your life. I have great faith in the power of medicine.â€Â\r\nWithin minutes, Max felt as if some sort of magic spirit were flow through his veins. The warmth spread through his body numbing his pain. Finally, for the first time in da ys, Max slept.\r\nWhen the fever broke, his mother and father proclaimed a miracle of God. But when it became evident that their son was crippled, they became despondent. They wheeled their son into the church and begged the priest for counseling.\r\nâ€Å"It was only by the blessing of God,†the priest told them, â€Å"that this boy survived.â€Â\r\nMax listened, saying nothing.\r\nâ€Å"But our son cannot walk!†Frau Kohler was weeping.\r\nThe priest nodded sadly. â€Å"Yes. It seems God has punish him for not having enough faith.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Mr. Kohler?†It was the Swiss Guard who had run ahead. â€Å"The camerlegno says he will grant you audience.â€Â\r\nKohler grunted, accelerating again down the hall.\r\nâ€Å"He is surprised by your visit,†the guard said.\r\nâ€Å"Im certain(predicate).†Kohler trilled on. â€Å"I would like to see him alone.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Impossible,†the guard said. â€Å"No one †â€Å"\r\ nâ€Å"Lieutenant,†Rocher barked. â€Å"The meeting will be as Mr. Kohler wishes.â€Â\r\nThe guard stared in obvious disbelief.\r\nOutside the door to the Popes office, Rocher allowed his guards to take standard precautions before letting Kohler in. Their take hold metal detector was rendered worthless by the infinite of electronic devices on Kohlers wheelchair. The guards frisked him but were obviously too ashamed of his disability to do it properly. They never instal the revolver affixed beneath his chair. Nor did they relieve him of the other object… the one that Kohler knew would bring unforgettable colony to this evenings chain of events.\r\nWhen Kohler entered the Popes office, Camerlegno Ventresca was alone, kneeling in prayer beside a dying fire. He did not open his eyes.\r\nâ€Å"Mr. Kohler,†the camerlegno said. â€Å" leave you come to make me a martyr?â€Â\r\n112\r\n either the while, the narrow tunnel called Il Passetto stretched out bef ore Langdon and Vittoria as they dashed toward Vatican City. The torch in Langdons hand threw only enough light to see a few yards ahead. The walls were close on either side, and the ceiling low. The air smelled dank. Langdon raced on into the darkness with Vittoria close at his heels.\r\nThe tunnel inclined steeply as it left the Castle St. Angelo, proceeding upward into the underside of a stone bastion that looked like a papistical aqueduct. There, the tunnel leveled out and began its secret course toward Vatican City.\r\nAs Langdon ran, his thoughts turned over and over in a kaleidoscope of confounding images †Kohler, Janus, the Hassassin, Rocher… a sixth brand? Im sure youve heard about the sixth brand, the killer had said. The most brilliant of all. Langdon was quite certain he had not. Even in conspiracy theory lore, Langdon could phone of no references to any sixth brand. Real or imagined. There were rumors of a gold bullion and a perfect Illuminati Diamond but never any take note of a sixth brand.\r\nâ€Å"Kohler cant be Janus!†Vittoria declared as they ran down the interior of the dike. â€Å"Its impossible!â€Â\r\nImpossible was one word Langdon had stopped using tonight. â€Å"I dont know,†Langdon holler as they ran. â€Å"Kohler has a serious grudge, and he also has some serious influence.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"This crisis has make CERN look like monsters! Max would never do anything to damage CERNs report card!â€Â\r\nOn one count, Langdon knew CERN had taken a creation beating tonight, all because of the Illuminatis insistence on make this a public spectacle. And yet, he wondered how much CERN had authentically been damaged. Criticism from the church was nothing new for CERN. In fact, the more Langdon thought about it, the more he wondered if this crisis might actually benefit CERN. If publicity were the game, then antimatter was the jackpot winner tonight. The entire planet was talking about it.\r\nâ€Å"Y ou know what promoter P. T. Barnum said,†Langdon called over his shoulder. â€Å"‘I dont care what you say about me, just plot of land my name right! I bet people are already secretly lining up to license antimatter technology. And after they see its true power at midnight tonight…â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Illogical,†Vittoria said. â€Å"Publicizing scientific breakthroughs is not about showing destructive power! This is terrible for antimatter, trust me!â€Â\r\nLangdons torch was fading now. â€Å"Then mayhap its all much simpler than that. Maybe Kohler gambled that the Vatican would keep the antimatter a secret †refusing to empower the Illuminati by confirming the weapons existence. Kohler anticipate the Vatican to be their usual tight-lipped selves about the threat, but the camerlegno changed the rules.â€Â\r\nVittoria was placid as they dashed down the tunnel.\r\nSuddenly the scenario was reservation more sense to Langdon. â€Å"Yes! Kohler n ever counted on the camerlegnos reaction. The camerlegno broke the Vatican tradition of secrecy and went public about the crisis. He was dead honest. He put the antimatter on TV, for Gods sake. It was a brilliant response, and Kohler never expected it. And the irony of the whole thing is that the Illuminati attack backfired. It inadvertently produced a new church leader in the camerlegno. And now Kohler is coming to kill him!â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Max is a bastard,†Vittoria declared, â€Å"but he is not a murderer. And he would never have been involved in my fathers assassination.â€Â\r\nIn Langdons mind, it was Kohlers voice that answered. da Vinci was considered dangerous by many purists at CERN. Fusing acquisition and God is the ultimate scientific blasphemy. â€Å"Maybe Kohler found out about the antimatter project weeks ago and didnt like the religious implications.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"So he killed my father over it? Ridiculous! Besides, Max Kohler would never have cogniz e the project existed.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"While you were gone, maybe your father broke down and consulted Kohler, asking for guidance. You yourself said your father was pertain about the moral implications of creating such a pestiferous substance.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Asking moral guidance from Maximilian Kohler?†Vittoria snorted. â€Å"I dont think so!â€Â\r\nThe tunnel banked slightly westward. The faster they ran, the subdued Langdons torch became. He began to fear what the place would look like if the light went out. Black.\r\nâ€Å"Besides,†Vittoria argued, â€Å"why would Kohler have bothered to call you in this morning and ask for help if he is target the whole thing?â€Â\r\nLangdon had already considered it. â€Å"By calling me, Kohler covered his bases. He made sure no one would accuse him of nonaction in the face of crisis. He probably never expected us to get this far.â€Â\r\nThe thought of being used by Kohler incensed Langdon. Langdons involvem ent had given the Illuminati a level of credibility. His credentials and publications had been quoted all night by the media, and as ridiculous as it was, the presence of a Harvard professor in Vatican City had somehow elevated the whole emergency beyond the scope of insane delusion and convinced skeptics around the world that the Illuminati unification was not only a historical fact, but a force to be reckoned with.\r\nâ€Å"That BBC reporter,†Langdon said, â€Å"thinks CERN is the new Illuminati lair.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"What!†Vittoria stumbled behind him. She pulled herself up and ran on. â€Å"He said that!?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"On air. He likened CERN to the Masonic lodges †an innocent organization unknowingly harboring the Illuminati uniting within.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"My God, this is going to destroy CERN.â€Â\r\nLangdon was not so sure. every way, the theory suddenly seemed less far-fetched. CERN was the ultimate scientific haven. It was home to scientists from over a dozen countries. They seemed to have endless private funding. And Maximilian Kohler was their director.\r\nKohler is Janus.\r\nâ€Å"If Kohlers not involved,†Langdon challenged, â€Å"then what is he doing here?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Probably trying to stop this madness. hand over support. Maybe he really is acting as the Samaritan! He could have found out who knew about the antimatter project and has come to share information.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"The killer said he was coming to brand the camerlegno.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Listen to yourself! It would be a suicide mission. Max would never get out alive.â€Â\r\nLangdon considered it. Maybe that was the point.\r\nThe outline of a stain gate loomed ahead, blocking their progress down the tunnel. Langdons fancy almost stopped. When they approached, however, they found the ancient lock pause open. The gate swung freely.\r\nLangdon breathed a sigh of relief, realizing as he had suspected, that the ancient tunnel was in use . Recently. As in today. He now had little doubt that four terrified cardinals had been secreted through here earlier.\r\nThey ran on. Langdon could now hear the sounds of chaos to his left. It was St. Peters Square. They were getting close.\r\nThey hit another gate, this one heavier. It too was unlocked. The sound of St. Peters Square worn-out(a) behind them now, and Langdon sensed they had passed through the outer wall of Vatican City. He wondered where inside the Vatican this ancient passage would conclude. In the gardens? In the basilica? In the papal foyer?\r\nThen, without warning, the tunnel ended.\r\nThe cumbrous door blocking their way was a thick wall of riveted iron. Even by the last flickers of his torch, Langdon could see that the portal was perfectly dispassionate †no handles, no knobs, no keyholes, no hinges. No entry.\r\nHe felt a surge of panic. In architect-speak, this rare kind of door was called a senza chiave †a one-way portal, used for security, an d only operable from one side †the other side. Langdons hope dimmed to moody… along with the torch in his hand.\r\nHe looked at his watch. Mickey glowed.\r\n11:29 P.M.\r\nWith a scream of frustration, Langdon swung the torch and started pounding on the door.\r\n'
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