Wednesday, November 27, 2019
How to Write a Finance Research Paper Guide You Can’t Skip
How to Write a Finance Research Paper Guide You Can’t Skip Feeling frustrated because you have no idea of how to approach your complicated finance research paper? Finance is the art of managing money and it is very important in the economic world because every business activity depends on it. Students who take courses in finance in college or university are commonly required to complete different types of academic papers as a part of their coursework. Essays, case studies, business reports, term papers – all of them have specific peculiarities. Now, we are going to discuss the most challenging assignment for any student who studies finance – a finance research paper. Go on reading this finance research paper guide and you’ll learn: how a finance research paper differs from other types of assignments; approaches to choosing a winning research paper topics; typical finance research paper structure; how to organize the writing process; tips on editing and proofreading your finance research paper. What Is a Finance Research Paper? Finance research paper is actually an extended essay that involves the process of research, evaluation of sources, analysis, critical thinking, organization, and composition. As a student, you need to explore, interpret, and evaluate primary and secondary sources related to a specific financial topic, for example, international finance. When writing a research paper, you have a good opportunity to extend your knowledge in finance as a field of studies and demonstrate your analytical and critical thinking skills. The goal of a research paper is not just to inform the audience about a certain topic but to present that other experts say about the subject and use sources to provide a unique perspective on a specific issue. There are 2 major types of research papers: In the analytical research paper, you need to offer a critical interpretation of different relevant sources throughout the paper. You don’t have to persuade your audience that your ideas are right and the ideas of other people are wrong. Argumentative research paper, you need to introduce your topic and inform your readers what stance you are going to take that is you have to present a thesis statement. Your goal is to persuade your reader that your point of view on a certain financial issue is correct. How to Choose Winning Finance Research Paper Topics: Creative Ideas from Our Writers The first step in writing a finance research paper is to completely understand the assignment. If you fail to do that, you may waste a lot of precious time and get lost in many dead-end roads. If you don’t understand something in your task, don’t hesitate to ask your instructor for additional information. Having a clear understanding of the subject, you will be able to devote your time and efforts to other important aspects, for example, choosing paper topics. Often, instructors provide students with a list of suggested paper topics. Use this option for choosing the most appropriate one. If you have just begun to take classes in finance, you will appreciate this approach because it can save you tons of time when searching for an interesting topic and making your own decision about the choice. But there are situations when an instructor simply gives assignment sheets with a description of the logic of a research paper in finance and common requirements to the final paper but the students are given an opportunity to make the choice of the appropriate topic on their own. Are you on a lookout for a topic that you may be interested in? In this case, when choosing your finance research paper topic, you should keep in mind that your topic must be relevant to the course you study. Every course you take in college will end with a research paper so if you just started attending classes in finance, You should start looking for your research paper topic early because it is a rather arduous procedure. An effective way to choose topics for research is to use brainstorming techniques. You should make a list of possible topics ideas that may come to your mind during the day. This technique is especially effective when you have chosen your research paper topic but have to narrow it. You can repeat this process several times and keep in mind that eventually, your final research topic may be different for the initial topic you have chosen. Wondering where to find ideas for your inspiration? Have a look at our short list of possible finance research paper topics and feel free to use any of them for creating your own projects. Banking System of The UK; Opportunities of the Eastern Stock Market; Key Reasons why Financial Markets Are Regulated; Strategies for Economic Reforms in Modern China; Key Drivers of the Economic Growth in China; Estimation of Inflation Risks; The Role of Financial Activity Indexes; Financial Results of The USA Banks in 2017; Analysis of The USA Real Estate Market; What Is the Effect of Interest Rates on Stock Markets? How Does Corporate Social Responsibility Affect a Company Financial Performance? Factors That Influence Corporate Liquidity; GDP and the Public Debt; Analysis of The Influence of Monetary Policy on Inflation; Education and Unemployment Rate; How Does Debt Capacity Impact a Firm’s Growth? Inflation and the Labor Productivity; What Impacts the Systematic Risk of Common Stocks? Foreign Direct Investment in Poland (Or Another Country); How Does Monetary Policy Affect Inflation? Pre-writing Strategies When you know what your assignment is, you should plan your actions in advance. Writing is a process and you will be more productive if plan ahead your assignment by doing pre-writing. When doing pre-writing, you should keep in mind the purpose of your writing task. It can be analyzing; evaluating; summarizing; observing; investigating; arguing or persuading etc. When creating a finance research paper, you may need to use several of these writing strategies. For example, when writing about the role of the stock market in the economy of a certain country, you will need to summarize available current and historical information on your subject, analyze the current situation in the particular stock market, and argue what changes should be made to improve the situation. When you performed some research and gathered enough material to formulate your thesis statement you should start pre-writing. At this stage, there is no need to care about format issues. Just write down everything related to your subject that comes to your mind and don’t worry about grammar, punctuation, spelling, and writing in complete sentences. You will revise your text later and make improvements. Now you have to brainstorm your ideas and generate as many of them as possible. Reread what you have written and cut out bad ideas to focus on good ones. When you have gathered useful ideas to approach your thesis, you can start making a basic outline for your finance research paper (alphanumeric, full sentence or decimal one) and think about organizing your ideas. If you have experience in writing academic papers, you may not need a detailed plan before you start writing a draft but you can make at least a list of headings and sub-headings to guide your writing process. An outline will provide you with an overview of what you are willing to cover in your paper and will ensure that nothing is left uncovered. You should be flexible and be ready to refine your original ideas if better ideas come to your mind as you are working on your project. How to Write Your Finance Research Paper Chapters When you have gathered enough material and formulated your research question or thesis statement, writing research paper becomes easier. First, you have to ask questions in your paper and then answer them. Why should you care about the paper structure? Because it is a key to successful writing. Let’s discuss a typical finance research paper structure and effective strategies for writing chapters. The basic structure of a research paper includes several chapters with different objectives – Introduction, Methods, Results/Findings, and Discussion (IMRAD). As an author, you state: the problem you are going to address in the Introduction; what you did to provide an answer to your question in the Methodology chapter; what you observed in the Results chapter; what you think your findings mean in the Discussion. In the Introduction, you need to set the scene or lay the foundation or background for the finance research paper. You need to explain why the certain problem you address is important, summarize or discuss relevant prior research, and identify the objectives of your study or the research question. In the Methods chapter, you have to describe the context of your study, provide details about the study design, identify the key study variables, explain the study procedure, and outline methods of analysis. In other words, here you have to provide details of how your study was performed. In the Results chapter, you need to explain what you actually found. You have to describe the data that you have collected and show in detail the key findings that relate to your research question. Being the final major section of the text in your research paper, the Discussion chapter gives you the most freedom and that’s why this chapter is the most difficult to write. In this section, you have to interpret your results. You have to give a summary of the main findings of your study, discuss them with the reference to prior research, analyze implications of your findings and their limitations, and address the directions for future research. In the References section, you need to provide a list of all books and articles cited in your finance research paper. You should list all your sources in an alphabetical order. Follow the specific style guidelines when including the information about author names, dates, article titles, page numbers, book publishers etc. If your finance research paper is long, you may need to include the Abstract section which gives a brief overview of your research. It is usually no more than 250 words in length and, in many cases, it is even shorter of about 100 words. Here you have to state the objectives of your study (research question), the methods you used to gather evidence, and the key conclusions. You should write this section last after you have completed other chapters of your finance research paper. When you complete all chapters, it means that your first draft is ready and now you have to revise it and edit to make improvements in the content, logic, grammar, and style and ensure that your finance research paper is perfect. Read on to learn what you should do. How to Edit and Proofread a Finance Research Paper You should leave your paper at least for a day before you can do the final editing. You may also need a fresh pair of eyes to help you perform editing – you can ask one of your family members or a friend to help you. Editing and proofreading are absolutely crucial to the success of your written project. Here are some tips on how you can do it right. A finance research paper is rather a long document so you should perform editing at least at a chapter level, rather than at a sentence or a paragraph level. Resist the temptation to edit your paper paragraph by paragraph. When editing, you should use different techniques such as checking for a logical thread running throughout, identifying and removing unnecessary duplication, checking for consistency of voice, tenses, and referencing style, signposting and linking. If you find out that some sections in your finance research paper are too short, you may need to extend them and increase the number of words. For example, you can take one idea contained in a sentence and develop it into an entire paragraph. But you should make sure that the words you add improve the academic quality of your finance research paper and not just fill the space. The last stage of the editing process is proofreading that you should perform thoroughly and systematically. You’d better use a printed copy of your research paper and work with a pen to eliminate minor grammar mistakes, and typos. Writing a powerful finance research paper is not easy but if you practice a lot you are sure to become a confident writer. Use our finance research paper writing tips as a guide for the writing process and you are sure to achieve success.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Service Delivery Essay Example
Service Delivery Essay Example Service Delivery Essay Service Delivery Essay Delivering service to the clients of major business entities in the society is the present trend within the business field. It could not be denied that the impact that servicing activities place on the progress of different business organizations is indeed massive. This is primarily the reason why servicing companies are widely spreading all over the world, employing a larger number of people and serving a larger scope of market. Servicing industries could be considered to be one of the most sought after industries in the society today. From communications towards the food industries, from the office service centers to legal assistance services, the business industries today are providing more and more options for the society to choose from as to what kind of service well fits their needs. This is the particular reason why business organizations today are putting a certain focus on the process by which they are able to manage their people in assisting them in giving their valuable clients the kind of rightful service that they particularly deserve. Service Delivery Systems As mentioned earlier, there are numerous industries that involve servicing practices from the major business organizations existing within the human society. However, they are only giving two particular types of services to the clients that they opt to attend to. The said types are direct service and indirect service. Direct services usually involve personal contact with the clients, which primarily involve the food servicing industries, the sales industries and office-associated servicing industries. On the other hand, indirect servicing procedure involves the client and the employee relations that are connected through certain processes or gadgets that may be involved within the process of transaction. This then includes the communication systems whereas the employees through phone calls [most likely involving call center industries] assist the clients through the connection that they gain from technological communication. This could also include manufacturing industries that are a ble to serve the community or the market through the delivery of their end products with the help of the sales industries. They are then indirectly connected with the clients that they are servicing to. Obtaining Services Clients usually receive the services that they intend to enjoy through the chain connection that the different industries have on each other. As noted earlier, manufacturing industries are able to complete their aims of servicing to the market through the help of the sales industries. Without the existence of the sales business entities, it would be less likely that the manufacturing industries are to make profit as high as they are making right now. It is consistent then that the personnel involved in the servicing industries are aware of their duties in giving the best possible performance that they could give for the sake of their clients’ overall satisfaction making it easier for them to gain the interest and trust of their clients that they would like to render service to. Effects of Policies Procedures in Service Delivery End Servicing industries follow a certain set of rules for them to standardize the quality of service that they are giving their clients. This includes their responsibility of recognizing the rights of their clients as individuals and as major assets of the organization; it also adds the integrity that they are trying to imply on their organization as they continue servicing to their clients. These responsibilities are the foundations of the standards that employees are holding onto for them to be directly effective in the performance that they are posting for their clients’ satisfaction as well as their own organization’s reputation within the market. The Clients and their Rights from the Services that They Receive Every client has the right to receive the rightful service that they particularly paid for. It is then very important for the employees to create possible ways in which they are able to prioritize the values of their clients. Keeping in mind that they are expected to put their best foot forward in assisting their clients with what they need certainly outlines the importance that the employees should put on the recognition that they are giving towards the rights that their clients have as they demand for the quality service that they certainly paid for. Through the ability of the employees to adhere to the standardized performance that has been implied on them for application in servicing to their clients, employees are expected to provide the customers with the best service that they deserve and expect from the companies that they particularly ask assistance from. nbsp; References: HM Treasury. (2007). A Guide to the Service Delivery Agreements. (July 24, 2007). A learning Journal for Public Service Managers. (2007). The road to Service Delivery. Service Delivery Review, Vol 5 No 1. A learning Journal for Public Service Managers. (2007). LADUUUUMA! Service Delivery Review, Vol 5 No 1. A learning Journal for Public Service Managers. (2007). APRM, a roadmap for Africas renewal. Service Delivery Review, Vol 4 No 3. A learning Journal for Public Service Managers. (2007). Building for the future. Service Delivery Review, Vol 2 No 3.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Effective team Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Effective team - Essay Example communication between members, the team has clear objectives and goals it wants to accomplish; there is positive and open criticism in the team and members feel free to air their concerns during team meetings. Other attributes include there is active participation of members, the team is self-conscious, and finally, the team moves forward when all members are satisfied about a given issue. In effective teams have such attributes as minimal or no communication at all, serious personal differences between the team members, the team has no clear set objectives or goals it want to accomplish, negative criticism, which limits members’ participation, in active members during team meetings, etc. When new members join a team, it is imperative that formal introductions are made before the agenda of the meeting is discussed to enable the new members feel at easy and part of the team. When discussions break-down in a team, it is the duty of the team leader and members collectively to help iron out the differences without taking any sides. Therefore, team leaders and members have a responsibility of ensuring that there is good communication and trust between team members, and as leader, you are enthusiastic, fearless, and charismatic (Cranmer, 2011). However, as a leader you must ensure that demeaning behavior like laziness, complacency, power coalitions, and strong silos are not tolerated in the group if you want to build a strong and effective team. Ultimately, I am a strong team builder, with charismatic attributes, good communication, and interpersonal skills. However, I must state that I like making fun and teasing others, missing some group meetings attributes, which have sometimes landed me in problems with my team members. Therefore, during my end of semester course project, I will ensure that I will maintain the highest discipline, be punctual in all my team
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Basic Network Technology, Structure, and Protocols Essay
Basic Network Technology, Structure, and Protocols - Essay Example This is not excusable in the 21st century hence looking at the basic or fundamental things that an individual should know is imperative. Computer networks have been used in sharing resources and data as well as for communication purposes. In order for one to have optimized performance, maintenance, data protection, security and improved reliability knowing the basics of the computer networks is of utmost importance. This paper outlines most of the things that a computer user needs to know. Computer networks security For any computer network, security is of utmost importance. Computer networks are always vulnerable to a number of security related threats which could be either external or internal. These include spyware, viruses, Trojan horses, web worms, hackers, adware, intruders and root kits. These security threats have a number of negative threats. Some of them impair certain computer applications and programs while others may modify, delete or corrupt files thereby making them in accessible. They may also attack the data that you have in the hard disk causing it to crash hence necessitating reformatting. While some may not necessarily harm the system’s integrity, they will always consume the system memory thereby slowing it down significantly. In some cases, you have computer malware which reinstalls itself in the computer system even when you have uninstalled them. Evidently, computer malware would have adverse effects on the computer networks. In this case, it is always important that an individual has a clear understanding as to the ways in which the computer security could be supplemented. There are several ways in which this could be done; they include installation of antivirus software, regularly updating the anti-malware programs and having the whole system scanned. Knowing about the security of the computer networks allows individuals to keep their data and resources protected. In addition, they would keep their systems functioning in an optim um manner in which case maximization of output from the computer network will be the direct result. While there may not be a standard way of teaching individuals about the security aspect of the computer networks, I think that the best way to tech people about hem is to outline the threats posed to computer networks, the effects and the best way to safeguard the network against such threats. Computer networks connectivity issues As stated earlier, computer networking is all about communication and sharing of data and other resources. This would only be accomplished when there is the appropriate connectivity. However, many are times when the connectivity of a computer network is impeded by varied factors. Connectivity problems emanate from faulty hardware, devices conflicts, improper configurations, faulty connectors or cables and even outdated drivers of the LAN card. This would call for troubleshooting by scanning the computer for spyware or viruses, checking the LAN card configura tions and updating its drivers, properly inserting the STP/UTP cable or even replacing the LAN card then reconfiguring it. Software troubleshooting issues For any computer system, software plays a very vital role in the whole operation process. Right from the operating system to the drivers, software and programs, their importance cannot be understated. This underlines the fact that when they are not operating in the appropriate manner, the whole system
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Hancock & film Essay Example for Free
Hancock film Essay Hancock is a film starred by Will Smith as Hancock himself. This film separates itself from the rest of the films for it is an unconventional story of a super hero. The media has instilled in its audience that as a superhero, one must be a good role model. He should be, if not perfect at all, at least close to being one. And yet, this film is a story of the superhero who was a drunkard and undisciplined and selfish man. He seemed ordinary. It was hard to somehow believe that he can save lives. That was what was special about this film. It created a new image of a superhero. It showed a different angle on creating a good superhero. It showed that man is capable of becoming a hero, no matter how bad he can become at times. With these differences it had, it was rather right to question if the film was an effective superhero film. The location and the setting of the film were appropriate to its story. It had the view of an everyday and ordinary life of an ordinary man. Since Hancock was not to be considered as the typical superhero, it seemed that he was treated as an ordinary but strong character. His environment emphasized his strength and his goodness. His strength was presented when people around him tried to insult him. This was shown in scenes where he was called an asshole and then he made sure he was able to teach the person who called him with such name a lesson. Nonetheless, he was provided with the attitude of goodness. His environment was filled with criminals and law breakers. It showed that even if Hancock was drunkard, he wanted to make sure that he saved lives and put criminals in jails. The Mise-en-scene of the film was even so effective in aiding the story through out the duration of the film despite the weakness of the storyline. Hancock, as a superhero film, was expected to have low angle shots to show the authority of the protagonist or the superhero. However, there were a number of high angle shots in the film which suggests the authority of the audience. The shots of Hancock were always either close up shots or medium shots. This focuses the film to Hancock himself. It relayed the message to me that Hancock should be closely watched for the story centers around him and I, as an audience, am a part of his environment. With this, there seemed to be something different with the film. It is not just any typical superhero film. It is rather more emotionally attached in the part of the audience, given the high angle shots and the close up and medium shots of the character. This may be a good one, but also, it can be a bad one. Focusing on its bad effect, it lost its capacity to establish the authority and superiority of the lead character, who was supposed to be treated as an ordinary human yet a superhero. The shots were not moderately thorough which resulted to the was confusion in the shots whether he should be an ordinary lead character or the superhero. If the cinematography was good, it should have made it possible for the audience to identify the character’s role with its visual content, even without the dialogues of the film. The editing of the film was fairly clean. However, there were effects which were slightly disorienting or confusing. One example is when Hancock flew with the car of the pursued criminals. The car bumped on buildings but the buildings were broken instead of the car. One would ask the question, ‘How can that be possible? ’ Although it must aslo be considered that this film is a fiction and it should contain improbable scenes. As the audience, my reason for stating that the editing was fairly clean is because it was able to put to visual an ordinary setting. There were clean cuts of the frames. The transition from one scene to another was clear. On the other hand, there were only minimal special effects like the flying of Hancock, the breaking of the buildings, cars and roads. Other than that, there was nothing more to suggest in the editing that Hancock was a superhero film. Moving on to the musical scoring and sound effects, the film was able to have its audio presented well. The musical scoring was appropriate to the scenes where it was played. An example is when Hancock was flying and the song was Get out the Way by Ludacris. There were birds and other things that were blocking him in flying faster to where he was needed. Another example is the scene where Hancock was in jail and Ray and Mary were thinking about him. The background sound was dramatic and it showed the emotions of the character towards each other. The sound effects were in same manner as appropriate as the musical score. The crashing of the cars, the breaking of the buildings, the flying of Hancock, the cheering and booing of the crowd, the flashing of the camera of reporters, and many other sound effects were placed in the proper scenes. Even the small details were given the proper sound effects. Nothing was taken for granted when it came to the audio. The characters’ delivery of their lines was clear which suggests the usage of proper and reliable devices. The volume of the background sounds were also just enough for the audience to get the hold of both the emotion of the character and the setting of the scene. All in all, the sound of the film acted as its soul. And it is but fair that this made the film live justifiably well in its technical sense on music and sound. The most important contributor in this film was its Mise-en-scene. It was well provided and it was very effective in its purpose in identifying the film as a superhero yet, seemingly ordinary world of Hancock. It was a very good establishing point of the story. It was able to tell the story as clearly as possible. Although I must say that the story was not as strong as it should have been and the cinematography lacked a little organization. Still, the Mise-en-scene was able to provide the audience the factors and elements they it needed in order to be well-informed about the film. It provided the proper imagination for the audience to fully grasp what the scriptwriter and the director wanted to convey. The question whether Hancock was an effective superhero film or not, I must answer that it did not have the strongest justification for a yes. The visual of the scenes were good, however the shots and angles were not as good. There seemed to be something missing in the scenes. The sound in the film provided the audience well with aid to the visual but it was not quite enough. The film needed a tighter interconnection of the visual and the audio in the technical aspect so as to deliver the story well. And although the Mise-en-scene and the sounds of the film were independently provided well, it still lacked the spice to say that the film was indeed an effective superhero film.
Friday, November 15, 2019
REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Essay -- Neurology Sleeping Papers
Our awareness of the complexity of sleep expanded in 1953 with the discovery of rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep by Aserinsky and Kleitman. Sleep was no longer considered a homogenous state, but rather a dynamic process of cycling between two distinct states, non-REM and REM sleep. Under normal circumstances the boundaries between non-REM, REM and wakefulness are well declared. Dissociative sleep disorders involve a breakdown of these boundaries (Mahowald and Schenck 1992), and provide a unique window on the neurophysiological mechanisms responsible for each state. Narcolepsy, a disorder of the boundary between wakefulness and REM sleep, is probably the most studied disorder of this nature. The following is a review of another recently described REM sleep boundary disorder called REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD). RBD is characterized by the acting-out of violent dreams during REM sleep, often with injurious consequences (Schenck et al. 1986, 1987). As with narcolepsy, RBD involves a d issociation of REM sleep phenomena and their underlying mechanisms, therefore providing yet another opportunity to broaden our understanding of the complexity of sleep. A brief discussion of REM sleep phenomenology is required before proceeding. REM sleep is characterized by specific phenomena that distinguish it from non-REM sleep and wakefulness (Siegel 1994). These phenomena are grouped according to whether their occurrence is tonic (occurring throughout REM) or phasic (occurring intermittently during REM). Tonic phenomena include, low-voltage desynchronized electroencephalogram (EEG), hippocampal theta rhythm, electromyographic (EMG) atonia, olfactory bulb activity, high arousal threshold, elevated brain temperature, poikilothermia, and penile ... ...REM sleep components in cats: integrity of the pedunculopontine tegmentum (PPT) is important for phasic events but unnecessary for atonia during REM sleep. Brain Res., 571 :50-63. Siegel, J. M. 1994. Brainstem mechanisms generating REM sleep. In: Kryger, M. H., Roth, T. and Dement, W. C. eds. Principles and practice of sleep medicine. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, pp. 125-144. Sugano, T., Suenaga, K., Endo, S., et al. 1980. Withdrawal delirium in a patient with nitrazepam addictio. Jpn. J: EEG EMG, 8 :34-35. Tachibana, M., Tanaka, K., Hishikawa, Y. and Kaneko, Z. 1975. A sleep study of acute psychotic states due to alcohol and meprobamate addiction. Advances in Sleep Research, 2:177-205. Wright, B. A., Rosen, J. R., Buysse, D. J. et al. 1990. Shy-Drager syndrome presenting as a REM behavioral disorder. J. Geriatric Psychiat. Neurol., 3:110-113.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Avg Antivirus
AVG – that’s short for Anti Virus Guard – is a PC security package that provides comprehensive protection against the latest threats on the internet today. It is supported and trusted by millions of users across the globe. The authors of AVG provide free antivirus and antispyware protection for home users because for them, it’s a win-win situation  – you get the protection you need, and they get to know about any viruses you encounter which helps keep the protection comprehensive. Please feel welcome to take a look at our other articles too, the latest are published in the column to the left- along with the most popular essay writers wanted.How to install AVG Antivirus Step 1. Download AVG You can download AVG FREE by clicking here. When prompted, click the Run button. Notes: * Downloading AVG could take several minutes even with a broadband connection, so be patient and make yourself a cup of tea while you wait. * You are in no way o bligated to pay GRISOFT / AVG anything, so you won’t need to enter any credit card details or even personal details. But there are other versions of AVG, so if you like it you might consider supporting the company’s efforts by purchasing their commercial product. Step 2. Start the InstallationNow that AVG has downloaded, the installation wizard will start. Your PC might ask you if you’re sure you want to run the file, if it does you’ll need to click Run to confirm. Notes: * You’ll have a short wait while AVG extracts. Step 3. The Installation Phase – â€Å"Welcome to the AVG Free Setup Program†First screen: You’ve just entered the Wizard, so click Next. Second screen: For the Acceptance Notice, click Accept. Third screen: It’s a license agreement, read it if you want to, otherwise just click Accept. Fourth screen: It’s a waiting game! Let the installer do its job and wait patiently.Fifth screen: St andard or custom installation? Choose Standard, and click Next. Sixth screen: Activate your AVG Free License. If the user name isn’t your own name, change it. Click next. Seventh screen: AVG Security Toolbar You may want to install the toolbar if you visit websites that are questionable, or if others use the PC and you are unable to monitor their usage. The Toolbar will alert you when it thinks a website is a potential threat, the downside is it makes your browser a bit slower. If you don’t want to install it, untick the box. Click Next. Eighth screen: Setup SummaryNothing of interest here. Just click Finish. Nineth screen: Don’t worry about this one, leave it to do its job and go make yourself another cuppa! (No picture for this one! ) Tenth screen: SUCCESS! Installation is complete! Click OK.  NOTE: You may have to restart at this point, so be prepared to do so.  Step 4. AVG First Run Wizard First screen: The First Run Wizard helps set up AVG to suit your needs. Click Next. Second screen: Schedule regular scans and updates Adjust the time to a time that is more convenient. Your computer will need to be switched on to perform a scan.It’s also worth noting that you can optionally disable this scan if your computer is generally slow to perform – you can run scans manually whenever you feel the need. Click Next. Third screen: Help us to identify new online threats AVG offer this service free of charge to you and millions of other users, you can help them improve the service by reporting information about potentially malicious websites. If you don’t mind AVG knowing which websites you visit, then enabling this feature shouldn’t be a problem. Otherwise, you may want to leave it disabled.Click Next. Fourth screen: Update AVG protection Click Next on this screen, and AVG will perform an update. Fifth screen: AVG Update Whilst it is updating, go make yourself another cup of tea! Once completed, you can click Next. Sixth screen: Register AVG Anti-Virus Free. Optionally you can register your copy of AVG – but there is no obligation, so if you want to you can just click Next. Seventh screen: AVG protection configuration is complete You’re done, your AVG security software is now fully installed and protecting your computer from the evils of the internet.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Justus Case
Just Us! Case Just Us! is a corporation that imports, roasts and sells primarily organic coffee from fair traded certified coffee producers. Their vision is: â€Å"to be a leading Fair Trade business that builds on quality, professionalism and innovation for the benefit of all our stake holders. Since its inception, Just Us! had experienced healthy growth in the maritime provinces of Canada, mainly supported by its corporate values: social and environmental responsibility, sustainability, ethical practices in all the areas of the business and in all stakeholders, and product differentiation.They even opened a fair trade museum to help educate the public on the social impact and benefits of fair trade. Once roasted and packed, the coffee and other products are shipped to retail outlets, supermarket chains, health food stores, coffee shops and churches. A substantial portion of Just Us! revenues came from wholesaling to large retail stores such as supermarket chains. Their coffee is a lso offered in the Just Us cafes, which were meant to be a place where customers could enjoy a cup of premium fair trade coffee and gather information about fair trade. The locations were not standardized as a typical chain.A major competitor in the retail organic fair trade coffee market is Kicking Horse which also offers products that are certified organic and fair traded. Its main channels are: coffee shops, gourmet food stores, grocery chains and restaurants. The growth of fair trade product sales had prompted several major food brands to offer fair trade products, such as: Kraft Foods, Procter & Gamble and Nestle. Also, in Canada, large super market chains such as Loblaws were offering also fair traded private labeled products which was concerning for Just Us, since supermarkets is one of its most important channels.In the coffee shop area, there was a lot of competition since some independent coffee shops and well-known chains (Ex. Starbucks) were trying to tap into the  "fair trade trend†. Due to the original management team lack of marketing experience a new Marketing Director was hired and part of the initial issues she found was that Just Us! did not spend much on advertising. 2009 had been set at $20,000. There was a massive growth opportunity in the fair trade market in Canada but the economy was on recession, therefore, the expansion needed to be planned carefully.The marketing director had several specific questions to answer to help develop a marketing plan to bolster the growth of Just Us! First off, how was Just Us! going to target new buyers given the current competition and what segment would those buyers belong to? College students were clearly a growing customer base and Just Us! already had a strong presence in three college universities. Therefore, marketing should be directed at the young, educated demographic that are willing to pay a premium for products.Furthermore, the majority of their sales are business to business and their marketing needs to emphasize the benefits of fair trade to the end user. The case stated that the internet was a great tool for increasing awareness of fair trade products, along with initiatives that enhance word of mouth (p. 3). In order to reach new customers they should consider expanding their internet marketing, such as using search engine optimization/ search engine marketing. They can also utilize co-op advertising with other organizations that emphasize fair trade, organic, and environmentally friendly practices.The fair trade museum should also be utilized to educate potential customers and will be discussed in more detail below. All Just Us! advertising needs to emphasize the story behind the products in order to educate new customers. Educating customers on the benefits of fair trade is the key to growth and will set Just Us! apart from competitors with brand recognition. In order for Just Us! to enhance the cafe’s performance they need to improve the custom er experience and become customers’ first choice of â€Å"place outside the home to enjoy coffee. Surveys and focus groups should be used to find out what customers like to do in their cafes as well as what customers like about the competitors cafes (Starbucks and Trident) and incorporate those into Just Us! ’ cafes. Additionally, the current Just Us! cafes are stand-alone destination shops. Just Us! should open up new stores in large commercial shopping centers in densely populated cities with multiple Universities. This would allow Just Us to still market to the young educated demographic that have long customer lifetime values that they have had success with and reach new customers via foot traffic in the shopping center.By keeping the overall educational theme about fair trade and brand awareness the same across all of the cafes should be able to convert new customers into loyal customers. Another questions the Marketing Director had to consider was how Just Us! c an expand their loyal customer base? This could be achieved through improving the customer experience mentioned above. However, offering opportunities for the customers to get involved would create a concept of community among their customers and which could develop into a core competency and set them apart from their competitors. Just Us! ould achieve this by having guest speakers or workshops on fair trade in the stores or even get involved with community organizations to help educate people about fair trade. Customers could sign up to receive emails for upcoming events, new products, new services, and new social initiatives. These actions would all help expand their loyal customer base. The Marketing Director also needed to make several changes to the marketing program in order to benefit the cafes. The marketing budget should be increased to reflect the company sales and growth potentials. A larger budget will allow Just Us! o compete with similar fair trade coffee companies suc h as Java Factory and threatening new mainstream entrants such as Starbucks who can capture the market share quickly. The existing market media plan (Case exhibit 8) should be updated to focus on product differentiation and increase channel diversity. Just Us! should advertise in multiple newspapers, magazines, and outdoor locations to increase customer reach. Furthermore, Just Us! should promote more direct communication to events around colleges and young professionals emphasizing their fair trade and environment responsibility concept in order to foster community involvement.A major customer segment for Just Us is students and young professionals who are mostly tech-savvy. Therefore, internet should be a main advertising vehicle to reach mass marketing. Just Us should use internet marketing tools including emerging social media (e. g. Facebook, Tweeter, blogs), mobile advertisement (e. g. Groupon), search engine marketing, and co-op advertising on sites offering similar fair trad e concepts. Finally, the Marketing Director needs to utilize the fair trade Museum as a way to spread awareness as well as promote brand awareness just like they should in the new locations but take it one step further.Just Us! could hold free concerts or guest speakers at the museum to attract potential new customers. They could also charge for the concert and allow free admission if you bring a reciept from a recent purchase at the Grand Pre store. Just Us! could sponsor a local race or work with local University fundraisers in the community. Once again, Just Us! needs to be involved with the community to educate people about fair trade and get their customers involved to create a sense of community that can lead to new customers and extend the lifetime customer value of existing customers.
Friday, November 8, 2019
What To Do If You Encounter Killer Bees
What To Do If You Encounter Killer Bees Even if you live in an area with African honeybees – better known as killer bees – the chances of your getting stung are rare. Killer bees dont look for victims to sting, and swarms of killer bees arent hiding in the trees just waiting for you to wander by so they can attack. Killer bees sting to defend their nests​ and do so aggressively. If you encounter aggressive bees around a nest or swarm, you are at risk for being stung. Heres what to do if you encounter killer bees: RUN! Seriously, run away from the nest or bees as quickly as you can. Bees use an alarm pheromone to alert other hive members of a threat, so the longer you hang around, the more bees will arrive, ready to sting you.If you have a jacket or anything else with you, use it to cover your head. Protect your eyes and face if at all possible. Of course, dont obstruct your vision if you are running.Get indoors as quickly as possible. If you arent near a building, get inside the nearest car or shed. Close the doors and windows to keep the bees from following you.If no shelter is available, keep running. African honey bees can follow you for as far as a quarter of a mile. If you run far enough, you should be able to lose them.Whatever you do, dont stay still if the bees are stinging you. These arent grizzly bears; they will not stop if you play dead.Dont swat at the bees or wave your arms to fend them off. That will only confirm that you are indeed a threat. Youre likely to be stung even more. Dont jump into a pool or other body of water to avoid the bees. They can and will wait for you to surface, and will sting you as soon as you do. You cant hold your breath long enough to wait them out, trust me.If someone else is being stung by killer bees and cannot run away, cover them with anything you can find. Do what you can to quickly cover any exposed skin or susceptible areas of their body, and then run for help as fast as you can. Once you are in a safe place, use a blunt object to scrape any stingers out of your skin. When an African honey bee stings, the stinger is pulled from its abdomen along with the venom sac, which can keep pumping venom into your body. The sooner you remove the stingers, the less venom will enter your system. If you were stung just once or a few times, treat the stings as you would regular bee stings and carefully monitor yourself for any unusual reactions. Wash the sting sites with soap and water to avoid infections. Use ice packs to reduce swelling and pain. Of course, if you are allergic to bee venom, seek medical attention immediately. If you suffered multiple stings, seek medical attention immediately. Sources: Africanized Honey Bees, San Diego Natural History Museum, accessed March 19, 2010Africanized Honey Bees, Ohio State University Extension, accessed March 19, 2010
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Write an Essay on Application of Teaching Standards
How to Write an Essay on Application of Teaching Standards Essay about Application of Teaching Standards How to start How to write the introduction How to compose body paragraphs How to finish the essay: Conclusion writing Essay revision Outline sample A reflective essay about application of teaching standards (Sample) Writing an essay about the application of teaching standards is certainly purposeful. The number one aim of such an essay is that it calls the readers’ attention for a closer look at the serious issue of the application of teaching standards which is a topic that is open to various opinions and stands. An essay on this theme scrutinizes the applicability of the very standards and questions their suitability for the current advancements and circumstances. It could also be considered as an attempt to question their effectiveness. How to start First of all, you should think about the meaning of teaching standards and look for some authentic definitions that could make you understand what such standards could be. After you have taken notes of certain teaching standards, try to look at them with a critical eye so that you detect if any of them does not seem to be that effective. Think about a possible structure on which your essay will be based; for instance, compare and contrast, argumentative, or explanatory scheme. How to write the introduction A general introduction about the application of teaching standards could start with the general theme of school and teaching. Proceed progressively while you narrow down your focus until you reach the crux of the matter which is the application of teaching standards in this case. You could define the key term briefly in the same part, as lay readers could enquire about its meaning. The last element of the introduction consists of the thesis statement where you clearly state the essential features that your essay paragraphs are going to revolve around. How to compose body paragraphs A topic sentence is necessary for the opening of the paragraphs that will explain your main points. It is important to make sure that the body elements reflect the same scheme announced in the thesis statement, otherwise you would fall in incongruity. Consistency of thoughts should be carefully maintained when you go around illustrating and linking information. Thus, abrupt change of ideas is not something you might want to consider doing. Unless you are emphasizing one particular message by means of highlighting, you are not going to benefit from the repeated ideas; then, try to avoid redundancy and needless repetitions. While you are tackling your personal reflection on the application of teaching standards, it is advisable that you stick to your own point of view, which is either for or against the application of such standards, otherwise you would distract the reader. Hook your readers through the incorporation of appeals that could make them embrace your opinion and adhere to it. How to finish the essay: Conclusion writing Have a second look at the content of your body paragraphs so that you are fully aware of what you have included in your essay. Briefly summarize the principle arguments in a way that does not seem too much explanatory. Link the very summary of your personal behavior and experience, as you show how the application of those teaching standards have proven to be successful or ineffective according to your own educational experience. Essay revision It is recommended that you read each and every word when you revise your essay. Remove the unnecessary lines that make no sense or that could only complicate the picture. One important step is to look for the most repeated terms and replace them with suitable synonyms. The second look at your cohesive devices is a plus point. Outline sample I. Introduction General introduction: school and teaching Thesis statement: three main arguments II. Body Paragraph 1: benefits of the application of teaching standards Paragraph 2: disadvantages of the application of teaching standards Paragraph 3: suggested solutions to optimize teaching standards. III. Conclusion Brief summary of the three body arguments. Call to action through the proposition of fresh solutions to improve teaching standards and learning. A reflective essay about application of teaching standards (Sample) Almost in every country all over the globe, there some teaching standards followed in the academic field. In fact, such standards could vary depending on many factors, mainly cultural ones. But, the concept is the same; it is the idea of respecting certain teaching norms and applying them by hook or by crook to reach a the desired learning goal. In this essay, you could find a reflective account of the benefits of teaching standards, their disadvantages, and suggestions on how to optimize them. From a positive angle, one could attest that the application of teaching standards is beneficial in a variety of ways. Indeed, beginner teachers seem to always resort to them on the account that they offer an accessible database-like wealth of tips, methods, and techniques that just need to be followed. Apart from that, teaching standards are destined to the production of particular learning effects. Thus, teaching standards are not disconnected from learning standards, eventually. Through the application of teaching standards, a teacher rests assured that their students are being taught conformably with their grade level so that they become able to make it when it comes to standardized assessments. However varied teaching standards are, they have many aspects in common. Their shared attributes manifest themselves in terms of content, structure, design, and learning purpose. What makes them effective enough is that they draw on the categorization by subject areas. It is almost the case in all schools to find subjects like Maths, English Language, History, etc. The positive aspects of teaching standards could not succeed in concealing their disadvantageous aspects that never cease to erode the authenticity of learning. Such standard teaching norms may not be as effective as they are thought to be. I am a firm believer that a course design should be flexible enough to comprise the various needs of diverse learners. To apply teaching standards that stretch the students’ abilities and push them to work harder may turn out to be counter-productive, especially in the case of low-functioning students who have learning disabilities and disorders. As a matter of fact, the pursuit of excellence is not available to all types of students, if teachers stick solely to the application of teaching standards. Information processing does not go at the same pace for all students. I remember when I was at school, the teacher used to ask us â€Å"is everything clear?†, not all the students said â€Å"yes†. Though not all, some of those silent students have not grasped the essence of the ideas explained, and for some reason hesitated to say that they did not understand. Those little details make it necessary to stop by, forget about teaching standards, and look at the learning needs, in particular. Teaching standards should be reconsidered. Many of them have been in use for ages. Some of the teaching standards are transferred from one generation to another and from one school to another in an arbitrary manner, just as heritage is transferred. Yet, the modern developments, mainly at the technological scale have brought innovative and creative approaches to learning. It is for this reason that teaching standards have to be refined according to the actual circumstances. Some would argue that the programming language has to be learned as a second language just like a natural language is learned. This idea triggers the flame of change towards more innovative and fine-tuned perspective towards the application of teaching standards. They could be developed through a recategorization of subject areas to keep the balance between what is theoretical and what is applied. Educational consistency and equity should be taken into consideration as well to improve those standards. To put it in a nutshell, the application of teaching standards remains an inevitable operation that schools and colleges rely on. A scrutinizing eye could not overlook the advantages and disadvantages of such measures. Yet, one could continue to propose practical solutions for the improvement of teaching standards in one way or another.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Service Operations Management - Talent Drycleaners Case Study Essay
Service Operations Management - Talent Drycleaners Case Study - Essay Example The company has an adequate capacity utilization amount, a standard turnaround time, and a profitable return inherent in its added collection store located in Oshodi. Additionally, the paper will conduct an analysis that seeks to illustrate why Talent Dry-cleaner’s current operational state is limited as far as potential growth while also setting up the stage for making recommendations. The recommendations will be aimed at suggesting that the company hires extra staff, and extend the time of work with the objective of realizing an increased number of average drop-offs handled every day. SERVICE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT- TALENT DRYCLEANERS CASE STUDY Introduction Eze owns a dry-cleaning business, Talent drycleaners and Stain Clinic, which has been operational for two years after he branched off from his former employer to start his own business. The major reason for starting a new business laid, in the opportunity, to open a dry-cleaning operation in a heavily populated area, Anth ony Village, which had no dry-cleaning facility. Talent Dry-cleaners relied heavily on client referrals during and after its inception, as well as an awareness campaign complete with customized caps and t-shirts. When funding hampered any further campaigns, he turned to handbill distribution, although this approach was not satisfactory in pulling in large volumes of customers. Recently, he became aware that quite a number of his clients were moving to the outskirts of Lagos, especially the Lekki-Epe axis. Additionally, Eze also began to feel the effect of proliferating dry-cleaning outfits stationed in Anthony Village. This forced him to slash billing charges thrice within one month. Within this competitor base, the key competitive variables included a variety of service, high response levels, delivery time, quality of service, and price. Some outfits had also adopted business differentiation by instituting cloth delivery and amendment in an effort to improve responsiveness. At the moment, Eze has to develop new strategies that will enhance profitability via moving to new markets, improve throughput and turnaround time, as well as efficient capacity utilization. Problem Statement Talent Dry-cleaners finds itself in a position where it has the best service quality available, but potential growth is hampered by severe limitations, especially the lack of funding. Analysis One of the reasons why Talent Dry-cleaners is facing limitations in its growth has to do with capacity utilization. Capacity can be defined as the ceiling or upper limit on the load, which can be controlled by an operating unit that is the upper limit on the output rate (Schneider, 2010). The basic questions that Eze should ask when considering this angle include the kind of capacity needed, the amount of capacity needed, and when the capacity is needed. While there are several definitions for capacity, none of them is applicable universally. Design capacity is defined as service capacity or max imum output rate that a facility operation or process is designed for. Effective capacity is the design capacity fewer allowances such as maintenance and personal time while actual output is the actual output rate achieved, which cannot be more than effective capacity (Schneider, 2010).
Friday, November 1, 2019
Nissan United Kingdom Ltd Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Nissan United Kingdom Ltd - Case Study Example At the onset of the distributorship agreement, the two companies enjoyed a significantly good relationship. Nissan M.C took more time to observe and influence the operations of Datsun U.K, encouraging it to reinvest its profit. It even amended the automatic renewal clause of the distribution agreement and increased it from three years to five years. The relationship between the three main leaders, Octav Botnar of Datsun U.K., chairman Katsuji Kawamata and president Takashi Ishihara of Nissan M.C was healthy. The leadership style adopted by both Nissan U.K and Nissan M.CThe abrasive leadership style of Botnar was the mean reason behind the success of Datsun U.K. Similarly the leadership provided by Takashi Ishihara, the president of Nissan M.C was supportive. Botnar could refer any operational difficulties he faced directly to Ishihara. This provided a conducive environment for the growth of both companies. While Bonnar's leadership was aggressive, Ishihara’s management decisio n-making was purely on seniority. This meant that those with more seniority got to work in more important roles. This is another key issue evident in the study here. An establishment of a new manufacturing facility in the U.K was motivated by the strong market in the U.K. The negotiations began in early in the mid-1980s between Octav Botnar, Nissan M.C officials and the U.K minister of state. By end of 1986 operations began in Sunderland. The new stanza model was the first to be made here and by 1993 the annual turnover was 300,000 cars.
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