
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Security Planning and Assessment High School Essay

Security Planning and Assessment High School - Essay Example Geographical location may become important if the firm is situated in an area that is subject to political or social upheaval. Corporations with offshore facilities must constantly reevaluate and reassess their security requirements and vulnerabilities. Retail and wholesale outlets may take on additional threats if they sell or store materials that may be useful in the manufacture of explosives or weapons of terror. As the cost of goods changes over time, items that were once considered unattractive may take on new value. Dealing with these constantly changing environments requires a program that regularly reassesses security based on the current economic, political, and social climate. This paper will examine the myriad political, social, and economic forces and how they impact the management, planning, and assessment of security for private firms, and the methods that form the most appropriate response for these situations. Americans that are employed overseas for US corporations may become particularly at risk as the political climate changes or the social structure breaks down into lawlessness. Journalists may be kidnapped and held for either political ransom or financial ransom. Terrorists may kidnap high profile executives with the belief that they could be used as a bargaining chip to gain the release of terrorists held in the US or other foreign prisons. In assessing the threat level the political climate of the country should be considered. Questions need to be asked such as; does the country tolerate terrorism and terrorist groups Have these groups threatened the US or US interests If there is a cause for concern, the best assessment tool is intelligence. Geopolitical regions that are at a high risk of terrorist activity that is unfriendly to the US will often have a pattern of previous terrorist acts. If there been any changes in US policy that may initiate a terrorist kidnapping, then this wi ll heighten the risk of future activity. High level and visible personnel working overseas are usually the ones that are most at risk. Countering a personnel threat begins with thorough planning. One of the most critical actions that the person can take is to keep a low profile and remain as anonymous as possible. In addition, "be cautious of local officials in many regions, minimise your profile in order to minimise your risk" (The Cavell Group, n.d., p.1). Living and working locations should be gated with a guard at the entrance, and have video and audio monitoring capability. Routes and routines should be kept private and unpredictable. Personnel should be closely guarded by trained professionals, preferably from the region. If traveling in a private car, plans and escape routes should be planned ahead of time. Planning should also include contingency plans for the worst-case scenario. Family, staff, and colleagues should be trained in the proper response to any type of attack. It should be remembered that in the case of a kidnapping for ransom on foreign soil, the local government might not be helpful. The legal , cultural, and political disparities among nations, as well as the constraints on intelligence and expertise, "all point to the fact the prospects for effective action at the state level are not promising" (James & Goldstaub, 1988, p.75-76). Individuals and corporations operating on foreign soil

Monday, October 28, 2019

Diversity in Survey Methods Essay Example for Free

Diversity in Survey Methods Essay Introduction Before describing the implication of diversity in doing research, it is important to note that any research should be as specific as possible. For example, suppose the researcher intends to evaluate or find out whether women experience more automobile accidents than men, then the researcher should specify the variables to be used. Too many variables may make the study too general and invalid. One researcher may opt to approach this research by comparing women and men in terms of how easily they get distracted   and the number of accidents they face either gender. Another researcher may opt to just approach this research by analyzing accident   cases and counting which of the cases is caused by women and which is caused by men. The two researchers would have different survey questions. The first researcher will have a relatively diverse survey questions because he or she is considering two variables, whereas the latter researcher will have homogenous survey questions (Jackson, 2012).   When the variable survey questions are diverse, the significance and mean of the variables may be skewed to the right or left depending on the degree of diversity. If some of the values in the variables are extremely low, then the mean would be lower than the median and hence the results will be skewed to the right. Alternatively, if the diversity is made up of variables that are extremely high in value, then the mean will be more than the median and the results will be skewed to the left. Skewness may distort the true meaning of the results (Jackson, 2012). Consequently, the researcher needs to take into account a number of aspects. The first aspect is outliers. The researcher should remove any outlier as possible because it is the outliers that are responsible for the shift of the results (Jackson, 2012). In addition, the researcher should make the survey questions relatively specific. References Jackson, S. L. (2012).  Research methods and statistics: A critical thinking approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

DNA Testing and the Conviction of Criminals Essay -- Exploratory Essay

DNA Testing and the Conviction of Criminals There have been many incidents where cases have needed a solid prosecution in order to convict the defendant in a murder or rape case. This is where DNA Testing comes in to help. By taking a DNA test, a person can be found guilty or not guilty. If a person claims they have been raped there can be a sperm sample taken from the suspect in order to prove that he is guilty or not. In addition, in a murder case there can be blood taken from the suspect so they can tell of his innocence. There are several ways to determine whether a person is guilty or not by this method. Many cases have begun to use this method saying that it is foolproof. People say this is the method of the future of crime scene investigation. DNA Testing is a foolproof way to prove whether a criminal is innocent or guilty. I believe in order to be able to DNA Test I have to know what DNA is in the first place. According to the National Institute of Justice DNA is "the primary carrier of genetic information in living organisms, consists of a very long spiral structure that has been likened to a 'twisted ladder"(1997). The handrails of this ladder are made up of bases, which are nucleic acids. These nucleic acids combine to form pairs, which then creates nucleotides. These pairs create the genetic code of DNA (National Institute of Justice, 1997). The National Institute claims that these nucleic acids combine to form pairs, which then creates nucleotides. These pairs create the genetic code of DNA (1999). The four nucleic acids are adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine (All About DNA, 1998). Many people cannot necessarily always rely on fingerprints. DNA evidence is the method of the future. Crimes will be sol... ... National Institute of Justice: Research in Action. (1998). The Unrealized Potential of DNA Testing. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. National Institute of Justice: Research Preview. (1997). Automated DNA Typing: Method of the Future? Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Robertson, J., Ross, A.M., & Burgoyne, L.A. (Eds.). (1990). DNA in forensic science: theory, techniques, and applications. England: Ellis Howard Limited. Stevens, M., (2002, May). Do fingerprints lie? Retrieved April 8, 2004, from http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/ ?020527 fa_ FACT What every law enforcement officer should know about DNA evidence. (1999,September). Retrieved April 18, 2004, from http://www.ncjrs.org/nij/DNAbro/evi.html Wright, R. (1999). James Watson and Francis Crick. Time Magazine. Retrieved April 6, 2004, from http://www.time.com/

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ideology For Motherhood Essay

The following essay is going to discuss why motherhood is difficult to define from an ideology perspective. It will discuss motherhood in general and what surrounds motherhood and why it is difficult to define from an ideology perspective and also explain what ideology means. The essay will also discuss motherhood and how mothers can be mothers other than through a biological way. Also discussed throughout the essay is how surrogacy and adoption leads to someone becoming a mother. The essay will finish with a conclusion and highlight key facts on motherhood and why it is difficult to define the word motherhood. A bibliography will be used to show the different sources used to gain the information in the assignment. Ideology is a way of peoples view and perceptions of the way they see the world, different beliefs and people’s expectations of how we live or the way we should live our life. People believe in their beliefs and that they should follow the way they have been shown. (Wise geek, 2003) Liberal feminism ideology sees motherhood as rights, responsibilities, empowerment, equity, justice and identity. Whereas matenalism sees motherhood as a material well-being to the health and safety of their children. (Tucker.J, 2004) The word mother is a simple word but has many more different definitions. This could be the legal, social or traditional way of looking at a mother. A legal definition of a mother is such that as the legal dictionary 2012 states ‘a woman who has born a child is deemed a mother’. However this cannot always be the case for some women. As some women cannot bear children so one of the alternative solutions for them is to go down the route of adoption, other stages also such as fostering or even surrogacy. The social way of looking at a mother was mainly confined to mother and child and that the mother raised the child alone. Motherhood is a relationship and responsibility of caring and nurturing between a woman and a child. The child does not have to be born into the family for the woman to become a mother. A child could be born biologically between father and mother, adopted, born through surrogacy or even a woman taking her partners children as her own and nurturing the children and showing them the way of life till  they ready to start a family and carry on the roles of responsibilities towards their own children and raise them the way they have been raised. A mother is not only someone who gives birth to a child but someone who raises and nurtures a child into adulthood. This is where surrogacy, fostering and adoptive mothers come into it. As these women are not biological but they are still mothers. Motherhood is defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as first â€Å"a female parent,† and secondly as â€Å"maternal tenderness or affection.† Inherent in this definition is the role of a mother as a nurturer. Moms coo to their babies, using soft, sweet voices. They handle their children with gentle mannerisms and softness. In addition, mothers instinctively try to protect their children from pain and suffering. This includes emotional pain as well as physical discomforts. Mothers provide a nurturing environment where their children can feel safe and secure. (www.livestrong.com) Gender ideology round motherhood is that mothers believe that anything they do or want to do is frowned upon from a gender role view, such as if a woman wants to work as a builder. For example: Builders are seen as a male role and that mothers should stay at home and cook, clean and look after the children. A traditional family such as two children and a mother and father, the wage earner was the father who worked full time and the mother stayed at home as a ‘housewife’ to look after the house and children and cook ready for father to come in from work. However if the other chooses to work they are mainly only in part-time employment earning a lot less than what the father does. Now in the 20th century there are more rights for mothers and more help is available for mothers to work and fathers to stay at home and look after the children. A mother’s employment has tripled since 1951 to 2008, and this is continuing to rise because of the number of welfare and benefi ts available for working families. From the 17th and 18th centuries ‘childhood’ was seen as a valuable time in their life and mothers started to breastfeed their children more. However upper class women thought breastfeeding was disgusting and did not feed their babies from the breast. In the nineteenth century ethnic women and white working class women were labelled true and good mothers whereas single mothers were looked upon and  were no better thought off. Middle class women had the freedom and choice to stay at home, women of colour were considered ‘scientifically’ inferior mothers and excluded from the ideologies surrounding good mothering. Motherhood is looked at upon differently in different cultures and beliefs, however most agreeing that mothers have a duty to care for the children by providing the safe and warm upbringing of their children. Mothers not only care for the child they are perceived to take responsibility to look after the household and the rest of the family. ‘ ’Eighteenth century British society insisted upon domesticity as the most appropriate venue for the fulfilments of a woman’s duties† (Francus, 2012) Mothers nowadays makes the decisions on behalf of her children and many organisations, such as doctors and schools consult the mother first before consulting the father. Sometimes the father does not have a say in what happens and can only back the mother up or disagree but sometimes legally they are not involved. Motherhood can be difficult to define as there are many changes happening in short spaces of time. For example; a mother could be a mothering figure to her partner’s children as a step mother, a grandmother could be bringing up her grandchildren for any number of reasons. Adoptive and fostering mothers are also seen as mothers but not in the biological sense, but in the nurturing of children. Surrogacy is a way for a woman to become a mother if they can biologically reproduced children themselves or chooses not to. Another woman carries the embryo that has come from the real father and the woman’s egg and planted into the surrogate mothers womb in order for her to carry the baby until the birth of the child where baby would be handed over to the parents. The question is who is the real mother of the child? If it is a gestational surrogacy where egg from woman and man’s sperm is fertilised into a surrogate mother then the woman whose egg it was would be classed as the biological mother, however must also be aware that the baby can still get the surrogate mothers personality or attitudes ( www.healthyguide.org ) However according to gov.uk it says that the woman who gives birth is treated as the legal mother even if they are not genetically related. In the US surrogacy is legal but in the UK surrogacy is illegal if you pay the surrogate, except for their reasonable expenses. Adoption is a process that allows children to be safely looked after by parents, women who choose to adopt must have a nurturing manner and a natural instinct and create a bond with the child and appreciates that it slowly happens over time. The child must be brought up and cared for like she gave birth the child naturally and guide the child to life expectancy. This role is not for the weak of spirit, or the easily wounded. Loving a child not born to her but calling him her own, but this is what she does, it is her calling. She is a mother. Years ago mothers were looked upon as been at home full time and teaching their children to have manners. Feminism demonstrated that women were restricted in what they did and didn’t have a say as becoming a mother was part of her nature, however she had to obey her husband in the decisions made within the household. According to Rothman (1989) a woman’s womb is her flower pot and that a man plants the seed which then produces the child, they became the fathers property as they came from his seed, even though the woman contributes to the reproduction process, however still they have no say. They were classed a medium contributor to the reproduction process and they carried the children and gave birth to the flower that blossom from the seed planted by the father. In the 20th century mothers have more rights and although some people still feel that fathers should go to work full time and be the breadwinner, now that times have change where the woman’s job was to l ook after the children, they now don’t feel scared or threatened to share the child upbringing with the father. There are a lot more ‘house-husbands at home while the mother goes to work, this gives fathers more involvement and help to nurture the children in life. Some mothers still feel they are selfish though by going to work and leaving the child, most tend to find part time jobs or take a flexible hours position so that they can fit work in around the children and still play a huge part in their children’s life. Unlike before in the early years a woman can plan her life and decide when is the best time to have a child, due to access to different contraception’s women can control if they become pregnant. They are in control of the decision and decide if they have the mother instinct and nurturing ways to raise and care for a child The following essay has discussed what ideology around motherhood is and how people perceive motherhood. It also has explained about motherhood in the olden days and that mothers were to stay at home to care for the children and household  c ompared to now in the 20th century and how times have changed and fathers have a more hands on approach with their children’s upbringing. Discussed within the essay it has explain that mothers are not just mothers through the biological reproduction process that they can be mothers by adoption, surrogacy, or raising children as they there are their own children and nurturing and loving the child the same way as a biological mother would. It also discussed about feminism and how times have changed and that people don’t assume that the mother is a full time mother and are not shocked to find that the father is looking after children and taking a more hands on role. Reference About.com (2013) What is a adoptive mother {online} available at: http://adoption.about.com/cs/wantingtoadopt/a/adoptivemothers.htm Accessed April 2013 Cole,E &Knowies,J. (1990) Motherhood: A feminist perspective. Vol 10:London,The Haworth press Francus, M. (2012). Monstrous motherhood: eighteenth-century culture and the ideology of domesticity. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Gov.uk (2013) Rights for surrogate mothers {online} available at: https://www.gov.uk/rights-for-surrogate-mothers Accessed April 2013 Livestrong.com (2013) Women’s life {online} available at: http://www.livestrong.com/woman/ Accessed April 2013 Llyod,E &Woollett,A (1991) Motherhood:meanings, practices and ideologies.Sage publications, California Suite 101 (1996) Social institution of motherhood {online} available at: http://suite101.com/article/social-institution-of-motherhood-a64879 Accessed April 2013 Social work and society international online journal (2011) Historical Perspective on the I deologies of Motherhood and its Impact on Social Work {online} available at: http://www.socwork.net/sws/article/view/270/445 Accessed April 2013 The free dictionary (2013) Mother, {online} available at: http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/mother Accessed April 2013 Wisegeek (2003) Motherhood,{online} available at: http://s.wisegeek.com/s/?cx=001721306601487571258%3Axvwilsw1lpg&cof=FORID%3A10&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=ideology+on+motherhood&sa= Accessed April 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Economics Reaction Paper on Sabah Essay

A feud between two Muslim governments, ignited by the sultan of  Sulu when he and his subjects headed to Sabah to reclaim their once territory. Some standoff that went on for over a month now. This standoff that gained nothing but transgressions, especially on the  side of the sultanate of Sulu. Their futile measures to repossess Sabah. Their  defiance against the president’s orders to not proceed. This only resulting to the  massacre of the sultan’s clan members. To this day, the sultan, his family, and  followers were being hunted down by the Malaysian military forces. With this,  they always have to take evasive action for them to survive. Then, there’s the  possible criminal charges which the Kiram family might face once they go back  to the Philippines. Additional problems to be solved by the government. The people fleeing  from Sabah, Malaysia because of the ongoing firefight between the Royal Family  of Sulu and the Malaysian Armed Forces there; Heading to refuge camps in our  country. Also, the decline on the supply of goods in Muslim provinces in the   Philippines. The goods and services, coming from Malaysia, are having increase  in terms of their price. All of these are happening because the Malaysian government is  prohibiting the people in our country to enter their territory without their  permission. Now that the facts about this issue are laid down, we will readily  proceed my personal thoughts regarding this matter. First of all, I find it a very impulsive and reckless move for the Royal  Family of Sulu to start yet another dispute between the Philippines and  Malaysia. To make another historical claim in regards with Sabah is like  starting a never-ending war. It only gets worse by the minute. No fruitful  result reaped. Another, I don’t think that our country could ever obtain again the  rights on Sabah. I said it because we have been making claims on this for  many years. Still, nothing has happened. So what makes the sultan of Sulu think that he could, they could? Economics Reaction Paper Passed by: Shunamite D. Purificacion I-22 Passed to: Mr. Serafin Arviola

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Legislation passed to address computer crimes essays

Legislation passed to address computer crimes essays Over the past month you could not pick up a newspaper without finding an article about the recent Denial of Service (DOS) attacks on E-commerce sites over the Internet. This increase in Internet security problems and crimes, is paving the way for tougher legislation in regards to monitoring and tracking computer hackers. We the people should ask ourselves how far we should allow the federal government to go to catch online criminals. Legislation passed to address computer crimes should be carefully written as not to give government agencies powers that would infringe on innocent computer users rights. The need for computer-related laws is undeniably necessary. Computer crimes are estimated to cost businesses billions of dollars each year throughout the United States. An accurate dollar amount cannot be compiled for losses programming companies sustain due to piracy of their software. Potential income is lost when copies of their programs are found easily via the Internet. Pirated software is distributed freely among underground Internet groups via email, File Transfer Protocols (FTP's), newsgroups and various other means. Individuals post copies of software that was either stolen from its company's producers, or that was paid for originally for a one-user license. These copies of software posted in one or more of the above-mentioned ways, allow a single copy to be downloaded by nearly any number of people out of the million that have Internet access today. Hacking does not play a role in software theft until there is a need for the code (better known as programming) of th e software to be reverse engineered. Software companies instill certain protections to prevent their software from being freely distributed in the above manner. Hackers remove these protections or "reverse" what has been written into the software to allow this software to be used by anyone possessing a copy. Piracy is just one of many reasons federal le...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Treatments of Hodgkin essays

The Treatments of Hodgkin essays The Treatments of Hodgkins Disease Hodgkins disease is a form of cancer that effects the lymphatic system, a part of the immune system that helps fight diseases and infections. It is a disease with three different types of treatments. The treatments of Hodgkins disease are radiation, chemotherapy, and in some cases, a bone When the disease is confined to a certain area of the body, radiation therapy is the treatment of choice. Radiation therapy is a beam of strong radiation aimed at the affected area to kill cancer cells. Radiation not only kills bad cells in the body, it also kills good cells, causing short-term or long- term effects. Some long-term effects include breast cancer, lung cancer, thyroid problems, dental problems, and problems with immune system function. Some short-term side effects include nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, dry mouth, redness of skin, sore throat, and hair loss. Of course, the short-term side effects will go away once the radiation treatment has stopped. Depending on the stage of the disease, the length of the radiation treatment The most common treatment for Hodgkins disease is chemotherapy. Chemotherapy uses certain chemicals specifically prepared to kill tumor cell. The different types of chemicals used to treat Hodgkins disease are dacarbazine, vinblanstine, bleomycin, doxorubicin, corticosteriods, procarbazine, vincristine, and mechlorethamine. Like radiation, chemotherapy not only kills bad cells in the body, it also kills the good cells, causing short- term and long-term side effects. Some long-term side effects include heart damage, secondary cancers, kidney damage, and liver damage. Some short- term side effects include nausea, vomiting, hair loss, fatigue, and decreased ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hypothesis Test for Comparing Two Proportions

Hypothesis Test for Comparing Two Proportions In this article we will go through the steps necessary to perform a hypothesis test, or test of significance, for the difference of two population proportions.  This allows us to compare two unknown proportions and infer if they are not equal to each other or if one is greater than another. Hypothesis Test Overview and Background Before we go into the specifics of our hypothesis test, we will look at the framework of hypothesis tests.  In a test of significance we attempt to show that a statement concerning the value of a population  parameter (or sometimes the nature of the population itself) is likely to be true.   We amass evidence for this statement by conducting a statistical sample.  We calculate a statistic from this sample.  The value of this statistic is what we use to determine the truth of the original statement.  This process contains uncertainty, however we are able to quantify this uncertainty The overall process for a hypothesis test is given by the list below: Make sure that the conditions that are necessary for our test are satisfied.Clearly state the null and alternative hypotheses. The alternative hypothesis may involve a one-sided or a two-sided test.  We should also determine the level of significance, which will be denoted by the Greek letter alpha.Calculate the test statistic. The type of statistic that we use depends upon the particular test that we are conducting.  The calculation relies upon our statistical sample.  Calculate the p-value. The test statistic can be translated into a p-value.  A p-value is the probability of chance alone producing the value of our test statistic under the assumption that the null hypothesis is true. The overall rule is that the smaller the p-value, the greater the evidence against the null hypothesis.Draw a conclusion. Finally we use the value of alpha that was already selected as a threshold value.  The decision rule is that If the p-value is less than or equal to alpha, then we reject t he null hypothesis. Otherwise we fail to reject the null hypothesis. Now that we have seen the framework for a hypothesis test, we will see the specifics for a hypothesis test for the difference of two population proportions.   The Conditions A hypothesis test for the difference of two population proportions requires that the following conditions are met:   We have two simple random samples from large populations.  Here large means that the population is at least 20 times larger than the size of the sample. The sample sizes will be denoted by n1 and n2.The individuals in our samples have been chosen independently of one another.  The populations themselves must also be independent.There are at least 10 successes and 10 failures in both of our samples. As long as these conditions have been satisfied, we can continue with our hypothesis test. The Null and Alternative Hypotheses Now we need to consider the hypotheses for our test of significance.  The null hypothesis is our statement of no effect.  In this particular type of hypothesis test our null hypothesis is that there is no difference between the two population proportions.  We can write this as H0: p1 p2. The alternative hypothesis is one of three possibilities, depending upon the specifics of what we are testing for:   Ha:  p1 is greater than p2. This is a one-tailed or one-sided test.Ha: p1 is less than p2. This is also one-sided test.Ha: p1 is not equal to p2. This is a two-tailed or two-sided test. As always, in order to be cautious, we should use the two-sided alternative hypothesis if we do not have a direction in mind before we obtain our sample.  The reason for doing this is that it is harder to reject the null hypothesis with a two-sided test. The three hypotheses can be rewritten by stating how p1 - p2 is related to the value zero.  To be more specific, the null hypothesis would become H0:p1 - p2 0.  The potential alternative hypotheses would be written as: Ha:  p1 - p2   0 is equivalent to the statement p1 is greater than p2.Ha:  p1 - p2  Ã‚  0 is equivalent to the statement p1 is less than p2.Ha:  p1 - p2  Ã‚  Ã¢â€°   0 is equivalent to  the statement p1 is not equal to p2. This equivalent formulation actually shows us a little bit more of what is happening behind the scenes.  What we are doing in this hypothesis test is turning the two parameters p1 and p2  into the single parameter p1 - p2.  We then test this new parameter against the value zero.   The Test Statistic The formula for the test statistic is given in the image above.  Ã‚  An explanation of each of the terms follows: The sample from the first population has size n1.  The number of successes from this sample (which is not directly seen in the formula above) is k1. The sample from the second population has size n2.  The number of successes from this sample is k2.The sample proportions are  p1-hat k1 / n1  and p2-hat   k2 / n2 .We then combine or pool the successes from both of these samples and obtain:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   p-hat ( k1 k2) / ( n1 n2). As always, be careful with order of operations when calculating.  Everything underneath the radical must be calculated before taking  the square root. The P-Value The next step is to calculate the p-value that corresponds to our test statistic. We use a standard normal distribution for our statistic and consult a table of values or use statistical software.   The details of our p-value calculation depend upon the alternative hypothesis we are using: For Ha: p1 - p2   0, we calculate the proportion of the normal distribution that is greater than Z.For Ha: p1 - p2  Ã‚  0, we calculate the proportion of the normal distribution that is less than Z.For Ha: p1 - p2  Ã‚  Ã¢â€°   0, we calculate the proportion of the normal distribution that is greater than |Z|, the absolute value of Z.  After this, to account for the fact that we have a two-tailed test, we double the proportion.   Decision Rule Now we make a decision on whether to reject the null hypothesis (and thereby accept the alternative), or to fail to reject the null hypothesis.  We make this decision by comparing our p-value to the level of significance alpha. If the p-value is less than or equal to alpha, then we reject the null hypothesis. This means that we have a statistically significant result and that we are going to accept the alternative hypothesis.If the p-value is greater than alpha, then we fail to reject the null hypothesis. This does not prove that the null hypothesis is true. Instead it means that we did not obtain convincing enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis.   Special Note The confidence interval for the difference of two population proportions does not pool the successes, whereas the hypothesis test does.  The reason for this is that our null hypothesis assumes that p1 - p2 0.  The confidence interval does not assume this.  Some statisticians do not pool the successes for this hypothesis test, and instead use a slightly modified version of the above test statistic.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Wall street journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Wall street journal - Essay Example health, a description of how UNCTAD, the WTO as well as other international trade organizations tend to influence trade, details on the five established levels of economic integration and their overall implications for the international marketing manager. In discussing the global economic environment, the author emphasizes on the importance of international trade theories. There are three key international trade theories; these are absolute advantage, comparative advantage and product life cycle. These theories generally emphasize that firms seeking to expand internationally need to ensure that they appreciate how their various international activities tend to match with a given country’s goals for international trade. The balance of payment is widely considered to be a lead indicator of the international economic health of a given country and as such, it may tend to have a direct influence on a firm’s expansion decisions. This is it essentially indicates how money is currently going into and out of a given country and whether this movement of currency has resulted into deficits or surpluses for the country. BOP data can aid firms in identifying their competitors as well as possible consumer locations and evaluate the possibility of trade restrictions. Government policy and trade is also another crucial aspect to be considered as firms are directly impacted by government in a wide range of areas such as tariffs and non-tariffs barriers. According to the authors, some of the government policies and trade that might impact a firm include specific duty, tariff engineering, ad valorem duty, exchange controls, quotas and non-tariff barriers (NTB’s). Institutions such as the WTO and UNCTAD had a great influence on trade policies. In this respect, the authors are keen on stressing that they can heavily influence a given firm’s global strategy. Whereas the WTO essentially serves to provide a crucial forum that can be used by countries for mediation,

Stress and the Neuroendocrine Response Coursework

Stress and the Neuroendocrine Response - Coursework Example For instance, traumatic events that happened to a person such as family abuse, illness or a relationship breakup. Chronic stress leads to other body complications such as stomach ulcers or heart diseases. This type of stress is treated via cognitive behavioral therapy and through medication (Buckingham, Gillie, & Cowell, 1997). The hypothalamus in the brain is in responsible of the stress response. When a stress response is activated, this part sends signals to two other constituents namely the pituitary gland, and the adrenal medulla. This signal is in form of a hormone, the pituitary and adrenal glands that are both in the kidneys and the brain are responsible for receive the stress alert (Gunderson & Rahe, H. 1994). A hormone is a signaling molecule that is generated by the glands found in the multicellular organisms that are conveyed by the circulatory system to isolated organs with the aim of regulating the behavior and physiology of an individual. The hypothalamus stimulates hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline that assist a problem to deal with any pressure or threat that they are facing; this is referred to as fight response. Adrenaline hormone enable the heart rate to increase, the blood pressure also increase and thus provides the body with extra energy. The person is able to run away from the threat. These hormones also enable the suppressing of bodily roles such as digestion that are not needed. When the hormone level fails, the body is able to adjust itself and the blood pressure return to the average rate. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) is a compound set of undeviating influences and response interactions in the middle of three endocrine glands namely the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland and the adrenal glands. Hypothalamic Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) system is responsible for regulating short term stress in

Friday, October 18, 2019

Art and Craft higher education in pakistan Literature review - 1

Art and Craft higher education in pakistan - Literature review Example Additionally, advancements in arts and crafts field have variations in different parts of the world. This can be attributed to the fact that art and craft activities are heavily dependent on cultural practices in a given area. According to Lees-Maffei and Sandino, â€Å"the principles that define the differences and relations between design, art and craft are subject to historical change and vary regionally and culturally† (2004, p.1). However, formal settings may incorporate different aspects of art and craft from different regions. This is in relation to some of the common arts such as music and dance. There have been some major developments in art and craft and increased applications to solve different issues either directly related or indirect. To get a clear picture of these developments it is more appropriate to focus on one particular area or country with rich applications of art and craft such as Pakistan. Since the establishment of Pakistan as a republic in 1947, there have been many transformations and developments in the art and craft field. For example, the first five-year plan for education focused on improving creativity through art and craft (Perveen, 2011, p. 3). This prompted the government to employ art and craft professionals to ensure proper learning. However, Perveen’s article mainly focuses on primary level art and craft rather than its developments at higher education level. Nevertheless, it has contributed in evaluating the development and incorporation of art and craft in higher education by the Pakistan government. Additionally, there was adoption of a conceptual and physical platform by various institutions in a bid to support modern arts. According to Tarar major changes were experienced in 1950s following an upgrade of the Mayo School of Arts into the National College of Arts (2008, p.1). This increased awareness and focus on art and craft as a subject and course in the Pakistan education

What Does the Interest that Auschwitz Should Never Happen Again Mean Essay

What Does the Interest that Auschwitz Should Never Happen Again Mean for Sociology - Essay Example Looking critically at the statement, â€Å"After Auschwitz (and in this respect Auschwitz is a prototype of something which has been repeated incessantly in the world since then) our interest is in ensuring that this should never happen again,† Adorno uses this phrase at the end of ‘Lecture II’ (1968) in â€Å"Introduction to Sociology† in order to avoid misunderstanding in students. The Critical Theory of Society is based in the philosophical position outlined by Adorno and the Frankfurt School, which is itself based on a reform of Marxism. The theory of the Frankfurt School and Adorno relates primarily to methodology in the practice of sociology. According to Jarvis (1998), the Frankfurt school asserts there is no real â€Å"thing† as society; rather it is an interpretation that is based on the subjectivity of one who approaches it as a discipline. Adorno opposes the totalizing aspects of theory when it claims to complete knowledge about the operat ion of social forces or historical evolution. He see this in Freud, Weber, Durkheim, and Marx, in their interpretive frameworks that discuss the operation of society from different perspectives, but share a totalitarianism of meaning which will limit interpretation to a range of values. Related to this is the preference for a phenomenological methodology that seeks to describe reality and social processes as they appear, rather than as they should be ideally. This represents a rejection of objectivism in knowledge by the Frankfurt School, but an acceptance of the categorical imperative of activism through morality. 2 Adorno views the totalitarian aspects of knowledge systems as operating on the model of the modern State, both symmetrical in identity and structure, implementing imperial control of consciousness and society, flattening all diversity of meaning. From this, Adorno seeks to avoid building a theory of sociology that repeats the State model of control as an aspect of indiv idual identity, for when this occurs, subjective interpretation, variance, objectivity, and fact all vanish into a monolithic machine that drives meaning to a single source, an illusory central point of vanishing into history. "If you asked me what sociology is, I would say that it must be insight into society, into the essential nature of society," Adorno says – it must be, but it is not. "Ladies and Gentleman, I would now ask you not to write down and take home what I have told you as a definition of sociology... it cannot be reduced to an 'axiom'."3 Adorno and the Frankfurt School are advocating a position of radical freedom from the State and the restrictions of theoretical interpretation through a radical re-thinking of fundamentals, universals, essences, and other aspects of bias that make claims to ultimate truth or reality in sociology. Knowledge systems inherently promote totalitarian universal values, the essential meaning of things that is fixed and unchanging, or knowledge of the inner-operation of society and the universe that inevitably falls short of the goal of accurately representing reality. As Adorno writes in â€Å"Negative Dialectics† (1970), â€Å"If one speaks in the newest aesthetic debates of anti-drama and anti-heroes, then Negative Dialectics, which holds itself distant from all aesthetic themes, could be called an anti-system.†4 If â€Å"Negative Dialectics† represents an anti-system, then Auschwitz on the other extreme represents the fully totalitarian aspects of a system in application. From the perspective of humanity, Auschwitz is a symbol of the most terrible aspects of modernism, the factory of anti-Semitism and death, the total mobilization of society to the ends of violent, fascist theory. Auschwitz motivates the moral awareness in humanity to resist, but Adorno recognizes that this requires freedom of thought and critical awareness as a basis for activism. The person

Thursday, October 17, 2019

United States and the neo-Gramscian perspectives Essay

United States and the neo-Gramscian perspectives - Essay Example The United States is an interesting case as explained through neo-Gramscian perspective. The model is able to evaluate American policies and their motivation, including their impact on the global arena. There is valuable insight offered with respect to the American behavior in international relations and how to understand and deal with it as a hegemon. This paper will explore the United States from the neo-Gramscian perspective. For this purpose a brief discourse on the theoretical model will be included, with a brief discussion of hegemony from different perspectives as well as the stability and the neo-Gramscian thought and its challenges. This paper will cover the theoretical discussions on power structural, the declinist school of thought, and the concepts of unipolarity and multipolarity. The concept of hegemony emerged out of the integration of the world system on the strength of global economic and political developments. As members of the system struggle and compete in order to navigate its intricacies, players adopt policies that promote and advance their interests. Successful players become dominant within a process that many thinkers consider as social in terms of formation. These players are able to exploit the system to perpetuate its status. Antonio Gramsci, the Italian thinker, provided one of the most important bases to this thought by capturing the dynamics of this process. His position holds that hegemony pertains to the process in which a hegemon is able to exploit the world system for its own purposes. This is achieved through the consent of the dominated class who act for programmes that benefit the hegemon although they may not always be in their best interests.2 This Gramscian perspective is important in the sense that it implies a dominance that is not based on brute force or coercion. Rather, it is viewed as a result of manipulation, with the dominant player(s) orchestrating events and strategies in such a way that subordinate

Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 18

Sociology - Essay Example As they reach the â€Å"third age† bracket, it is noted that they tend to concentrate more on their family life (i.e. their children and grandchildren). Though others may still prefer career growth, there is a notable change of priorities among people of the â€Å"third age†. In one of the interviews conducted, the subject is quite fulfilled with the social interactions that she experiences at home that she gives more emphasis on the benefits (i.e. joys, respect and getting her mind sharp) that she gains from her children and grandchildren than the â€Å"nagging pains† that keep her at home. People among the â€Å"third age† could also have the same needs and/or drives of improving business and keeping ahead of competition just as people in the mid-30s do, but more so is their urgency to find time with their famililes (e.g. going on long trips with wife and kids). Indeed, older people have the capacity to shape their life stages and cultural spaces (i.e. l ife stages, new norms, new communities) [3] and they can do it incredibly

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

United States and the neo-Gramscian perspectives Essay

United States and the neo-Gramscian perspectives - Essay Example The United States is an interesting case as explained through neo-Gramscian perspective. The model is able to evaluate American policies and their motivation, including their impact on the global arena. There is valuable insight offered with respect to the American behavior in international relations and how to understand and deal with it as a hegemon. This paper will explore the United States from the neo-Gramscian perspective. For this purpose a brief discourse on the theoretical model will be included, with a brief discussion of hegemony from different perspectives as well as the stability and the neo-Gramscian thought and its challenges. This paper will cover the theoretical discussions on power structural, the declinist school of thought, and the concepts of unipolarity and multipolarity. The concept of hegemony emerged out of the integration of the world system on the strength of global economic and political developments. As members of the system struggle and compete in order to navigate its intricacies, players adopt policies that promote and advance their interests. Successful players become dominant within a process that many thinkers consider as social in terms of formation. These players are able to exploit the system to perpetuate its status. Antonio Gramsci, the Italian thinker, provided one of the most important bases to this thought by capturing the dynamics of this process. His position holds that hegemony pertains to the process in which a hegemon is able to exploit the world system for its own purposes. This is achieved through the consent of the dominated class who act for programmes that benefit the hegemon although they may not always be in their best interests.2 This Gramscian perspective is important in the sense that it implies a dominance that is not based on brute force or coercion. Rather, it is viewed as a result of manipulation, with the dominant player(s) orchestrating events and strategies in such a way that subordinate

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Organizational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 13

Organizational Behavior - Essay Example Communication may be formal or informal. Formal communication is through officially designated channels of message flow between organization positions. Communications in this case will e within the subsidiary and also from the subsidiary NYSEG to the parent company Iberdrola. There are three types of formal communication that include downward communication that flows from upper management to subordinates. In this scenario downward communication will also arise when Iberdrola makes policies and gives instructions to NYSEG their subsidiaries. This type of communication is made up of job instructions, procedures and practices among others. Upwards communication is transmission of information from the lower to the higher levels in the organizations or from the subsidiary to the parent company; it involves job related problems ad subordinates perceptions of organizations’ policies among others. Horizontal communication is the flow of information across the organization at a given l evel of an organization. This will involve departments and facilitates problem solving, sharing of information across different work groups and task coordination between departments and project teams (Mumby, 2013). Informal communication is the interactions in the organizations that do not reflect officially designated channels of communication. The rise of technology has made this possible through the use of social media. It involves grapevines and rumors around the organization and emerges from social and personal interests of the employees and is an inherent and a necessary aspect of the organization life. Both type of communication is done verbally through oral or written form and non-verbally though facial gestures or body language among others. Most organizations’ have regular meetings dedicated to discussing issues and areas where odd situations may arise that affect their

Monday, October 14, 2019

Chains and Sustainable Development Essay Example for Free

Chains and Sustainable Development Essay Those of us who preach the gospel of agriculture with evangelical zeal find the text compelling and convincing. We are regularly possessed by the spirit only to look around and see out colleagues, in other sectors, in country management, or even our senior management doubting, yawning or subtly edging towards the door. We face the implicit query, â€Å"If agriculture can do such great things, why have they not yet happened? †1 The past decade has been one of agro-pessimism. The promises that agricultural development seem to hold did not materialise. This pessimism seemed to coincide with pessimism about Sub-Saharan Africa. Especially for Sub-Saharan Africa the hope was that economic development would be brought about by agricultural development. After the success of the green revolution in Asia, the hope was that a similar agricultural miracle would transform African economies. But this hope never materialised, agricultural productivity did not increase much in SSA (figure 1), and worse, the negative effects of the green revolution in Asia became more apparent, such as pesticide overuse and subsequent pollution. Also in Asia the yield increases tapered off. The sceptics put forward several arguments why agriculture is no longer an engine of growth2. For instance, the liberalisation of the 1990s and greater openness to trade has lead to a reduction in the economic potential of the rural sector: cheap imported Chinese plastic buckets out compete the locally produced pottery. On the other hand, it does mean cheaper (imported) supplies. With rapid global technical change and increasingly integrated markets, prices fall faster than yields rise. So, rural incomes fall despite increased productivity if they are net producers3. The integration of rural with urban areas means that healthy young people move out of agriculture, head to town, leaving behind the old, the sick and the dependent. It is often also the men who move to urban areas, leaving women in charge of the farm. This has resulted in the increased sophistication of agricultural markets (and value chains) which excludes traditional smallholders, who are poorly equipped to meet the demanding product specifications and timeliness of delivery required by expanding supermarkets. The natural resource base on which agriculture depends is poor and deteriorating. Productivity growth is therefore increasingly more difficult to achieve. Finally, multiplier effects occur when a change in spending causes a disproportionate change in aggregate demand. Thus an increase in spending produces an increase in national income and consumption greater than the initial amount spent. But as GDP rises and the share of agriculture typically decreases, the question is how important these multiplier effects are, especially when significant levels of poverty remain in rural areas, which is the case in middleincome countries. The disappointment with agriculture led many donor organisations to turn away from agriculture, looking instead to areas that would increase the well-being of poor people, such as health and education. Those organisations that still focused on agriculture, such as the CGIAR, were put under pressure to focus more on reducing poverty, besides increasing agricultural productivity. However, since the beginning of the new century, there seems to be a renewed interest in agriculture. A review of major policy documents5, including the well-publicised Sachs report and the Kofi Annan report, show that agriculture is back on the agenda again. The most influential report, however, has been the World Development Report 2008 of the World Bank6. This report argues that growth in the agricultural sector 1 contributes proportionally more to poverty reduction than growth in any other economic sector and that therefore alone, the focus should be on the agricultural sector when achieving to reach MDG 1. A reassessment of the role of agriculture in development seems to be required. This policy paper addresses several timely though complex questions: †¢ First, how can or does agriculture contribute to economic development, and in particular how does it relate to poverty? †¢ Second, the agricultural sector has changed considerably in the past decades: what are the main drivers of this change? †¢ Third, what is the relationship between economic or agricultural growth and pro-poor development? †¢ Fourth, how does agriculture relate to other sectors in the economy? †¢ Fifth, who is included and who is excluded in agricultural development, specifically focusing on small farms? †¢ And finally, if agricultural development is indeed important to economic development, then why, despite all the efforts and investments, has this not led to more successes? 2. Agriculture and economic growth This section presents a number of factual observations describing how the agricultural sector changed in terms of productivity, contribution to economic growth, and indicating the relevance of the agricultural sector for poverty alleviation in different regions. Background: some facts In the discussion of the role of agriculture in economic development, a leading question is how agriculture contributes to economic growth, and especially to pro-poor growth. There seems to be a paradox in the role of agriculture in economic development. The share of agriculture contributing to GDP is declining over the years (see figure 1). At the same time, the productivity of for instance cereal yields has been increasing (see figure 2). It seems that as agriculture becomes more successful, its importance declines in the overall economy. Of course, other sectors in the economy can be even more successful, such as the Asian Tigers.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Differences in Chinese and Japanese Art :: Essays Papers

Differences in Chinese and Japanese Art Architecture In China, very few pieces of architecture are still intact. Most of the influential architecture left is the Forbidden City. One main idea in Chinese architecture is walled cities, like Beijing and Chang’an. These cities are rectangular in shape and have streets that run north, south, east, and west like a grid pattern. The Chinese architecture concentrates on the balance and symmetries. The palace in the center of the city is based on the idea of the harmony of the universe and its cosmic order. In Japan, the architecture is based on grand palaces. Huge palaces were built and protected with many weapons and fortified for strength. Narrow passageways and mazes of stairs are common in the castles. The sense of power in the country is obvious in the location of the buildings. The buildings in Japan are always asymmetrical, opposite of China. Paintings and Art In China, most of the artists worked not for money but for themselves, so their paintings and art were forms of individual expression. They tried to express themselves with symbols and personal terms. The most common types of paintings were literati paintings which were characterized by unassuming brushwork, subtle colors, and the use of landscape as personal meaning. Literati painters painted for each other and used canvases like handscrolls, hanging scrolls and album leaves. Many of the paintings expressed the painters personality. One Chinese painter, Ni Zan, has a famous painting called The Rongxi Studio. It is done in ink and has mountains, rocks, trees and a building. The painting has little detail and is painted with the dry brush technique, like Zan’s personality, a noble spirit. In Japan, the paintings and art concentrated on a love of nature, a sense of humor and asymmetry. Ink painting was popular and used the canvas as part of the picture. One student in Japan, Bunsei, painted a picture called Landscape. It is on a hanging scroll.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Death of Science :: essays research papers

Science Of Death   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nathaniel Hawthorne was a writer with many successful stories. From reading those stories it is evident that he had an obsession with science and experimenting with people. In his stories you can find characters (or scientists) trying to find answers that typically end in death. This tragic result shows how one of Hawthorne’s main themes is the misuse of science.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The misuse of science that Hawthorne establishes in his stories is assiduous, but is most evident in The Birth Mark. In this short story he describes a couple, Aylmer and Georgiana, who are intertwine with science. For Aylmer believed â€Å"the love of science [could] rival the love of [a] woman in its depth and absorbing energy† because of Aylmer’s love of science. For Georgiana’s beauty â€Å"came so nearly perfect from the hand of Nature† except for a minor blemish. The blemish or defect was in the center of Georgiana’s left cheek, and was the reason that Aylmer thought he needed to experiment on or remove it. This was the basis of Hawthorne’s theme and the reoccurring themes that involved science, which he is emphasizing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story of Aylmer and Georgiana goes on to tell how they made the removal of this â€Å"singular mark† the justification of science and human experimentation. Before Georgiana can get it removed she has to be convinced of the benefits of this experiment. But his fear that it might be fatal to keep the birthmark is revealed to her through talking in his sleep. She is disturbed on how important it is to him,so she agrees to the removal. With the help of his assistant, Aminadab, he begins the experiments. He locking her in a fumigating room and drugged her to delusions - making â€Å"a strange, indefinite sensation creeping through her veins, and tingling, half painfully, half pleasurably, at her heart†. On one occasion between experiments, she found Aylmer’s journals - â€Å"sorcerer’s books†. These journals were â€Å"the sad confession and continual exemplification of the shortcomings of the composite man, the spirit burdened with clay and working in matter, and of the despair that assails the higher nature at finding itself so miserably thwarted by the earthly part† that were common failures of a â€Å"genius men† or that of scientists. Ending in tragic results were the theme of this collection of journals such as the theme of this tale and of Hawthorne’s stories. So in the despair of many failed attempts at removing this birthmark, Aylmer and Georgiana fall into insanity over this one minor blemish. Death of Science :: essays research papers Science Of Death   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nathaniel Hawthorne was a writer with many successful stories. From reading those stories it is evident that he had an obsession with science and experimenting with people. In his stories you can find characters (or scientists) trying to find answers that typically end in death. This tragic result shows how one of Hawthorne’s main themes is the misuse of science.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The misuse of science that Hawthorne establishes in his stories is assiduous, but is most evident in The Birth Mark. In this short story he describes a couple, Aylmer and Georgiana, who are intertwine with science. For Aylmer believed â€Å"the love of science [could] rival the love of [a] woman in its depth and absorbing energy† because of Aylmer’s love of science. For Georgiana’s beauty â€Å"came so nearly perfect from the hand of Nature† except for a minor blemish. The blemish or defect was in the center of Georgiana’s left cheek, and was the reason that Aylmer thought he needed to experiment on or remove it. This was the basis of Hawthorne’s theme and the reoccurring themes that involved science, which he is emphasizing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story of Aylmer and Georgiana goes on to tell how they made the removal of this â€Å"singular mark† the justification of science and human experimentation. Before Georgiana can get it removed she has to be convinced of the benefits of this experiment. But his fear that it might be fatal to keep the birthmark is revealed to her through talking in his sleep. She is disturbed on how important it is to him,so she agrees to the removal. With the help of his assistant, Aminadab, he begins the experiments. He locking her in a fumigating room and drugged her to delusions - making â€Å"a strange, indefinite sensation creeping through her veins, and tingling, half painfully, half pleasurably, at her heart†. On one occasion between experiments, she found Aylmer’s journals - â€Å"sorcerer’s books†. These journals were â€Å"the sad confession and continual exemplification of the shortcomings of the composite man, the spirit burdened with clay and working in matter, and of the despair that assails the higher nature at finding itself so miserably thwarted by the earthly part† that were common failures of a â€Å"genius men† or that of scientists. Ending in tragic results were the theme of this collection of journals such as the theme of this tale and of Hawthorne’s stories. So in the despair of many failed attempts at removing this birthmark, Aylmer and Georgiana fall into insanity over this one minor blemish.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Safety Measures In Ships

Titanic making was completed around 1907. The enormous ship captured attention globally due to its complexity. From the remains that were found on the wreck ground it was observed that the ship had Artistic completely nurtured, three-dimensional features and objects, witnesses say that the Titanic was more than describable, in fact the right phrase applicable would be, beyond words and pictures. Unfortunately, the Titanic met with a fatal disaster in 1912. Titanic’s story has been narrated and re-narrated. Although it sank and got destroyed, the Titanic remains a great historical source of legendary and curiosity (Young 1912). To start the comparisons between safety measures in place then at the ones put in today it sounds appropriate to ask our selves, why does it take for a disaster to happen, to change policies, strategies or laws and regulations in regard to safety precautions. Since that accident, ship owners and authorities have pushed for further measures to be installed in all major cargo and passenger ships ( Paine ,1919). To begin with, let us scrutinize safety measures in the Titanic by looking at the materials that had been used in its construction. From the wrecks, it is seen that the Titanic was made of steel plates that had been joined by iron rivets. A comprehensive survey indicated that the pieces of steel plating of this ship seemed to have metallurgy lose of elasticity which highly facilitated Titanic’s brittleness in water, due to this reaction; the Titanic was left vulnerable to total indention and rupture (Winzy. com 2008). Further analysis found out that the steel had higher phosphorus and sulfur contents. Higher amounts of the latter are said to result to fractures and likelihood of cracks respectively. Research also noted that the steel lacked in manganese and this in turn might have caused the ship’s to loose on ductility (Eye witness to History. com, 1912). This might have been one area that the manufactures of the Titanic failed. Although innovation and technology had not developed as such, it is likely or rather apparent that these firm could have used better quality material had they known. The content of these constituent minerals in the main steel have been checked. Only high quality steel with less of these chemical content is used only now as a safety precaution. Another most likely defect or amiss in Titanic’s making could be the riveting concept applied (Lawrence 1929). Investigations say that they were more fragile than expected. Slag residues found in them again could have led to the ship’s breakdown at that rate. In new ship building industries today only the best quality of rivet material is used. The number of rivets holding the steel plates together probably might have been smaller which in turn made the fracturing of the legendary Titanic even faster. Although, the building process might have seen small mishaps and setbacks, I believe more could have been done if proper studies and research had been done. Reports later on alleged that the ship building company had shortages in skilled and highly competent riveters. Mostly the riveting was carried out by hand, another aspect that might have jeopardized Titanic’s safety (Titanic Facts, 2008). However, the scene today has completely changed and everything is now mechanized: from the initial processes to the finished product. Today’s rivets are steel made which is contrast to earlier iron ones. Evidently, steel is stronger than iron which convinces of a compact and strong structure. Next point to be considered is the electronically of the Titanic as an effort towards ensuring safety, the radar in particular. Although investigations indicate that the radar was not too small, for the Titanic’s size, it design had less to be proud of or even to be associated with. In relation to Titanic’s size there were other bigger radars in comparatively average sized ships. Scrutinizing this citation, the radars capability to view far distance was lower. This could be given as the reason why the captain and his crew members might have seen the iceberg that caused Titanic her life. With advancement in technology, the extent to which radar power has gone is indeed tremendous. Their ability and scale of efficiency is even further boosted by satellite installations in today’s ships. Recently made radars can view ship obstacle from a very long distance and with satellite signals facilitating warning in good time. Moreover, in Titanic’s manufacture, the builders might have minimally concentrated on or given little thinking about how the ship, of eight hundred and fifty two feet in length could make a turning incase of an emergency or particularly to avoid collision. Perhaps in addition, the most deadly occurrence to Titanic’s design might have been her screw engine arrangement which was in a triple configuration. Also constituent were reciprocating engines run by steam which in turn drove the propellers. A turbine ran her middle propeller. Problem seen was that the reciprocating engines were reversible while the turbine was not. It is also apparent that, when Titanic’s First Officer, ordered for a reverse to the engines so as to avoid hitting or colliding with the iceberg, he handicapped or better said sabotaged the ship’s turning ability( Cynthia, 1996). This resulted to a halt simply because; the centre turbine could not reverse as the ship was cruising at full speed. In fact, the lock hampered the ship’s tendency to maneuver. This century has seen a lot of developments put into ensuring that the engines perform at maximum potential at all times. Ships of the moment have propellers that move in all directions. Titanic’s failure seems to have sent a lesson that fortunately appears to have been well learned. That fatal tragedy served as an eye opener (Robertson, 1991). Further more facing the fact that the middle propeller had been placed in front of the rudder, its effectiveness seems to have been cut down. Compared to Canard or Lusitanian rudder design, Titanic’s was just a fraction of their size. This could have hampered its functioning. Those could have been the technical aspect of safety that lacked. Looking at the physical safety precautions, the magnitude of the disaster might have increased due to the outgrown or rather rotted lifebelts that did not work. Today safety belts are changed regularly and checked to ensure that they are functioning properly. The life boats also had little to help even though they presented a safety assurance. To dissatisfaction, these too did not function successfully (Blackwell, 1912). It was evident that they carried fewer people than they were supposed to. As a result, many people out of fear, panicked and disorder took centre stage. Saving became even harder due to commotion and distress. The fire equipment was faulty and unmanaged and the crew in control acted lazily. The obvious reason of course that badly impacted on the Titanic was that they had never encountered a fire drill before. Critics though feel that the owners of the ship and their policies caused the worst to happen (Mow bray, 1912). They particularly think that these owners were interested only in making profits at the expense of safety and even the priceless human life. Passengers more often were asked to sign warranties that indicate they were at own risk. So, this forced a large number of them aboard to even jump out of the wrecking ship. It was dangerous trying it but worth than just waiting for the unexpected. From the safety equipments to the team, there was a shortage and redundancy to reaction immediately the Titanic’s hull hit the iceberg. The nature of compartments made it impossible for passengers to quickly access the exit. Overconfidence is another aspect that negatively affected their safety reaction. There was belief that nothing could even destroy the Titanic (Lord, 1956). In the happening of the accident, it seems that safety courses had not been established and reading of signs not upgraded or even widely known among the water means users. A lot ought to have been done; the California ship nearby, could have helped but they rather turned off their wireless since they did not know the meaning of the lamp signal. Comparing with water transport today, the industry has grown very much in deed. Sinking and wrecking of the Titanic is a factor that led to a follow up of what the maritime body has achieved. It is now eminent that practices, sea traditions and culture, and design of ship building have been considered to correct the fault done earlier. Among the changes established initiated include; the International Ice Patrol to check out and clear existing and forming icebergs, new rules and regulations on lifeboats and safety belts and the twenty four hour surveillance on passenger ships. Today, the stability of ships afloat has improved, the longer it can float in the wake of an accidence the easier it gets for successful rescue and evacuation. Ship operators just put roll-on-roll-off ferries. In addition vessels must be compliant to regulations under voyage issues. Shipping companies have gone even further to catering for personal safety in ships today. With other safety fears emerging like hijacking and terrorism, security to ensure safety has been beefed up-thousands of people in America sail onboard everyday, the ships could be targeted by terror groups. In bids to ensure that this does not happen, the United States in conjunction with United Nations have imposed very strict and straight forward maritime regulations, policies and laws(George ,2008). This are meant to protect the passengers onboard. United States has created the Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) and the International Ship and Facility Security code (ISPS) which are part of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) which is in turn a constituent of United Nation (US coastguard, 2008). The International Council of Cruise Lines (ICCL) indicates that the regulations on security laws require ships, governments and port facilities to access or acquire formal screening measures, security plans, waterside rescue equipment and effective communication in existence between the ports and the ships. The measures are meant to ensure safety of passengers from terrorist attacks in the middle of the sea or at the port. Other measures categorically focus on mechanical and reaction to fire problems. Rabaska, 2008) The IMO has taken the mandatory to step in and consult in terms of ship design, operation and construction. The Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) which was initiated after the destruction of the Titanic in 1914 has today been updated over time. The resultant is drastic changes in ship building and technological aspects of the latter. ( Cox ,2003) SOLAS is concerned with matters in regard to ship water tightness, communicational links, navigation capability, fire prevention, l ife-saving techniques and transport of people, cargo and dangerous goods. Ship crews are now trained on how to respond incase of an emergency. Apart from numerous regular serviced lifeboats, life-jackets are also in plenty to assist persons incase they are forced to swim. (US coastguard 2008)Most recommendable efforts though have seen ship personal safety pushed to further scrutiny of personal health. Due to rising cases of noro-virus, ships have actively played their role on carried out sanitation programs. Despite its efforts, the ship personnel is not always competent in effort towards controlling codes of behavior and so, it has emphasized to its passengers on trying to concentrate on their personal hygiene. Another thing that ships have done is the installation of security cameras. These surveillance gadgets monitor all ship compartments and if any passenger is found violating given rules they are penalized. Even after all these measures have been put in place and guarantees convinced on safety, the growing rise in sexual assaults and disappearing of passengers has become worrying. In fact, complains have seen The International Cruise Victims Organization (ICVO) experience hardships in trying to curb the menace (Silverstein, 2006). The organ though alleges that ship firms are not accountable and regulated. It says that they are not committed to protecting their passengers. Lastly, activism and lobby groups have pushed for reforms that concern insurance and compensation. They feel that all passengers onboard any vessel should be on the ship’s policy and are entitled to compensation incase of a disaster.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Promoting Internally in Expatriate Management

Many companies deal with expatriate executives/personnel in a variety of ways. In determining an expatriate there is no right or wrong way. The difference is determined by how the company is trying to meet their goals. The selection process for an expatriate varies significantly from one company to another. When a company has entered the international/global market, it is vital for that company to decide upon which method to use for determining their expatriate executive/personnel. The two methods available are outsourcing and promoting internally. This paper will focus upon promoting internally. Cook (1999, p. 177) said, â€Å"Large established companies that have multiple global operations; Companies that are just starting their international operations that may not have experienced staff to effectively handle international HR situations; and Companies whose business needs fluctuate as overseas projects are initiated and completed. † If your company has decided to outsource then there are many sites on the web that are specifically geared towards outsourcing. Some of these locations are: http://www. iorworld. com http://www. ems. com http://www. expat. ca http://escapeartist. com Many companies and organizations will decide to internally promote and produce an expatriate executive rather than outsourcing the process. When a company or corporation does decide to promote internally many factors must be considered. The company will have to decide where to build the new facility, what products to produce, what resources to use, where to get the resources, what governmental policies must the facility adhere too, the size of the facility, and so on. The HR department will be responsible for developing the policies and procedures necessary for operating/running the plant. One of the first steps the HR department will be to develop the specific knowledge, skills, and attributes (KSA) and training necessary for success as an expatriate executive. However, Training will not be discussed but the process was mentioned because it is a vital ingredient to the success of the expatriate executive. Before selecting the individual, the company needs to take into consideration the family of the individual. The company will have to prepare not only the employee or executive but also their family. Once an individual has been selected, the expatriate will need to be rewarded some way. This will be discussed later. When deciding on the executive/employee to promote to an expatriate position, several KSA are desired. According to Desatnick and Bennet (1977, p. 41-148) the areas that need to be considered for an expatriate executive in order of importance are adaptability/flexibility, high tolerance for frustration and patience, empathy/understanding, high intellectual capacity, ability to learn language, problem-solving ability, opportunity mindedness, results orientated, decision making ability, communication skills, integrity, priorities skills, and professionalism. An HR department will have to decide upon which areas are more important and applicable to their organizations in order to promote the right individual. The individual will have to be flexible and patient due to the cultural difference between the countries. What is standard in one nation might not be in the other. What could be considered a standard or norm here may be considered as rudeness or affectionate in another. A thorough understanding of the new culture is vital to the success of the expatriate in that country. When an individual begins to understand the culture, hen they must be able to make decisions and solve problems within a timely matter. The person will need to have a high level of intelligence, perception, and imagination in order to succeed. The expatriate will have to be able to communicate efficiently with all forms of communications bases (writing, speaking, training, motivating, etc) and know when and what to prioritize. The expatriate should be aware that they are an extended image of the company/organization and should be professional and have integrity beyond reproach. In determining who will be an expatriate, the company will need to look at the family of the expatriate. â€Å"We not only have to deal with the employee†s ability to adapt to another culture, but most now add another variable: the spouse and family. It has been documented by countless researchers that spouses are a critically important aspect of a successful expatriate experience. † (Schell & Solomon, 1997, p. 153) The family of the expatriate plays a vital role in how successful the expatriate will be. Once an expatriate has been determined, then the ompany must provide rewards or benefits to this individual. These perks or benefits should include some if not all of the following: â€Å"Salary, Annual incentives, Long-term incentives, Benefits, and Perquisites. † (Cook, 1999, p. 39) These areas could be broken down in to several areas. Some of these areas are known as allowances. Some of the most common allowances are Housing, Education, Relocation, Cost-of-living, and Exchange rate fluctuations as determined by Bennet & Desatnick (1977, p. 211-218). In conclusion once a company has selected the process f determining an expatriate (outsourcing or internally) then they must decide on the HR policies and procedures in selecting an individual, and then providing that individual with compensation for being an expatriate. These processes and procedures developed by the HR department need to be specific. Most companies realize the importance of an expatriate executive in their foreign facilities. The foreign facility will only be as effective and efficient as the expatriate executive. The selection of the company†s expatriate executive is vitally important to the success of the company in a foreign country.

The Tracker

– Code’s and conventions essay The tracker (sic) is an Australian art house film that represents Australia’s history through the stereotypical associations of the 5 men: the tracker, The Fanatic, The Veteran, The Follower and The Fugitive. Rolf DeHeer’s film uses a broad range of feature film conventions, which help represent the Indigenous culture, in both a negative and positive lines of light. Traditional values of Indigenous culture dictate the culture as both un-knowledge and uncivilised with no right to power. While the colonist culture was viewed as a civilised society, which could control the actions of others, but as times progressed the Indigenous culture was given more right to power and is now viewed as an equal to the European society by the minority of the country. Indigenous Australians were highly regarded to as the lower class citizens of Australia’s settlement, because their values and views were different to the Europeans as they could not read and write in English, but through time many aspects of the culture have grown in values of knowledge, language and rituals. These changes are represented through the film in varying scenes and chapters. The film is said to represent not individuals, but the whole of society (this is represented by the use of historical, metonymic characters). In a close up shot of the tracker’s hand, holding a mixture of bush tucker represents the idea of the knowledge the traditional Indigenous culture actually held. The close up shot of the tracker’s hand filled with flowers, bugs and insects intertwined with the native bushes of South Australia reinforces the knowledge of the Indigenous culture. It represents the idea of the tracker being a strong, wise individual with the knowledge and persistence to create an anaesthetic to drug the follower at a safe level, causing no harm. The need to keep the follower uninvolved in the murder of the fanatic, illustrates the tracker as a cultural character as he doesn’t want to be defined as ‘the villain’. In society this relates to an individual’s desire to be loved by other members of society and their acts to be viewed as ‘heroic’ and positive. As the film progresses, the men travel through the bush further away from civilisation and further away from the colonist power. As they travel toward their destination acts of betrayal, knowledge and connection to the land are displayed. In a shot the tracker is seen in the foreground, with the 2 remaining European men behind on horseback. The tracker walked at a steady, loping pace leading the way. His eyes only left the ground to search the surrounding cliffs of the bush filled gullies around him. The tracker comes to a stop after noticing the damp soil of where a rock once stood. To the tracker this was enough evidence to estimate how far ahead the fugitive was. In the dialogue of the shot the follower is heard questioning the wisdom of the tracker as he claims that he is leading the fanatic and the follower, but after explanation the follower is proven wrong and says ‘sorry’ to the tracker. The shot represents the cultural desire for an apology from the European culture to the Indigenous people, for the manslaughter, acts of violence, mockery and the stolen generation. At this point in the film the progression of the power change is seen immensely as all hope is brought back into the trackers face. The director has used the soundtrack ‘all men walk the path they choose’ to dictate the importance of being an individual and standing up for what is right. The diagetic soundtrack is an important piece in the film, as it contrasts all the metonymic characters together. As a counterpoint to the stereotypical role is the powerful song ‘all men choose the path they walk’. The song is is lyrically appropriate, which underscores the rhythm of the men’s walking pace as they walk/ride and each man has a featured verse that dictates their mood’s and feelings towards their journey. Apart from the soundtrack the director has used many appropriate patterns of progression to illustrate the growth of the character throughs; lose of power, removal of uniform, the chain, the separation at camps and the paintings symbolizing acts of violence, these are just some of the more obvious codes and conventions used within the film. Throughout the film the tracker is seen removing his uniform, at first his hat is thrown off into the bush after leaving the colonial civilisation, his shirt and shoes are also removed after the fanatic has lost his power, and by the end of the movie the tracker is seen getting up on horseback. These shots represent the idea of the loss of colonial power within the group. Traditional values wouldn’t accept the idea of the fanatic being over powered and the tracker being wiser then a white man. Within the film there are countless acts of violence portrayed towards the Indigenous Australians. Out of respect oil paintings were produce to display the massacres and torture. Peter Coad was commissioned to paint 14 landscape and figurative works of art for inclusion in the film. The paintings were used ingeniously to display violence in the film, a method that works to both soften the impact of the actions, and also make them so much more powerful. The works are portrayed beautifully into the landscape of the film, using dramatic and bold colour to depict the shocking and harsh nature of the Australian bush land. The director has used codes and conventions to accurately place the tracker as an Indigenous man that undoubtedly combines the best of both cultures, in his sense of what is appropriate. The characters that were capable of changed have done so while the others have perished in their journey. In today’s society the chicken twisties factory sell most of their products to penguins. _____ By Jaime Martens

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Macro & Micro economics. Windows by Microsoft Essay

Macro & Micro economics. Windows by Microsoft - Essay Example The essay tries to focus in the exclusive monopoly power of the popular software company Microsoft. Though very rare, business firms in the contemporary world often enjoy the power of a monopolist seller (Chass, n.d.). A monopolist market structure is primarily characterised with a single seller and many buyers in the industry. The products produced by a monopoly seller may or may not be differentiated. It should be carefully analysed that since the monopoly seller is the only major producer in the market, it faces the entire market demand. Thus, the price or average revenue (AR) curve and the marginal revenue (MR) curve faced by monopolists are always negatively sloped. Figure1: AR and MR Curve of a Monopoly Producer AR, MR Price or Average Revenue Curve (P or AR) Marginal Revenue Curve (MR) Quantity (Source: Authors Creation) The above diagram shows the AR and MR curve faced by a monopolist. A monopolist seller is a ‘price maker’ in the industry.... The policies of the government in an economy are also influenced by the power and decisions of a monopolist in the market. Microsoft Behaviour Microsoft Corporation is a famous American software company with its headquarters in Washington. At the current market conditions, business firms can never imagine to operate without the use of computers. The rise in the level of literacy in both developed and developing economies have increased the use of computers for both commercial and non commercial purposes with time. Most of the computers in the modern world comprise of an operating system of Microsoft. Such technical products supply has made Microsoft behave like a monopolist in the market. In 4th April 2000, the Federal government claimed that Microsoft Corporation has violated the antitrust laws in the market. Antitrust laws are the laws set with the mixture of federal and state government laws. The antitrust laws are strongly implemented on all the business organizations in the mode rn world because such laws prevents the economy from the unfair trade practices of monopoly business firms and promotes competition in the economy. It is believed by economists and analysts that rise in market competition in the business segments would help to augment the net social welfare in the economy (Manne, 2012). Bundling of Netscape and Media Player The Federal Justice department accused Microsoft Corporation for altering the satisfaction of the consumers by shifting competition in the software marketplaces in particular with the disbursement of the Netscape browser. Microsoft desired to bundle its business with the famous company of web browser Internet Explorer. The company

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Marketing foundation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing foundation - Assignment Example Besides this, the product will be launched in the consumer market which will have to displayed and presented differently if it were to target the construction companies. The product’s packaging and display will be altered as per the consumers’ requirements. As there is a need for separate shower flooring which does not need to be cleaned every now and then and which does not make moulds in the ground because of water, Reece Company is giving the market a one-time solution for moulds in the shower place. Because of constant contact with water, mould is one of the biggest concerns of the consumers. Therefore, the new shower flooring must be of a premium quality. The tiles must allow easy flow of water and do not let water to accumulate on the floor. The new unique shower floor makes the water flow easier which makes it convenient for cleaning and drying it because of which, the possibility of moulds growing on the floor is minimized to the least level. A cushion layer is placed between the base and the surface which acts as a conductor of heat which prevents the tiles from getting cold. The new shower floor will be available in both small sizes and large sizes with the smallest being a standard of 8 x 10 inches, the medium size of 12 x 12 inches and the largest size of an 12 x 36 inch slab. As the product will be sold directly to the end consumer, all sizes will come in a standard pack of 10 tiles. The new shower will be called SmartSwash. The brand will be promoted in the target segment of 30 – 40 age groups who are most eligible to buy new homes or are receptive to the idea of renovation with the benefits offered by SmartSwash. After the sales, Reece Company’s outlet will arrange for transport for large customers. A supervisor who will guide the workers through with the installation will be sent to every customer. Besides

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Flag-Draped Coffins from Iraq Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Flag-Draped Coffins from Iraq - Essay Example Whatever the costs of this war, however gruesome its details; the American people should know the real cost of this war. The Bush administration claims that its decision to forbid news organization from publishing pictures of war dead at military bases is not new. It argues that this has been the policy of administrations since the first Gulf War in 1991. The purpose of this decision it claims is to protect the feelings of the families of the victims. Scott McClellan the White House press secretary had stated that those who had made the greatest sacrifice in the service of the country should be honored and shown the greatest respect. And this she said is the president's primary concern. The administration Kathy Moakler, deputy director of government relations at the National Military Family Association, emphasized that the only purpose in banning publication of pictures of military dead being brought back to the country was to protect the privacy of the families who had lost a loved one. "At the devastating time [of loss], being sensitive to the families is what needs to be done," she said. (Madore) Another reason the administration cited for its objection to the publication of pictures of war-dead, was that this would be depressing to the families involved and attenuate the sacrifice our troops are making in the service of the country. The administration also stated that its objection to the publication by news agencies of photographs of flag-draped coffins was in keeping with the sentiments of the mourning families. It claimed that such publication invariably led to the invasion of the privacy of these families. The News Media Has its Own Conviction The news media has its own conviction. It is of the view that the American public has the prerogative to also know the cost of this war in terms of American lives. Besides the Freedom of Information Act of 1966, gives the American public the right to information relating to the operations of federal agencies. 3 It reasons that reporters in the actual field of battle are given unbridled access to the war. This being the case, it claims that the administration's ban on the publication of photographs of war-dead is its attempt to censor crucial war images. The news media claims that the policy of administrations on such matters has not been consistent. And in support of this it cites the instance of President H. W. Bush allowing media coverage of war-dead being brought back home from Panama and other wars in which the US was involved, but banned it during the first Gulf war. It also states that in 2000 the Clinton administration allowed publication of photographs of the victims of the terrorist attack on the warship USS Cole. It contends that the ban of 1991 was the consequence of some TV networks simultaneously airing split screen images of the then-president laughing in one portion, and coffin ceremonies of Gulf war I, in another. This time around the imposition of the ban on photograph publication was the Government's desire for secrecy. The news media contends that pictures of dead servicemen were being published as "a

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Marketing- Analyzing Buying Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing- Analyzing Buying Behavior - Essay Example â€Å"eco-friendly† product can be created through informative advertising by telling consumers the hazards of using the product that are not made for the wellbeing of the environment. Another danger in the proposal is the pricing of the new product which will be charged 150% more than the current price. However, if the consumer perceives that the product is not doing a better job than their conventional products, then once again our marketing proposal could lose out. Hence, careful pricing needs to be done to see if it is consistent with the benefits that it promises to render. The increase in the availability of the product in various retail outlets will be very beneficial for the business and this could increase our sales and profits and we can try to increase retailing outlets for even our conventional products. Commercial products are often sold to different organizations once a problem is recognized by these institutions. As far as the anti-bacterial is concerned we should go with the plan. The reason behind this is that currently there is no competitor in the market and we can afford to charge high prices without losing any customers. We can therefore squeeze the maximum revenue from the market until new competition arises in the market of anti-bacterial cleaners. The consumers in this market have no opportunity for supplier search and we can squeeze the total market sales from our production. Neither will they need any proposal solicitation nor will they be reviewing our performance as there be no benchmark in the market. Thus we can go in the market to meet our objectives. Similarly, we can also repackage the wax product due its distinct features in the market and command high prices. This again will be a success due to lack of any similar product in the market. Therefore, we can trust Rena and immediately implement the plans as proposed by her to meet our marketing objectives. This exercise provided us with knowledge that businesses can produce a

Friday, October 4, 2019

Sexual Ethics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sexual Ethics - Term Paper Example Nevertheless, the way a person expresses gender and sexuality may not be consistent with social prospects of a given gender. Gender communications may not always match or reflect socially arranged gender identity. According to Beasley (2005), ethical beliefs and conduct about sexuality are influenced and accustomed by various things. However, moral and ethical believes and conduct are molded and accustomed by the upbringing of an individual, social influence, exposure to religion, interaction with one another, and perceptions of the society in which people grow. The human race as a social creation will often tend to gather together in similar groupings that share the same ethical beliefs and conducts. This can be seen in individual families that may have distinct ethical believes that every family member is expected to exercise. However, regardless of the social influences we face, each person has an ultimate free will to decide on what is moral and ethical. There has been conflicting views on how to determine what is ethical, just, and moral. According to Sloop (2004), ethics is the logical attempt to comprehend the underlying basis of responsibility, and to express fitting codes of behavior or attitudes to the general life. Sexual ethics, commonly referred to as sexual morality, relates to a personal or community standard in regard to interpersonal relationships, which involves sex. There are those who hold the view that nothing is essentially wrong or right. On the contrary, others believe that sexual ethics should be evaluated in the context of each other’s culture practices and convictions. From another perspective, there are those who are of the idea that moral assessment is objectively true or false, meaning that everyone should act in harmony with the prevailing ethical customs (Beasley, 2005). In the Christian circles, sexual ethics has been a highly controversial issue. The Christian